Grace Episcopal Church
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
Grace Notes
18 July 2013
Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité. The motto (Liberty, Equality, Brotherhood) of the French Revolution may be remembered this week (last Sunday was Bastille Day) as an ironic remark on the fact that frame-of-reference matters. We can look at life and the world, at society and our part in it–indeed, at the order of creation–from the perspective of how God reveals His will to us, or from a self-centered reference point, a wholly human perspective. The latter approach is what happened in the French Revolution, and in similar movements of mass actions, such as Soviet Communism and National Socialism. And look at the results: mass terror; the wreck of society; the persecution of faith.
A wholly human perspective is one from which faith is abhorred, because to have faith we have to believe in something outside of ourselves. The world tells us to look inward and find truth, or that there is no such thing as truth. (Pontius Pilate!) Jesus reveals that He is the Truth (John 14.6). When we have faith in ourselves only we construct a form of self-worship–like the Cult of Reason of the French Revolution–and then the “checks and balances” of the order of creation disappear. “Reason” becomes murderous because it is not balanced by a non-rational reality like love.
July has never been a good month for monarchs. Besides Bastille Day the month includes the anniversaries of the murder of the Russian imperial family in 1918 and of our own declaration of independence. Bastille Day and the Soviet Revolution recall reason gone mad, so what prevented a similar madness in the American Revolution? There were some aspects of persecution, resulting in the flight of many Tories (including a large proportion of Anglican clergy) to Halifax, but in America there was no systematic persecution of those identified with the old regime. The reason relates to frame-of-reference. In the Declaration of Independence the Founders made explicit appeal to an external standard, to the “Laws of Nature and ... Nature’s God”. This is not really the same thing as invoking God, but it’s a very good start to say that truth must be sought outside of self.
As Christians we must always test our own actions and our own consciences against the truth that God has revealed to us. God reveals His will in Scripture, in how we discern God’s will in the order of creation (“Reason”), and in Tradition, the discernment of doctrine by the universal Church. When we look to this revelation, then we can live in true liberty; we are equal before God; our brotherhood is complete and perfect as members of the same Body. The truth will make you free (John 8.32).
Grace Abounds: Please thank the Pranges for a wonderful coffee hour. Please thank Bobbie May and Elizabeth Schaffenburg for weeding in the garden and around the parish. Please than Bernie Markevitch and Barb MacEwen for providing the lunch for the meeting of clergy of the deanery.
Calling all students of New Testament Greek! If you are interested, we need to order materials by 19 July. The cost is $100, but liberal scholarships are available, based on need. The new class will form on Thursday, 5 August, and will meet every Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m.
Faith Alive: On Saturday morning during the weekend, there are going to be 7 or so coffees at various parishioners’ home. You will be getting an invitation to join a 90 minute coffee with 5-10 other Grace members in the area. A visitor or two will be there leading the session. While it would be wonderful for you to contribute, you are free to just listen. Past experience indicates for some it's high point of the weekend.
Episcopal Youth Community: Grace and peace to you, brothers and sisters. Yesterday, I came across a comment on the internet that was very thought provoking for me. The quote was "Why is Original Grace such a difficult concept?"
Yes, why? We seem to be able to accept the idea, even if we don't adhere to the dogma, of Original Sin. It's easy to see that we are bad. It's easy to see the dirt and grime, and it's hard to see the cleanness, goodness, pureness of the world we inhabit. Beyond that, it's hard to see those things in each other. And even beyond that it's hard to see those things in ourselves.
If we are to love God with all our heart, and with all our strength, and with all our mind, and we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. How do we do that if we see ourselves as dirty and unworthy. Is that how we want to be treated by others? Is that how we treat others?
Let's get back to Grace, with the capital 'G'. We are made in the image of God (capital 'G'), filled with the Holy Spirit, and saved by the sacrifice of Jesus. But why? The answer, though it might take a while to accept, is simple: Because God loves you, and you are worthy. Just like we might reward a child or a pet for no good reason other than love, so God gives us Grace, freely, and abundantly, because God IS love.
This entire tangent came from the comic found in this link: This simple cartoon, shows a view of God that you might not recognize or trust. Or maybe it's the view of God you've been looking for.
You were made for Grace. You are meant to receive it. You can choose to accept it or not.
All are invited. Not everyone chooses to say 'yes'.
May you find that it is easy to accept Grace, and it is sometimes hard work to understand it, but neither are necessary for it to be offered to you.
Music this week:
Prelude Preludes ‘Let us ever walk with Jesus’ Manz
Entrance Hymn 637 “How firm a foundation” Lyons
Offertory Hymn 525 “The church’s one foundation” Aurelia
Communion Hymn 488 “Be thou my vision” Slane
Closing Hymn 411 “O bless the Lord, my soul” St. Thomas
Postlude Prelude & Fugue in D (WTC II) Bach
Parish Notices:
Salvation Army Bell Ringing! There is another opportunity to ring bells for the Salvation Army. July 27th from 10:00am to 6:00pm Grace Church will be ringing bells at the North side Piggly Wiggly. In order to assist families in our area this summer, we are pulling out the familiar symbols of The Salvation Army - our red kettles. Need truly doesn't have a season and this summer is no exception. We hope you will help us make a difference for these families in need. We need you! Bring the kids, invite the neighbors and enjoy the sun. Help us provide assistance to area families in need this summer. There is another sign-up sheet on the table in the Narthex. Thank you to all who have signed up, if you would like to help it is always more fun with more people, please consider adding your name to an hour or two for a good cause. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Nancy Yurk at 453-9948.
Summer Lunch Volunteers Needed: By day two, Sheboygan County Interfaith Organization’s summer lunch program had already served over 900 children in four Sheboygan Elementary Schools. They are in desperate need of volunteers to help as there are an additional 300 children who could benefit from the lunch program. They are looking primarily for individuals and families to help distribute lunches at the schools during the lunch hour from 11:15 – 12:30pm. June 24th through August 15th. You can register at the volunteer center website, which is: or please call Kristin Blanchard at 920-457-7272 x 12 or email if you are interested in helping.
In the Grip of Grace: On Thursday, 8 August, we will begin a three week course which will be taught by Dcn. Michele Whitford. The class will meet from 9:30 to 11:00, following the morning celebration of Holy Eucharist. We will read In the Grip of Grace by Max Lucado. If you are interested in participating please sign up on the sheet in the Narthex. If you need a copy of the book please indicate that on the sheet. If you have questions contact the parish office no later than 23 July.
Faith Alive is coming to Grace! On September 20-22 Grace will be hosting a Faith Alive event. For those of you who have not heard, Faith Alive is simply a spiritual retreat held in the comfort of our own church and city. It will include numerous activities developed to bring our church closer together and ourselves closer to God and understanding the unique relationship we share with Him. Is a retreat out of your comfort zone? Not to worry, come as a spectator, no one will pressure you to share. Our goal is to have everyone in the church participate, we believe that fully in this event and the outcomes it will provide our church.
Bishop’s Retirement Celebration: Everyone is invited to attend the Celebration for Bishop Russ and Jerrie Jacobus Sunday, August 18, 2013 from 3:30 – 9:00pm at Homestead Meadows, W7560 Spencer Rd. Appleton, WI 54914. This will be a casual event including Hayrides & games, dinner, a program, concluding with a dance with a DJ. Please register at . The cost to attend is $10 for adults, $5 for youth ages 12-18 and children under 12 free. Please do not let cost be a factor in attending, assistance is available for all.
Bishop Search: For all information concerning the search for the eighth Bishop of Fond du Lac please go to
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