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Thursday, January 17, 2019

Prayers for Christian Unity

Grace Episcopal Church
Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Grace Notes
17 January 2019

Tomorrow begins the “Week of Prayer for Christian Unity”, bracketed by the feast of the Confession of Peter (18 January) and the Conversion of Paul (25 January).  In prayer our focus is directed more toward God’s will that there be “one flock, one shepherd” (Jn. 10.16).  This is reflected in the reality that what unites as Christians is far, far more than what separates us.  What separates us relates principally to the “three D’s” (Dogma, Doctrine, and Discipline), whether or not we use this exact terminology. 
Dogma refers to what we consider to be essential to the faith, to salvation—something that is beyond argument and opinion.  For example, statements contained in the Creed are dogmatic statements, and whether or not a church uses the Creed the denomination may well believe and affirm what is stated in the Creed.
Doctrine involves statements of faith that are, in effect, explanatory.  Doctrine is about how things work.  For example, we can agree that Jesus has made atonement for our sins and then argue about how this works in the “economy of salvation”.  (E.g., does Jesus bear the penalty for our sins?)  A famous example involves the “righteousness of God” which is “revealed “through faith for faith” (Rom. 1.17)can be interpreted in ways that have been seen as core to the identity of being a Lutheran, a Roman Catholic, or a Reformed Christian.  Church identities have evolved around arguments as to what “righteousness of God” means, without reference to the reality that Paul may well be referring to “all of the above” in the list of disputed meanings. 
Our arguments about doctrine are more common than our arguments about dogma.  Doctrine is more associated with denominational identity.  But what we notice the most is differences surround the third “D”, discipline.  Discipline is about how we do things.  For example, can musical instruments be used in worship.  Can women be ordained?  To be fair, discipline reflects doctrine, but in looking upon brother and sister Christians of other denominations, are we in any position to determine who shall be saved on the basis of how they order their worship services?
What saves us is Jesus Christ and our identity in Him.  In this Week of Prayer for Christian Unity lets us especially recognize that our fellow Christians all seek to known and love and serve God, and to follow Jesus as empowered by the Holy Spirit.  When we can focus on this identity, what separates us becomes quite secondary.

Wrap up for the December collection for St Nicholas Parish, Paradise, CA.  

Right before Christmas we were able to send gifts to two families of St Nicholas parish.  One family is that of their priest, Pastor Ann Sullivan, whose house and belongings were lost in the fire.  We were able to send $500 of Bed Bath & Beyond gift certificates to help restock their kitchen and  replace their bedding.  We included  three $40 Kohl’s gift cards for their children.   We also sent $400 for an  older engaged couple who also lost where they were living.  They were quite poor even before the fire, living in rooms behind where one of them had worked.  They have been helped (by someone else) to rent an apartment, and also gained a roommate.  One of them had some belongings in storage, but they still needed help to make their space livable.   I believe the ornaments we sent are being shared.    Please see the thank you notes on the bulletin board in the narthex. 

Thank you all for your generous gifts (and to Mary Clabots for organizing the campaign).

An additional appeal for emergency help

Yesterday  it was brought to my attention that the Coast Guard is currently working without pay.  As you may know the US Coast Guard is under the umbrella of Homeland Security and during this government shutdown these honorable military personnel continue to work without a paycheck. These are indeed very unusual times and there is a great financial need for many. Perhaps many of us can recall (or still do)what is like to live from paycheck to paycheck and hope we have enough money to buy milk for our kids. While we can’t do a lot we can do something to help those who defend our coastlines.  There are 28 military personnel stationed in Sheboygan. 
Grace Church has been a generous giver to those in need as exemplified by the recent outpouring of gifts to the fire victims in California.  Could we also not help our neighbors  locally who continue to do their jobs without pay? 
I have contacted the Sheboygan US Coast Guard and have asked what their great need might be.  Food was the reply.
A donation bucket will be passed around at the annual meeting and whatever money you can give would be most appreciated.  If you use a check please make it payable to Grace Church and put Coast Guard families in memo area.  On Monday I will take our collection and buy grocery gift cards  for these deserving military personnel. An urgent response is needed.
Please give this your prayerful consideration.  Thank you in advance for your generosity.
In His Name,  Barb MacEwen
Grace abounds:  Please thank: 

§  Bob and Anne Hanlon, and Steve and Polly Schmeiser for the Sunday coffee hours.

Call for Contributions:  If you have a spiritual reflection to share, or want to point your fellow worshipers toward a resource, submit your contributions to Fr. Karl (by email) by Wednesday in the week of publication.

Don’t forget “Something Extra for Grace”:  Supplemental giving envelopes can be found in pews.  If you want to give something extra, please use an envelope to ensure that you are credited. 

