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Thursday, April 16, 2015

Argument and Image

Grace Episcopal Church
Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Grace Notes
16 April 2015

“Ah, now you are speaking plainly, not in any figure!” (Jn. 16.29)  Jesus’ disciples at last seem to “get it” when they realize that He “knows all things”.  Clearly, He does, and His powerful personal presence has a impact on those gathered at the Last Supper, but the disciples’ statement can also be read as a complaint, i.e., that Jesus has not spoken plainly before.
In John’s gospel Jesus does not use parables the way He does in Matthew, Mark and Luke.  He tends to teach propositionally, stating what the truth is.  This contrast between gospel accounts may reflect how John heard Jesus, and translated all that He said into teaching founded more in faith statements.  But we need both faith statements and parables, for it is in the combination that our lives are affected more powerfully and permanently.
The most common form of Christian teaching many receive in self-study is apologetics and world-view based arguments for the faith. There are benefits, certainly, to being able to state clearly the propositions of faith (“This I believe.”), but one of the downsides is that the Christianity of the apologists can often take on a rather arid quality, in which faith becomes reducible to arguments and defined positions on specific issues. Worse, human beings themselves can become reducible to which set of propositional arguments they affirm.  This can raise barriers between people, and can allow us to construct our own mental walls between how the Christian faith is thought of in the life of an individual Christian and how it is lived out in normal, daily life where no one quite fits into ideological boxes quite so well as they do in study.
What Jesus does, however, when He does not “speak plainly,” but teaches in parables, is to hit you with image after image, quip after quip, and you are drawn into the faith.  You start to see the world differently, and discover new depths to the faith, turning over ideas or scriptural texts in your mind that Jesus has helped you to see in a new way.
When a reality can be presented in a way that resonates with the listener/reader on a level deeper than his or her mind alone, then reality is experienced in a far more powerful way than if a person is just bludgeoned over the head with arguments.   We cannot be reduced down to what we know or what we believe, and in His teaching Jesus focuses very much on who we are. He pulls us in, and helps us to see the faith not simply as a mere fact, but as something to love, as the experience of love of God and of each other.
In this Eastertide may we be so formed by our experience of the faith—by how we have been seduced!—that we will be seen in ways that will challenge any label anyone else wants to put on us.  Let our lives the so reflect God’s light that others may come to see faith not as just a set of beliefs and arguments, but as a reality that transcends all worldly ideas and arguments.  The Lord is risen, indeed!, and we’re the ones to show this.

Grace abounds:  Please thank:
§  Kevan and Traci Revis, and Steve and Mary Gallimore for the Sunday coffee hours.
§  Pat Ford Smith and Jane Hanson for help in the office.
§  John Davis and family, Ed Clabots, Bill and Deb Gagin, Paul Aparicio, and Troop 801 for cleaning and preparing All Saints Chapel for the upcoming season.

Podcasts!   Podcasts are found on the website under “Media”.  You can also subscribe on ITunes or with RSS full feed at:

Call for ContributionsIf you have a spiritual reflection to share, or want to point your fellow worshippers toward a resource, submit your contributions to Fr. Karl (by email) by Wednesday in the week of publication.

Postulant Update!  To my Grace Family, This past Sunday morning I shared an update of my discernment process at the 10:15 service. Over the past six weeks:
·         4 seminaries visited
·         8,000 miles traveled
·         8 vacation days used
·         12 days away from Grace during Lent
In the end, it has been determined that my formation should take place at Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria, VA. I interviewed there April 1st, received an acceptance letter last week, and will start there this August.
Thank you for all of your prayers and support. I wouldn’t be at this point in the journey without. As I said on Sunday, one answer now opens up a thousand new questions, and your prayers are still needed!! Over the course of the next three months, we’ll need to find renters for our house, decide what items will move with us (or be sold) into a 2-bedroom apartment, celebrate Kaleigh’s high school graduation, take part at General Convention in Salt Lake City for 2 weeks in June, leave my job, pack, move to DC, and then move Kaleigh into the dorms at Milwaukee School of Engineering. We are both so thankful for our Grace and Diocese of Fond du Lac family. Kaleigh is thankful that God has provided a way for her to start college and still have “family” close at hand even though her Mom is not. We are truly blessed by you all!
With thanksgiving,

Spring cleanup is this SaturdayWe will assemble at 8:30 a.m. and be finished by noon.  Breakfast snacks will be provided, as will lunch.  We will work rain or shine.  Bring a rake, trimming tools, etc. for outdoor work, or cleaning supplies for indoor work.  Thank you!

