Grace Episcopal Church
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
Grace Notes
21 May 2015
Piggy-backing on the well-known and successful “Got milk?” image
campaign that The American Fluid Milk Board has for years used, can you imagine
a series of billboards around town with a “Got prayer?” message, accompanied by
information on how to pray with us? If
we were to pitch such a question campaign publicly, we could only do so when our
answer to the question would be a resounding “Yes!”
cannot reach out, we cannot convert the world, unless and until we are
ourselves reconverted to what it means to be in Christ. It’s not about membership in an
organization. Our identity as disciples
is in how we are bound to Our Lord and in how we are bound to each other. The biblical model of the Church is a Body, a
family. No one outside the Church will
have any interest in the faith except to the extent that they witness how the
faith makes a difference in who we are.
So let’s
get practical. Our seminarian recently
reminded us, in a sermon, of what a “remnant church” looks like—a church
focused on gathering with God, on offering intercessory prayer, on being the
Church and not worrying about what the world is up to except to the extent that
we are focused in intercession and evangelism.
We have to demonstrate our own conversion to others, so here’s the immediate
practical pitch: Do you have 30
minutes a day for prayer? We want to
put Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer in podcasts on our website every
day. To do this we need a dedicated
cadre who can first be trained, and can then (working from a provided document)
pray. We’ll record 30 days on prayer in
advance, so when the inevitable glitch arises, we can edit before posting.
first mission is the reconversion of the wider Church. We want to work to build a prayer community
online, in which people will be praying with you. In the near future (by Fall) we want to
expand this online resource into a live online resource, but for now we just
need people who can set aside time to pray.
So first
pray on you own. Pray about what God is
calling you to do, and how He is calling you to do it with others. Then come talk to one of the clergy about
what training will look like, and when it will take place. Then we can get together and start!
Grace abounds:
Please thank:
Barb MacEwen and Bernie Markevitch for
organizing and serving the Sunday coffee hour and reception. Thanks, as well, to all who provided food.
Pat and Wayne Sather, and Julie Davidson, for cleanup
following the reception.
John Davidson for reception room setup, and
Paul Aparicio and Scott Gedemer for take down.
Podcasts! Podcasts
are found on the website under “Media”.
You can also subscribe on ITunes or with RSS full feed at:
Call for Contributions: If you have a spiritual reflection to share,
or want to point your fellow worshippers toward a resource, submit your
contributions to Fr. Karl (by email) by Wednesday in the week of publication.
Memorial Day: Update on Memorial Day plans for Veterans
in Columbarium: Using obituaries, I
have identified 8 veterans in our columbarium.
I have varying amounts of information on each, but would like to be able
to post a paper listing which branch of
the service, years they served, what type of unit they were in, and perhaps
place they served if they were in a war.
If you have a veteran loved one who is in our columbarium and can
provide any information please let me know.
(Mary Clabots)
What if?
(Thoughts about ministry expansion—N.
What if
we had 10 unaffiliated people per week checking in to see what we and our
church are all about?
What if it were really simple and non-threatening to increase that number to 100?
What if it took just a little bit of trying to get that number up to 1000?
What kinds of things would happen if we knew there were 1000 people every week curious to know what it's like to go to church at Grace?
What if a ministry that is useful for in-reach could be a successful outreach ministry as well?
What if that ministry was simply a projection of the things we have always done, and intend to always do?
What happens if we take one of our strengths, and unique qualities (as Anglicans), like the daily office, and share that with the people around us?
What if some of those people thought that it would be worth their while to donate to the church as a charity, for their participation?
What if those donations could grow into a self-sustaining ministry?
What if the research shows that the generation known as the Millennials are hungry for tradition, are finding liturgy very useful in developing their faith, and searching for worship homes that allow for the immensity of God, as well as the quiet of God?
What if we are in a position, by happenstance or intelligence (God's, not ours) that makes us a perfect landing pad for Millennials, and others looking for a church home?
What if we had the tools to reach out into the community, county, state, nation, and world with the same effort across the board?
What if we had a focused goal, in ministry, as a church to bring the word of God to the world?
What if that goal didn't require sacrificing who we are, but instead reinforces who we are?
What if we are being called to do this?
What if...
What if it were really simple and non-threatening to increase that number to 100?
What if it took just a little bit of trying to get that number up to 1000?
What kinds of things would happen if we knew there were 1000 people every week curious to know what it's like to go to church at Grace?
What if a ministry that is useful for in-reach could be a successful outreach ministry as well?
What if that ministry was simply a projection of the things we have always done, and intend to always do?
