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Thursday, November 2, 2017

Present Witness

Grace Episcopal Church
Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Grace Notes
2 November 2017

Today, All Souls’ Day (Commemoration of all Faithful Departed) and Good Friday are the only two days in the year when the clergy wear black vestments (e.g., stole) See for types of vestments.)  “But wait!”, you say, “What about funerals?”  While black has been used in past times for funerals (and is still used in some denominations), when we recognize that a funeral is, properly, a Mass of Resurrection, in which we participate in the birth of the deceased into new life, it becomes clearer that the funeral color (white) is the color of Easter, of celebration.  Black is for a requiem, in which we remember one who has died.  At All Souls’ remember all of the faithful departed.  At Good Friday, we seek to make ourselves one with Our Lord in the depths of His sacrifice.
At the Mass today we will certainly read out the names of faithful departed, but as we “commemorate” their witness, let us keep before us the fact that their presence is not just one “remembered”, but that we live in the presence of the faithful departed now.  We in fact celebrate this reality at every Mass, when we pray, “Therefore … joining our voices with Angels and Archangels and with all the company of heaven …” [we offer praises in our hymn of glory].  The kingdom of heaven breaks into this world in the sacrifice of the Holy Eucharist.  Those who have gone before us join with us in offering praise and thanksgiving to God.  The next time you remember a departed loved one, remind yourself that he/she is present to you now in the eternity of God’s kingdom.  Let All Souls’ Day be an occasion to celebrate and give thanks for the making-present of those whose witness has formed us in our own faith.

Don’t forget stewardship!  Our stewardship ingathering, at which we will bless all gifts offered, will be on Sunday, 12 November.  Please remain in prayer about how you are called to give to further the mission of the Church!

Grace aboundsPlease thank: 
§  Jessica Ambelang family for the Sunday coffee hour.
§  Tasha Crouse for lawn care.
§  Ben Dobey for gardening.
§  All those who helped during the parish cleanup day on 28 October:  Paul Aparicio, Randie Barrows, Dcn. Mike Burg, Sutton Cecil, John Davis, Bill and Deb Gagin, Jacob Imfeld, Leslie Kohler, Bobbie May, Elizabeth Schaffenburg, Mary Snyder and Tom Wright.  (A lot was accomplished!)

Special “Thank You’ s” :  A supply of Thank You note cards can be found on the table at the back of church nave.  When someone in the parish does something special, take the time to write them a personal note.  Also, from time to time, think about who you might want to thank for ongoing service, and let them know you have noticed!

Call for ContributionsIf you have a spiritual reflection to share, or want to point your fellow worshipers toward a resource, submit your contributions to Fr. Karl (by email) by Wednesday in the week of publication.

Don’t forget “Something Extra for Grace”:  Supplemental giving envelopes can be found in pews.  If you want to give something extra, please use an envelope to ensure that you are credited.

Music this Week:          The Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 26A)
                                       Organist:  R. Benjamin Dobey

Prelude                   Improvisation (Ps. 84, v. 2)                             George Oldroyd
          ”My soul hath a desire and longing to enter into the courts of the Lord.”
Entrance      401    “The God of Abraham praise,”                                           Leoni
Offertory      665     “All my hope on God is founded;”                                 Michael
Communion Motet   Lord, forever at thy side                                 Orlando Gibbons     
Communion 314     “Humbly I adore thee,”                                        Adoro devote
Closing        637     “A firm a foundation,”                                                    Lyons
Postlude                  Trumpet Tune in G                                       David N. Johnson

