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Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Advent and Human Flourishing

Grace Episcopal Church
Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Grace Notes
13 December 2018

Advent and Human Flourishing

Let’s not expend more energy in pointing out to people that “it’s not Christmas, yet” than we do in pointing them toward Christmas.  We may quite properly draw a contrast between songs of a “Holly, jolly Christmas” and the holiness of the incarnation of God, but in Advent we are to focus not only on the holiness to which we are called but on the holiness that we are called—that God counts us worthy to do His work.
Every person and every society lives by some conception of what it means to flourish as a human being.  Very often this meaning is inchoate.  Flourishing is described in terms of happiness, and happiness in terms of self-actualization, and self-actualization in terms that range from the accumulation of stuff to the accumulation of power.  The question people seek to answer is:  what constitutes a fulfilled life?
Ask yourself this question.  In formulating your answer what you will find is that the difference between faith and its absence relates to our frame-of-reference for a fulfilled life.  Is fulfillment to be realized/measured/experienced in this world only or do we look for fulfillment in a kingdom greater than this world?  Is human flourishing immanent (something that happens only here-and-now) or transcendent (something which extends into a realm beyond the here-and-now)?  The answer to this question is the answer of faith which we reaffirm in Advent:  that we await the coming of our Lord.
Let’s not poke fun (well, maybe not too much!) at those around us who in chasing after a “Holly, jolly ... ‘holiday season’” chase a mirage of happiness in consumption.  Let us, rather, take to them the answer to the question they ask in chasing happiness—the answer of faith, the experience of our Lord.  Now is the time to redouble our efforts to reach out to those who do not know God.  Now is the best opportunity to try to reach those who want something “special” in their lives, and can’t figure out why they can’t buy it.  Now is also the time to remind ourselves that Advent and life are both seasons of “not yetness”.  It is not yet Christmas.  The kingdom of heaven has not yet come.  But we await both, and we look forward to both in Christian hope, for we have the faith in which we know that whatever conception of human flourishing we may imagine, God will exceed our expectations.  Whatever conception of happiness we may seek, the joy which our Lord wills will exceed this.
Our Lord exceeds our expectations.  One reason for this is that our expectations are too small.  The buying of Black Friday or Cyber Monday involved not only those seeking bargains but those seeking “latest thing,” ignoring the fact that  (to paraphrase C. S. Lewis) whatever is not eternal is eternally out-of-date.  People of faith live not for a season, or for tomorrow, or for today, but for always, for what is eternal.
Watch.  Wait.  But watch and wait in hope, and let your hope and expectation be contagious.  Let those around you know that what they seek to consume they can only find when they “taste and see that the Lord is good”.

Grace abounds:  Please thank: 

§  Bill and Deb Gagin,  Jessica Ambelang, and the Sunday School parents for the Sunday coffee hours.
§  Pat Ford Smith for providing costuming assistance for the recent visit of St. Nicholas.

Call for Contributions:  If you have a spiritual reflection to share, or want to point your fellow worshipers toward a resource, submit your contributions to Fr. Karl (by email) by Wednesday in the week of publication.

Don’t forget “Something Extra for Grace”:  Supplemental giving envelopes can be found in pews.  If you want to give something extra, please use an envelope to ensure that you are credited. 

Music this Week:          The Third Sunday of Advent
                                      Dr. R. Benjamin Dobey, Music Director

Prelude                           Chorale Prelude on ‘Savior of the Nations, Come’ J.S.Bach
Entrance Hymn 59           “Hark! a thrilling voice is sounding”                      Merton
Offertory Hymn 75           There’s a voice in the wilderness crying”           Acension           
Communion Motet           Rejoice, O Jerusalem                                  Healey Willan
Communion Hymn 613    Thy Kingdon Come, O God                           St. Cecelia            
Closing Hymn 65             Prepare the way, O Zion            Bereden väg för Herran              
Postlude                         Prepare the way, O Zion                                Dale Wood

Parish Notices:
§  Donations for Paradise, CA: Being accepted TODAY for two families of St Nicholas Episcopal Church, Paradise CA.  Please put 'fire relief' on the check memo or on an envelope with cash. We are also sending unbreakable Christmas ornaments, with notes of prayer and encouragement.  There will be a designated ornament donation and information table in the Narthex; please leave ornaments there.
§  Christmas Flowers/Music: If you would like to contribute to the Christmas flowers/music fund for memorial or thanksgiving, please fill out the form inserted in this bulletin and place it on the offering plate or return it to the office by Monday, December 17.
§  Christmas Joy: On Thursday, December 20 at 11:00 a.m., interested members can meet in the church kitchen to assemble winter greens and flowers, bag cookies and then make deliveries. We need helping hands. Can you bake, make a delivery and/or help arrange? Please join us for this fulfilling and fun ministry to our homebound and elderly. They will appreciate it. Call Barb MacEwen (920.912.4505) if you have questions. The sign-up sheet can be found on the Narthex table.
§  Father Karl Schaffenburg will be travelling: from December 26 through January 1. He will be back in the office on January 2. During this time, the Church and office will be closed. In case of an emergency, please contact Mthr. Michele Whitford (920-918-1230) or Deacon Paul Aparicio (920-912-6009).
§  2018 Pledge Information: Those that intend to receive a tax credit for their 2018 pledge must have their final payment to the office by Thursday, December 27 for deposit. Please plan accordingly, as the Office will be closed from the 26th to the 1st of January. Payments can also be dropped in the Church mailbox at the 7th Street Entrance.
§  Sung Compline and Potluck: On the Feast of the Epiphany, Sunday, January 6, there will be a potluck supper at 6:30 p.m. followed by Sung Compline at 8:00 p.m. Compline, or night prayer, is a Christian service of worship dating back to monastic life in the Middle Ages. The choir sings The Office of Compline by candlelight; this is a beautiful and restful way to nurture one’s soul. The sign-up sheet for the potluck can be found on the Narthex table.
§  Ushers Needed: Ushers are often the first people seen by newcomers, visitors, and even regular parishioners when coming to Grace Church. People enjoy being greeted by a smile.  Contact the office at  to become part of this ministry today
§  Bible Challenge: Videos for all 52 weeks of the year are now available on Grace Abounds. If you take this challenge, you will find that in one year you will read all of the Bible! This will require less than an hour of your time, six days a week. A schedule of readings are provided on the parish website, along with weekly study summaries and a weekly video summary of the readings. If you need a good study bible for the challenge, contact the parish office. When we immerse ourselves in Scripture, the mantle of the Lord does fall upon us. We are equipped to discern God’s will and to lead others to know and love and serve the Lord.

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