Grace Episcopal Church
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
Grace Notes
24 April 2014
Alleluia! The Lord is risen! Over the past week we have done a lot of work,
the “work of the people” (liturgy). Our
new bishop has offered his own reflections on how liturgy involves children,
and these dovetail nicely with what was offered in the Easter sermon on how our
five senses point to a greater reality beyond them.
The bishop’s comments are found here:
The Easter sermon is found here:
But wait! There’s more! Contemporaneous with these offerings is the
submission on small groups (below) from Barb Drury-Zimmerman, arising in the
context of the Education for Ministry course meetings in the parish. Notice the equation here? Liturgy involves the active participation—in
the Spirit—of all worshippers, and life in the Spirit involves reaching out to
each other.
Small Groups
Ministries: Being part of a small group is
being part of the body of Christ. When
we are comfortable with each other we then have the courage to tell each other
prophecies or what we see someone else doing or how we understand
something. This deep sharing of our
souls can only come about through the love we have for each other. We feel safe and we can honestly share our
successes and failures. I was able to
share my personal growth in praying extemporaneously that afternoon with dear
friends whose child has sustained a severe injury. I not only prayed aloud with them, but could
just hug, listen and love them for it was not me that was there, but I represented
Jesus and was trying to show His love and hope for them. I could also share [in EfM] that being
able to do it that day was not something that I had always been doing. There have been many times in my past that I
did not listen to God telling me to go, pray, listen or offer hope and love. I have grown in my ability to be able to do
this, because I not only know that God wants me to do it, but I know that my
close friends will be there to support me in it, no matter what it looks like.
Jesus had a small group of trusted friends,
who He could share his life with, and He didn’t send each disciple out by
themselves to minister. The strength we
get from each other is crucial to our growth in our Christian walk. God did not call solitary Christians, but
called each one of us to be part of families, small intimate groups and faith
communities. We grow as we become an
active part and not just an occasional
“pew sitter”. Relationships are
never easy, take consistent time, but they are worth all the effort we put into
them. They sustain us, love us and help
show us the way that God wants us to go.
What is holding you back from being part of a small group? Need help in finding one? I am sure that there are many people in
church leadership that can help you. I
pray that you take this first step, which is forged with courage, but always
know that God is leading the way & holding your hand. With God being there, we need to trust Him
and not rely on ourselves. May this
Easter season find you taking that first step. ―Barb Drury-Zimmerman
Grace Abounds: Please thank:
The Altar Guild.
In addition to acolyte master Scot Fabiano, our acolyte crew put in
yeoman duty throughout multiple services.
Please thank: Austin Barrows,
Beth, Emily and Rachel Boland, Ben, Dee and Tasha Crouse, Kaleigh Kraft, and
Dustin Yang.
Ben Dobey and the choir!
The deacons, for all of their extra ministries
(including Dcn. Mike’s pyromania!)
The decorating crew: The splendid flower arrangements and
decorating were effected by Barb Drury-Zimmerman, Bobbi and Kaleigh Kraft, Bernie
Markevitch, Mary Snyder, and Bryan Stenz.
The Easter luncheon was set up by Jessica
Ambelang, Barb MacEwen and Bernie Markevitch, with clean-up managed by Paul
Aparicio, and Bill and Deb Gagin.
§ Wine
for the Easter luncheon was donated by Terry and Mary Kohler.
Call for Contributions: If you
have a spiritual reflection to share, or want to point your fellow worshippers
toward a resource, submit your contributions to Fr. Karl (by email) by
Wednesday in the week of publication.
Music this week:
Prelude Prelude on ‘Haec dies’ Vintner
Entrance Hymn 193 “That Easter day with joy was
Mass setting Communion Service Mathias
Offertory Hymn 206 “O sons and daughters, let us sing”
Communion Motet This
joyful Eastertide Wood
Communion Hymn 209 “We
walk by faith, and not by sight”
Closing Hymn 189 “He is risen, He is risen”
Postlude Fugue
on ‘O filii et filiae’ Langlais
Parish Notices
§ Sunday
School Bake Sale: Saturday, April
26, from 9:00-2:00, in conjunction with St. Luke Methodist rummage sale, Grace
will be selling baked goods with proceeds going to Sunday School’s outreach
projects. Baked goods will be accepted by
anyone who would like to bake: pies, breads, muffins, cookies or anything you
would like to donate. Baked goods can be dropped off at the church anytime
before Friday at noon.
§ Christian
Formation Schedule for May: 4 May
Rector’s forum: An open forum for questions about the Church, the parish,
the faith.
- 11 May: Care and Share: Small group ministries formation and
- 18 May: Biblical Reflections: Meditations/reflections will be
offered on the Sunday lessons for all Sundays in May, as prepared by Mary
Massey, Jane Hanson, Mary Snyder and Connie Schneider, for use in small
group discussions. The meeting will be facilitated by Dcn. Michele
- 25 May: Small groups: Such as Care Givers, Galatians and other
existing ministries.
§ All
About Camp: A special event will be
held Sunday, May 4 from 2-5 p.m. at All Saints Episcopal Church in Appleton. It
is for youth who have been to camp, those who have never been to camp but want
to learn more about it, for parents with questions about camp, and anyone else
who wants to find out what Summer Camp is all about. Many of the 2014
counselors will be there. There will be food, games, arts & crafts. For
questions, contact Canon Tony Walter at or at 920-284-7967.
§ Stay Connected! There are many
ways to stay connected and find all the latest announcements. Grace Church can
be found by “liking” us on Facebook. You can also sign up for the Grace Notes
blog at on the right hand
side there is a place to sign up and receive the blog by email. You can find
the Grace Church website at At the end of
each bulletin there is QR code that you can scan with your smart phone and it
will take you directly to the website. If you have an email address you can
receive the Angelus electronically and save the church some printing and
postage costs as well as receive any gentle reminders that may pop up between
Angelus publications. If you have questions about any of these things please
call the office.