Music this week:  The Third Sunday of Easter

Prelude                                    Chorale on ‘Haec dies’                                                           Widor
Entrance Hymn 199                “Come, ye faithful, raise the strain”                                   St. Kevin
Gloria S-278                            Communion Service                                                              Mathias
Offertory Hymn 305               “Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our guest”                   Rosedale
Sanctus & Benedictus S-128                                                                                                 Mathias
Fraction Anthem                     Christ, our Passover                                                                  Hurd
Communion Motet                  Most glorious Lord of life                                                         Harris
Communion Hymn 343          “Shepherd of souls, refresh and bless”                               St. Agnes
Closing Hymn 194                  “Jesus lives! Thy terrors now”                                        St. Albinus
Postlude                                  Prelude & Fugue in G Major                                                     Bach

Parish Notices

§  Adult Formation: we will continue to offer a six week course on the nuts-and bolts of the Old Testament and how God’s Word continues to speak to us through this living testimony. Classes will meet on Sunday mornings at 9 a.m. in the fellowship hall, and will be facilitated by Fr. Karl.

§  Bake Sale/Plant Sale/Rummage Sale: Friday, April 24th from 12:00-3:00pm and Saturday, April 25, from 9:00-2:00, in conjunction with St. Luke Methodist rummage sale, Grace will be selling baked goods with proceeds going to Sunday School’s outreach projects. Baked goods will be accepted by anyone who would like to bake: pies, breads, muffins, cookies or anything you would like to donate. Baked goods can be dropped off at the church anytime before Friday at noon. We will be once again selling plants from our cutting garden. Proceeds go to maintain the garden. Grace will also have a small rummage. Please bring your items pre-priced. The proceeds will go to Grace Church fund raising. Please contact Jessica Ambelang if you have questions.

§ Spring Cheer: is coming to the parish elderly and shut ins on Thursday, April 30. We will meet in the kitchen at 11:00 to assemble bouquets of daffodils and bags of cookies. Won't you join us and plan on making a delivery or two? Sign up sheet for delivery and cookie baking is on the table in the narthex. Our home bound parishioners and elderly will appreciate you!  Thank you for volunteering.  Questions?, please call Barb MacEwen at 467-6909.

§  Bishop’s Visitation: May 17th we welcome Bishop Matthew Gunter for his first visitation. The Bishop will preach and celebrate at both 8 and 10:15 services. We will have a First Communions celebration at 8:00am. We will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation and First Communions at the 10:15 am service. Please join us for a gala reception to welcome Bishop Gunter and honor the Confirmed. Please sign up to bring sweets and savories and to clean up.

§  Summer Camp: Diocese of Fond du Lac Summer Camp is for kids age 4 through graduating 12th graders. Camp is an opportunity for campers and staff to learn more about God, about community, about themselves and have fun! If you have questions about what camp is like please call Michele at the office. Scholarships are available.
o   Senior Camp (completed grades 9-12) June 14 (Sun 3pm) – June 20 (Sat 12noon)
o   Middler Camp (completed grades 6-8) June 21 (Sun 3pm) – June 25 (Thu 5pm)
o   Junior Camp (completed grades 2-5) June 21 (Sun 3pm) – June 25 (Thu 5pm)
o   KinderCamp (parent & kids ages 4-7) June 25 (Thu 2pm) – June 27 (Sat 12noon) There are application forms on the Narthex table.

§  We Are on Itunes! Check out the new podcast!!!

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