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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Who is your King?

Grace Episcopal Church
Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Grace Notes
17 November 2016

In the 1975 movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Arthur, King of the Britons, can’t get any respect.  When a peasant asks him why she should do something he has commanded, and he tells her that he is the king, she turns to another peasant and says, “Didn’t know we ‘ad a king,” to which statement is received the reply “’E’s the one who doesn’t have [dirt] all over ‘im like the rest of us.”  (Actually, if you know the movie you know that I cleaned that up a bit.)
The concept of kingship, of rule, is one that can seem very foreign to us as 21st century Americans.  Why?  Because we like to think that we are in charge.  But, every part of Scripture makes clear that we are not in charge; that God is.  One way to appreciate this better is to understand how the title “Christ” is used.  I know some people who think that Christ is Jesus’ last name!  We certainly tend to use the title that way.  The title is just the Greek word for the Hebrew word Messiah, God’s anointed One, méshēach.  And in Hebrew, to refer to Messiah is to refer to power and rule.  When we understand this we can better grasp that in English we get a little closer to reality by rendering Jesus Christ as King Jesus, or Jesus the King.  King Jesus, the One who rules.
It is the universal rule of Jesus that we celebrate this coming Sunday, the last of the Church year, the Feast of Christ the King.  We are, in fact, under the rule of a gracious king who really doesn’t have “dirt” all over him, like the rest of us.  We can experience His immeasurable power.  Why we gather and how we “do church” has to do with a reality far above and beyond our routine for a given morning of the week.  It’s not about the format of the worship service—about what we read and sing, how we greet each other, how we gather.  How we do things matters, but why we do them matters so much more.  We gather to offer worship that we may participate in God’s life, in the reign of Jesus Christ.
We are freed in worship, in our relationship with God, in His reign.  We are freed from fear, from death.  We are freed from any need to jockey for power.  When we recognize God’s rule we experience His rule.  Yes, Jesus is our Savior, but He is also our Lord, our King!  When we recognize this power we no longer need to ever worry about how to “win,” for the victory is God’s.  It is God who gathers, God who shepherds, God who rules.  On the Feast of Christ the King, and on all days, may we ever look to Jesus as our Lord, experience His rule in our lives, and offer our very selves into the life of His most gracious kingdom.

Grace aboundsPlease thank: 
·         Dale Massey for providing transportation

Call for ContributionsIf you have a spiritual reflection to share, or want to point your fellow worshipers toward a resource, submit your contributions to Fr. Karl (by email) by Wednesday in the week of publication.
Energy Conservation!  Please treat Grace as your home.  If you turn something on, turn it off!  Don’t assume anyone else will lock or turn off.

Don’t forget “Something Extra for Grace”:  Supplemental giving envelopes can be found in pews.  If you want to give something extra, please use an envelope to ensure that you are credited.
Special appeal:  Later this Fall we will have a grounds cleanup day that will include ground cover and shrubbery trimming.  We are, however, overdue for major reshaping of shrubbery, and the arbor vitae which flank the church entrance are out-of-control.  Quotations for shrub reshaping and removal/replacement of the arbor vitae run into the thousands of dollars.  Major work will not be a 2016 initiative, but we are appealing for your donations now, to build a fund for work in the Spring of 2017.  Keep Grace beautiful!  Give “Something Extra”.

Music this Week:          The Last Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 29C)
                                      Organist:  Ben Dobey. 
Christ the King year C

Prelude   Chorale Prelude on O Lamb of God, pure, spotless   J. S. Bach
Entrance Hymn 544  “Jesus shall reign where’er the sun”   Duke Street
Offertory Anthem   Jesus, joy of man’s desiring      J. S. Bach
Communion Motet    King of glory, King of peace   Charles Walker
Communion Hymn 383  “Fairest Lord Jesus”  St. Elizabeth
Closing Hymn 494  “Crown him with many crowns”  Diademata
Postlude   Fugue in C Major  J. S. Bach

Parish Notices

Fund Raising Forum: On Sunday,  following the 8:00 a.m. Mass, we will conduct an adult forum to discuss ideas for fund raising in 2017. This parish will need to engage in purposeful and focused fund raising in 2017, and we want to share the wealth of ideas and experience of all members. This forum will be about ideas, what might work, what has worked elsewhere, how to …, etc.  Come and enjoy coffee and a lively discussion.

Ultreya: Cursillo Ultreya is a reunion open to anyone to attend and for those who have attended Cursillo. Sunday, November 20th at St. Paul, Suamico from 2-5 p.m. for fellowship, food and sharing stories of faith. Please bring a snack to share.

The Art of Neighboring: Next Sunday, November 27th, at 9:00 a.m. we will begin a short three-part course on how we can better reach out into our immediate community by using simple skills and methods of how to meet and engage our actual neighbors. This course will use discussion materials from a ministry of Dave Runyon and Jay Pathak, pastors in Colorado.  Dave Runyon was the recent headliner at the Fall event sponsored by LoveINC, and those who attended came away impressed enough to want to focus on practical follow-through.

When the lawyer asks Jesus “And who is my neighbor?” (Lk. 10.29), he is asking about an abstraction, the idea of neighbor. When Jesus answers him, giving the parable of the Good Samaritan, He takes the abstraction and teaches that our neighbor is this person in front of you. Our coursework will focus on the practical, on the persons who live around us and our duty to reach out to them.