Parish Notices:
§  Compline: On Sunday, November 5th, at 8:00pm, the Schola Cantorum will be singing Compline which is the night time prayers said or sung just before retiring. It is a beautiful restful service full of candles and music and a peaceful way to end the day.
§  Operation Christmas Child – Christmas Shoeboxes: It is that time of year again! Our Sunday School classes will be once again filling Christmas boxes with items for the Operation Christmas Child ministry. This has been an extremely rewarding and fun ministry for our Sunday School children to be a part of. We can use your help to keep this ministry going by donating items to fill the shoeboxes. Suggestions for donations include toys such as toy cars, yo-yos, jump ropes, balls, toys that light up and make noise (with extra batteries), small stuffed animals or dolls, craft kits, school supplies of all kinds, non-liquid hygiene items such toothbrushes, mild soap bars, wash cloths, combs, and brushes. Items can also include accessories such as socks, hats, sunglasses, hair clips, jewelry, and flashlights with extra batteries. There is a $7 shipping cost per box which Grace Sunday School Ministries covers, however, if you’d like to sponsor a box or two, donations may be submitted to the office to offset this cost.  (Note: Toothpaste and Candy will no longer be accepted in 2017). Please drop off items in Ms. Nicci’s classroom. DEADLINE for items is before Sunday School class begins on November 12, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. when the children will be packing the items.  
§  Advent Meditations: Advent, sometimes called “Little Lent,” begins on December 3rd (First Sunday in Advent) and concludes at sundown of the Vigil of the Nativity, December 24th. For each day a scripture lesson will be provided. Those who participate will offer a brief meditation (up to 400 words) in response to the scripture reading. These meditations will be published in print and online, and can be submitted for attribution or anonymously. In addition, meditations can be read aloud on Grace Abounds, as part of our podcast series. If you wish to participate, please sign up for a day, and have all meditations completed and submitted to the parish office no later than November 19th. Sign-up sheets and scripture readings can be found on the table in the Narthex.
§  Stewardship: Sunday, November 12th marks the ending goal day for the parish stewardship campaign when we will bless all pledges received. Thank you to all who have pledged thus far. For those of you who haven’t, please make haste to return your pledge card to the parish office in order that the Grace leadership may have time to develop and present a budget which will allow the church to sustain and flourish in the coming year. Of course, we will welcome any and all pledges and gifts to the church throughout the coming year. There are extra pledge cards on the table in the Narthex.
§  Happening: The next Happening will be held at All Saints Episcopal Church, Appleton, Wisconsin, November 10-12, 2017. Activities begin with Check-in on Friday at 7:00 pm. Please eat dinner before you arrive. Participants must attend the entire weekend. If you are unable to stay on site for the entire weekend, then plan to attend the next Happening. Happening ends on Sunday, following a celebration service that starts at 2:00 p.m. Family and friends are encouraged to attend the service.
§  Happening is a unique Christian experience for youth who are in grades 9 through 12 as well as the adults who work with them. The weekend is a one-time experience of God and the way God can be a part of our everyday lives. On the weekend there will be singing, fellowship, surprises, prayer, fun and friendship. Individuals are given the chance to discover more about themselves, God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, their families and their world. Led by young people and adults who have attended Happening before, participants hear talks on many subjects and discuss in small groups.
§  Tripartite Thanksgiving Eve Worship: This year St. Dominic Catholic Church, (corner of N. 21st and Geele Avenue) will be hosting the joint celebration on Wednesday, November 22nd at 7:00 p.m. Please come and join the Tripartite Combined Choir and enjoy food and fellowship following the service in the PAC. The collection will underwrite the Salvation Army Emmaus Meal Program. The Tripartite will be providing the food and volunteers for the December 2nd Meal.
§  Thanksgiving Love Feast: On November 23rd The Blind Horse, in partnership with Love INC, and Plymouth Alliance Church will be serving a Thanksgiving dinner for those in need from 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. in The Blind Horse Winery. Seating begins at 11:00 a.m. and every hour after. Each group will have 45 minutes of delicious food and fellowship. You must sign up for your time by calling 920-400-0402. If anyone would like to assist with volunteering for the event please call Love INC at 920-783-6701.
§  Something Extra for Grace: Envelopes are available in the pews if you are moved to give an extra gift, beyond your pledge or regular plate donation, toward the life of the church. Gifts are tax deductible if you write your name on the envelope.
§  Horvats in Croatia: Aaron and Winnie, our missionaries in Hrvatska, Croatia, have sent us their Summer newsletter. Copies are available in the Narthex.
§  Love INC Monthly Bulletin is now available online at:
§  Grace Notes is here:  You can sign up to receive the blog every Thursday
§  Grace Abounds: Sermons, podcasts, the Bible Challenge
§  Like Grace Church on Facebook: @gracesheboygan
§  We Are on Itunes! Check out the new podcast!!!

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