What happens if we take one of our strengths, and unique qualities (as Anglicans), like the daily office, and share that with the people around us?
What if some of those people thought that it would be worth their while to donate to the church as a charity, for their participation?
What if those donations could grow into a self-sustaining ministry?
What if the research shows that the generation known as the Millennials are hungry for tradition, are finding liturgy very useful in developing their faith, and searching for worship homes that allow for the immensity of God, as well as the quiet of God?
What if we are in a position, by happenstance or intelligence (God's, not ours) that makes us a perfect landing pad for Millennials, and others looking for a church home?
What if we had the tools to reach out into the community, county, state, nation, and world with the same effort across the board?
What if we had a focused goal, in ministry, as a church to bring the word of God to the world?
What if that goal didn't require sacrificing who we are, but instead reinforces who we are?
What if we are being called to do this?
What if...
Music this week: The Feast
of Pentecost
Prelude Prelude on
‘Down Ampney’ R. Benjamin
Opening Hymn 225 Hail thee, festival day! Ralph Vaughan Williams
Sequence Hymn (Choir) Come,
Holy Ghost, our souls inpire Veni Creator Spiritus
Offertory Hymn 509 Spirit divine, attend our prayers Johann
Communion Anthem Come,
Holy Ghost Orlando Gibbons
Communion Hymn 508 Breathe on me, Breath of God Lister R. Peace
Closing Hymn 516 Come down, O Love divine Ralph Vaughan Williams
Postlude Chorale
Prelude on Come, Holy Ghost, Lord God J.
S. Bach
Parish Notices
§ Adult
Formation: we will conclude the six week course on the
nuts-and bolts of the Old Testament today, May 24th at 9 a.m. in the
fellowship hall.
§ Elkhart Lake
Chapel: The
Chapel opens today and will have services every Sunday through Labor Day
weekend. We are in need of help for each Sunday. This would include: picking up
the bulletins at Grace Church, arriving a little early to open the buildings,
finding readers for the lessons and the prayers of the people, lighting
candles, greeting the visiting priest, various other tasks, and locking up at
the end. There are instructions printed and several people who would be able to
help if you have questions. Please sign up for a Sunday or two on the sheet on
the Narthex table or by calling the office with dates you are available. Thank
§ Altar Guild: The Altar Guild is
a very important ministry in the life of the church. This is the team that gets
the vestments and the holy vessels ready for each service and then cleans up
after each service. As the deacon, I will tell you that this team of people enables
the clergy and people to worship in a seemingly effortless fashion. There are
several members of the Altar guild who are moving away. We are in great
need of a few more willing to take on a new ministry. This can be a
weekday, or weekend, there will be training and support in all areas. Please
speak with Claudia Fischer or Deacon Michele if you even think you may want to
try it out.
§ Summer Camp:
Diocese of Fond du Lac Summer Camp is for kids age 4 through graduating 12th
graders. Camp is an opportunity for campers and staff to learn more about God,
about community, about themselves and have fun! If you have questions about
what camp is like please call Michele at the office.
are available.
Senior Camp (completed
grades 9-12) June 14 (Sun 3pm) – June 20 (Sat 12noon)
Middler Camp (completed
grades 6-8) June 21 (Sun 3pm) – June 25 (Thu 5pm)
Junior Camp (completed
grades 2-5) June 21 (Sun 3pm) – June 25 (Thu 5pm)
KinderCamp (parent
& kids ages 4-7) June 25 (Thu 2pm) – June 27 (Sat 12noon) There are
application forms on the Narthex table.
§ Dinner and a Movie: Great Marriages is
sponsoring a movie date night, dinner is included. The Song
was named "Best Christian Movie" by the Plugged In Movie Awards. A
long-struggling musician (Alan Powell) finally hits the big time with a love
song he wrote for his wife, but sudden fame and temptation cause his life and
marriage to crumble. Friday, May 29th, from 6:30pm-9:00pm at Great
Marriages, 612 Center Ave, Sheboygan. The cost is $10/couple; $5/individual.
Please register on line at; EVENTS page.
§ Save the
Date: Thursday, July 23, 2015, 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM,
St. Nicholas Hall
§ Back by popular demand we will again host What’s it Worth Antiques Appraisal Event
Hosted by Mark F. Moran. (Contact Barb MacEwen to find out how you can help!)
§ 920-912-4505, More news to follow next month.
§ Follow Grace Church on Twitter: @GEC_Sheboygan
We Are on Itunes! Check out the new podcast!!!
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