Thank you! To all who donated both items and money for the Samaritan’s Purse Shoe Boxes. This a tangible way for us to see gifts given to children around the world and to celebrate a Merry Christ’s Mass through mission.

Emmaus Meal Volunteers Needed: The Tripartite Emmaus Meal will be December 3rd at the Salvation Army Center. The Theme of the Day will be Christmas, please wear holiday attire. We need three people from each church to set up from 8:30-10:30am. We will need 10 people from each church at 10:30-1:00 to serve the meal and greet the guests and clean up. There is more information on the sign-up sheet on the table in the Narthex.

Tripartite Thanksgiving Eve Worship: This year Grace Church will be hosting the joint celebration on Wednesday, November 23rd at 7:00pm. Please come and join in the Tripartite Combined Choir and enjoy fellowship and desert following the worship.

Thanksgiving Love Feast: On November 24th The Blind Horse, in partnership with Love INC, and Plymouth Alliance Church will be serving a Thanksgiving dinner for those in need from 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. in The Blind Horse Winery. Seating begins at 11:00 a.m. and every hour after. Each group will have 45 minutes of delicious food and fellowship. You must sign up for your time by calling
920-204-5111. If anyone would like to assist with volunteering for the event or providing pumpkin pies, please sign up at:

Put Christ in Christmas in a special wayLove for the Least, a Christian ministry working with believers displaced by extremist attacks in the Middle East, is making appeal for funds food, clothes, gifts, and children’s toys, as Christmas presents to those who have nothing.  Please make any check payable to L4L ME Advent Challenge, and bring this to the parish office before 3 December. For more information, please see the flyer on the notice board in the Narthex.

Holiday Parade: Grace Church will be selling hot coffee and cocoa, hot dogs, apple crisp, brownies, and popcorn, before and during the Holiday Parade – 5:00 p.m. next Sunday, November 27th. The money raised goes to outreach projects both near and far. Please come by the front of the church and enjoy a warm treat as you enjoy the parade, and be sure to bring your friends!

Youth and Children’s Choir: Youth and Children’s choir rehearsals for the Christmas Eve service are at 3:30 p.m. or 5:30 p.m., depending on your preference, beginning Wednesday November 30th, downstairs in the choir room. Additional rehearsals will be on December 7th, 14th, and 21st. The final rehearsal will be Wednesday, December 21st at 5:30 p.m. only. The choir is open to 2nd graders through high school, and will sing for the 4pm service on Christmas Eve. Please see the sign-up sheet in the Narthex.

Christmas Pageant Rehearsals: will now be held during Sunday School classes on December 4th, 11th and 18th.  Participation is open to youth of all ages.  The Pageant will take place during the 4:00pm Christmas Eve Mass. 

St Nicholas’ Visitation: St. Nicholas will visit Grace Church on December 4th at the 10:15 service. We invite all children to come and receive a treat.

Advent Lessons and Carols: On Sunday, December 4th, a festival of Advent Lessons and Carols will be offered at Grace Episcopal Church, beginning at 4:00 p.m.
The festival prepares us for the coming of the Messiah by following the scriptural record through nine lessons, each followed by a seasonal carol offered by choir and congregation. The choir will also offer seasonal anthems, and music will include Dr. R. Benjamin Dobey on organ. The service is followed immediately by a High Tea reception. Volunteers for food and clean-up, please see sign-up sheet in Narthex.

Meals On Wheels Christmas Cookies: Meals On Wheels volunteers will be delivering a box of homemade cookies to their clients again this Christmas season. (As many of you know, for some, this is the only gift they will receive). The boxes have already been donated, so now all they need are the cookies!  If you would like to donate cookies to their project, please call Maureen at Meals On Wheels at 451-7011. Drop off sites are in both Sheboygan and Plymouth and they will be packaging cookies on the December 20th. Your response in the past has been overwhelming and they cannot thank you enough for your continued support.

Salvation Army Adopt a Family Gift tags: Please take a name or two and follow the instructions on the table next to the tree. Please return all gifts unwrapped, with value attached, to Grace Church by Monday, December 19th.  Distribution to families will be Thursday, December 22nd. If you have any questions, please call Nancy Yurk at 453-9948.

Christmas (Castle) Sort and Shop: On Monday, December 19th (10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.) volunteers are needed to sort and organize all the toy donations.  This will be at 710 Pennsylvania Ave, Sheboygan. And on Wednesday, December 21st (10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.) volunteers are needed to shop for each member of the families using the lists provided by the parents. Sign-up sheets can be found on the table in the Narthex. If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Yurk at 453-9948.

Christmas Gifts Distribution Volunteers! On Thursday, December 22nd (8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.), you can assist local families pick presents from the Toy Shop. This gives those in need an opportunity to “shop” for Christmas presents for their families. This will be at 710 Pennsylvania Ave, Sheboygan. A Sign-up sheet can be found on the table in the Narthex. If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Yurk at 453-9948.

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We Are on Itunes! Check out the new podcast!!!

God willing and the people consenting

The Right Reverend Matthew A. Gunter
Eighth Bishop of Fond du Lac
shall ordain

Rodger Lindsay Patience
Amanda Louise Sampey
Michele Elaine Whitford

to the Sacred Order of Priests in Christ’s
One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church

Saturday, the seventeenth of December
 in the year of our Lord two thousand sixteen
 at ten o’clock in the morning

The Cathedral Church of St. Paul
51 West Division Street
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin

Your prayers and presence are requested

Clergy: red stoles                                          Reception to follow

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