Grace Episcopal Church
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
Grace Notes
3 April 2014
Yesterday was the feast of James
Lloyd Breck (d. 1876), “The Apostle of the Wilderness” in The Episcopal Church. A Philadelphia native who became a missionary
following his exposure to the pastoral devotion, liturgical concern, and
sacramental emphasis of William Augustus Muhlenberg (d. 1877, feast 8 April),
Breck (together with three classmates from The General Theological Seminary)
was the founder of Nashotah House.
It was through the missionary
efforts centered on Nashotah House that our parish was founded, and it is
therefore appropriate that in remembering Breck we consider how his witness
challenges us. In the brief biography of
Breck found in Lesser Feasts and Fasts,
the missionary outreach from Nashotah House is described as involving “...
probably for the first time since the Revolution, Episcopal missionaries [as]
the first to reach the settlers.”
What would we write about
Episcopal missionaries, missionaries from Grace Episcopal Church, now? What mission work are we engaged in? The are parish members who are good about
inviting friends and acquaintances to come and worship with us. We do engage in outreach in service
ministries, and when people come to us for help they are always invited to
worship. But these invitations are to
have people join us here, in our own parish.
What are we doing to go to them?
How are we reaching out, beyond the service ministries we engage
in? Are we spearding the message of the
Mission is about more than
invitation. It involves seeking
people. The missionaries from Nashotah
House who gave birth to Grace Episcopal Church did not come to Sheboygan to
invite people to worship with them at Nashotah House. They came to bring the Gospel here. How are we to take the Gospel to those who do
not know Christ, both in Sheboygan and elsewhere?
The Vestry have been challenged to
think and pray about what mission outreach we are called to as a parish. All of us may think and pray about this. It can involve local initiatives. It can involve an annual mission trip to
another area. It can involve multiple
small initiatives or a big, challenging one.
Ask God what He is calling us to do in spreading the saving message of
His Kingdom.
Grace Abounds: Please thank:
Mary Snyder for the Friday night Lenten supper.
Dannie Wilson, and Zach and Dee Whitford for the
Sunday coffee hours.
§ John
Davis and Pat Ford Smith for leading the Friday meditations at our Lenten
Call for
Contributions: If you have a spiritual reflection to share,
or want to point your fellow worshippers toward a resource, submit your
contributions to Fr. Karl (by email) by Wednesday in the week of publication.
What about Noah (the film)? YOu may have heard the debate over how
faithful to the Bible the film is. The
debate misses the point. The source
material is not biblical. This review makes it clear that the film is
not really based on the Bible at all,
but in Gnostic:
Music this week:
Psalm Prelude (Psalm 130, v. 1) Herbert
of the deep have I called unto thee, O Lord.
Judica me Deus Plainsong
Give sentence with
me, O God, and defend the cause of my soul
the ungodly people: deliver me from the deceitful and wicked man; for
thou, O Lord, art my God, and my strong
Psalm: O send out thy light and thy truth, that they
may lead me: and bring me
thy holy hill, and to thy
Antiphon: Give sentence with me, O God…
Tract: Psalm 129 (choir)
Offertory Hymn 665
All my hope on God is founded Michael
Comm. Motet Jesu, the very thought of thee Thomas
the very thought of thee
sweetness fills the breast;
sweeter far thy face to see,
in thy presence rest.
voice can sing, no heart can frame
can the memory find,
sweeter sound than Jesus’ Name,
Saviour of mankind.
our only hope be thou,
thou our prize wilt be;
thee be all our glory now,
for eternity.
12th and 15th centuries, trans. Edward Caswall
Communion Hymn 508
Breathe on me, breath of God Nova
Closing Hymn 457
Thou art the Way St. James
Postlude Prelude on the Old 136th
Psalm Tune Charles Wood
Stations of the Cross: Tomorrow, Friday April 4th, the youth of
Grace is hosting the Friday night Stations of the Cross. Our rendition is
decidedly outside-the-box. We are using scriptures, prayer, reflection,
discussion, and movie clips to bring the stations into a whole new light. The
first time I experienced the stations this way, it changed me. I hope you can
come and find something new or altering, or to have new life given to the
stations you've known for years. I love the Stations of the Cross. I love many
of the varieties through which we experience it, but this is unique. I highly
encourage you to come.
