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Thursday, June 23, 2016

A Directed Gaze

Grace Episcopal Church
Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Grace Notes
23 June 2016

Upon my return from a week at an icon-writing workshop I have had many ask if I “was able to relax”.  Far from it!  While I had understood that the retreat was not really time off, I had not expected how hard the work would be.  Over five days the actual time spent in labor was 59 hours, and the conditions included high heat complicated by the smell of egg tempera.  It was exhausting, but in the end an icon resulted which is at least credible as a first effort.  (I was ribbed about my eyepiece; hence the ditty appended below.)
What was particularly noteworthy was the contrast between those who approached the workshop as a learning experience only—as part of their own exploration of “spirituality” and art—and those who recognized that icon writing is a prayer, not art.  The latter group began each day with Mass and each work session with the iconographer’s prayer.  The latter group did seem to tolerate the adverse conditions better, and even joked about the “need to suffer”.
Whether or not you believe that suffering can be necessary, suffering can be redeemed when it is offered to God; when we can participate in Jesus’ suffering.  More to the point of what is intended in iconology, it is to participate in revelation, in little glimpses into the kingdom of heaven.  This is why, for example, in icons there are no shadows, for the light infuses the scene, and the highlights on a figure of Jesus (for example) are not of reflected light, but of light from within.  It is why an icon may be used in prayer.
The icon we each wrote (Our Lady of Perpetual Help) is quite famous, and currently subject of a decree of jubilee by the Roman pontiff.  In the icon Mary’s eye’s gaze up and out (toward God), while Jesus’ looks away to the cross.  The child in His mother’s arms looks, already, to the instrument of the redemption of creation.  May our eyes by directed both by those of Mary and of her Son—to God by and through the sign and symbol of His redeeming love.

Grace aboundsPlease thank: 
§  Mary Ann Neuses and Barb MacEwen for the Sunday coffee hour.
§  Bryan Stenz and Archdeacon Michele for their work in cleaning basement rooms to prepare for Grace Abounds ministry space.
§  Bobbie May for work in the garden.

Call for ContributionsIf you have a spiritual reflection to share, or want to point your fellow worshipers toward a resource, submit your contributions to Fr. Karl (by email) by Wednesday in the week of publication.

The Monocular Iconographer

The monocular iconographer
Endeavored to discern
A vocation of true vision,
But he had much to learn!
By humbling himself
In work, and in failures many,
That by imposed abasement,
God’s Spirit might reveal
A pattern in holy image,
And in holy zeal!

Music this Week:  The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 8C)

Prelude                          Andantino                                                    César Franck
Entrance Hymn 518        “Christ is made the sure foundation”  Westminster Abbey
Offertory Hymn 359      “God of the prophets”                                           Toulon
Communion Hymn 566 (1940 Hymnal)(words: 550,1982)
                                       “Jesus call us o’er the tumult”                          Galilee    
Closing Hymn 564         “He who would valiant be”                           St. Dunstan’s
Postlude                        Sortie in F                                                             Franck

Parish Notices

§  Elkhart Lake Chapel: We are in need of help for the following Sundays: July 17 & 31, August 7, 14 & 21 and September 4. This includes: picking up the box of bulletins at Grace Church, arriving a little early to open the buildings, finding readers for the lessons and the prayers of the people, lighting candles, greeting the visiting priest, various other tasks, locking up at the end and returning the box to Grace Church. There are instructions printed and several people who would be able to help if you have questions. Please sign up for a Sunday or two by calling the office at 452-9659 with dates you are available. Thank you.
§  Coffee Hour: Currently we have only one person signed up for the months of July and August. Please see the sign-up book on the table in the Narthex.
§  Lobster Boil: Once again, for the 24th year, on July 15 the Sheboygan Early Bird Rotary are offering a Lobster Boil. For more details, see the notice board in the Narthex or call Greg Burgett at 451-6264.
§  EfM or Education for Ministry: This class was created to help you find your vocation and ministry with a trusted group of friends. By studying scripture, history and reading other people’s writings, we discover more about God’s wonderful plan for our lives. The EfM class will meet on Tuesday nights starting September 13 at 5:30 pm. at the St Peter’s Church House, Sheboygan Falls. Interested individuals can contact Barb Drewry-Zimmerman at: or call 920-893-5189 for registration materials. Cost is $350 & scholarships are available. Registrations are due by August 1.  They can be mailed to Barb at: PO Box 67, Boulder Junction, WI  54512.
§  Like Grace Church on Facebook
§  Follow Grace Church on Twitter: @GEC_Sheboygan
§  Follow Grace Church on Instagram: @GEC_Sheboygan
§  We Are on Itunes! Check out the new podcast!!!

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