Music this Week:  The Second Sunday after the Epiphany (Baptism of Our Lord)
                              Dr. R. Benjamin Dobey, Music Director

Prelude                           Duo and Adagio on All glory be to God on High   J.S. Bach        Entrance Hymn 135         “Songs of thankfulness and praise”                     Salzburg  
Offertory Hymn 339        Deck thyself my soul with gladness”        Schmücke dich 
Communion Hymn 488    “Be thou my vision”                                               Slane
Closing Hymn 542           Christ is the world’s true Light                          St. Joan
Postlude                          In thee is gladness                                           J.S. Bach

Parish Notices:
§  Annual Meeting Reports: If you are in leadership of any Ministry, please write a short report to be included in the Annual Report and send to nbeeck by Friday, January 18. 
§  The Annual Meeting: This Sunday, January 20, there will be one Mass at 9:00 a.m., followed by the Annual Meeting and Brunch at 10:15 a.m. in St. Nicholas Hall. The agenda of the meeting will include committee reports, new Vestry Elections, 2018 financial review and 2019 budget, review of Vestry actions and an overall review of the 2018 calendar. You are encouraged to make every effort to attend, as your participation is valued.
§  Call for Vestry Nominations: Vestry members are called to committed leadership for a three-year term, and are expected to attend twelve meetings throughout the year (once per month); as well as participate in parish activities, as able. Names of nominees must be provided to the parish office by January 20. You may nominate another person or yourself; call 452-9659 or email
Vestry elections will be held this Sunday, January 20 at the Annual Meeting.
To run for Vestry, you must be a qualified elector of the parish, which means:
Nominee is regular in your attendance on worship.
Nominee has received Holy Eucharist at least once in the prior year
Nominee is active in their support of the parish through a pledge or some other form of giving
Nominee is at least sixteen years of age.
Nominee must provide a brief biographical sketch which allows fellow parishioners to better understand nominee’s relationship with God and His Church.
§  Call for Diocesan Convention Delegates and Alternates: We are in need of 5 delegates and 3 alternates to attend and vote at Diocesan Convention. If you are willing to serve, please call or email the parish office. Delegates and alternates are determined by volunteer order. In the event that we have more than nine responses, we will vote on January 20 at the Annual Meeting. The 2019 Convention of the Diocese of Fond du Lac will take place on Friday, October 25 from 9am - 4pm at the Red Lion Hotel Paper Valley in Appleton, Wisconsin. The Convention will end with the Convention Eucharist at All Saints Episcopal Church beginning at 3:00pm.
More information can be found at:
§  John’s Gospel: Insights in the Original, Thursday evenings (7—8:30 p.m.)  To participate in this course will not require any prior study of Greek.
Participants will explore:
The Gospel of John using an interlinear bible, in which both the English text and the original Greek appear.
§  how to better understand what is happening in the gospel, and the message of the gospel, by gaining insight into how the original language is different enough (e.g., in how verbs work, in how what a “case” system for nouns reveals about what is being described) to allow us to see an otherwise familiar message in new lights. 
For more information, contact the parish office.
§  Parish Directory: A draft can be found on the Narthex table. If your information is current, please initial; if incorrect, please update directly on the draft.
§  Boy Scout Sunday: The Boy Scouts of America designates the Sunday that falls before February 8 (Scouting Anniversary Day) as Scout Sunday, to recognize the contributions of young people and adults to Scouting. Therefore, Grace Church will welcome Troop 801 and their families to the 10:15 service on February 4.  Please greet our Boy Scouts and let them know how much we appreciate their service. If you are willing to bring extra coffee hour treats, please contact the office; there will be a larger than usual crowd.
§  Ushers Needed: Ushers are often the first people seen by newcomers, visitors, and even regular parishioners when coming to Grace Church. People enjoy being greeted by a smile.  Contact the office at to become part of this ministry today.
§  Flower Schedule for 2019: Giving the gift of flowers is a wonderful way to remember a loved one or to offer thanksgiving for your blessings. If you wish to sign up for a specific Sunday, the Flower Schedule is available on the table in the narthex. More than one person can sign up for each Sunday.
§  Bible Challenge: Videos for all 52 weeks of the year are now available on Grace Abounds. If you take this challenge, you will find that in one year you will read all of the Bible! This will require less than an hour of your time, six days a week. A schedule of readings is provided on the parish website, along with weekly study summaries and a weekly video summary of the readings. If you need a good study bible for the challenge, contact the parish office. When we immerse ourselves in Scripture, the mantle of the Lord does fall upon us. We are equipped to discern God’s will and to lead others to know and love and serve the Lord.

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