I should also mention that because
of the format of our presentation, we are switching the schedule around. We
will meet and have dinner right away at 5:30pm and begin the stations
immediately afterward.
Thank you, Nick
Parish Notices
§ Stations
of the Cross, Simple Suppers and Teaching: This Friday Stations of the Cross will be a little bit different.
We will begin with dinner at 5:30pm and then we will gather in the church for a
youth led Stations of the Cross that will include multi-media program that
follows Jesus’ passion. This will include scripture and film clips. Please sign
up to attend on the sheet in the Narthex so enough food will be prepared. Thank
§ Metropolitan
Opera: The Metropolitan Opera
production of Giacomo Puccini’s classic La Boehme will be broadcast live
on Saturday, 5 April. We will gather at 11:45 a.m. at the Marcus Cinema,
and enjoy a light meal together afterward. Talk to Fr. Karl if you are
interested and need more detail, or just show up! La Boehme is one
of the most famous and tuneful of all operas, and this new production will
feauture the Metropolitan Opera debut of one of today’s most celebrated
sopranos, Anita Hartwig. For a sample from rehearsal see
§ Violin
and Organ Concert: On Sunday, 6
April, at 4:00pm we will enjoy a concert
of music for violin and organ, performed by The Gough Duo of the United
Kingdom, praised in American Record Guide for “spectacular playing” and
“wonderful” music. For details of their repertoire see The concert is
free. There will be a Gala reception
afterward in St. Nicholas Hall. A free will offering will be gratefully
§ Spring
Clean-up! We will gather for
Spring clean-up on Saturday, 12 April. This will allow us to get the
parish in top shape before the start of Holy Week. Please sign up to work
on the indoor crew, which will focus on cleaning and painting, or the outdoor
crew, which will focus on garden and grounds clean-up. In the event of
bad weather, the outdoor clean-up will be rescheduled, but the indoor crew will
meet. The day will begin at 8:30 a.m., to be concluded by 12:30
p.m. Morning snacks will be provided. If you can’t help with
clean-up, sign up to provide help with the lunch that will conclude the
effort! Contact the office to sign up.
§ Stay Connected! There are many
ways to stay connected and find all the latest announcements. Grace Church can
be found by “liking” us on Facebook. You can also sign up for the Grace Notes
blog at on the right hand side there is a place to
sign up and receive the blog by email. You can find the Grace Church website at
At the end of each bulletin there is QR code that you can scan with your smart
phone and it will take you directly to the website. If you have an email
address you can receive the Angelus electronically and save the church some
printing and postage costs as well as receive any gentle reminders that may pop
up between Angelus publications. If you have questions about any of these
things please call the office.
§ Abuse Prevention Training: In the coming
months, there will be opportunities to work with our youth as well as those
from around the area and Diocese. Among these opportunities will be our
parish hosting the Diocesan Middle School kids for New Beginnings. The Diocesan
office provides Abuse Prevention Training for all adults to help us better
identify situations that could be troublesome. A flyer with details of
who should take courses and hot to enroll can be found here. If you are interested or have questions, please talk to Fr. Karl, Dcn.
Michele, or any member of the Vestry.
§ Bishop
Consecration Volunteer Opportunities: Voices in all ranges are requested to sing with the choir. Music will be
available in advance and there will be a rehearsal from 8:30-10:00am on
Saturday morning. Please bring along a choir robe if you have one. There are
many other volunteer opportunities on Friday and Saturday including greeters,
collecting vessels arriving from congregations, helping with refreshments on
Friday and the reception on Saturday, being a gofer or being an usher. Please
go to
Click the purple volunteer button to see times and descriptions. Or ask Michele
about the many ways you can be included in this historic event.
§ All Saints' Chapel Ownership - Sunday services
at All Saints' Chapel will continue to be a shared ministry this year which
means volunteers will be needed to have ownership of opening and closing the
chapel. A sign-up sheet is located in the Narthex. If you have questions
regarding responsibilities, please ask any member of the Vestry.
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