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Thursday, January 26, 2017


Grace Episcopal Church
Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Grace Notes
26 January 2017

Today is the feast of Sts. Timothy and Titus, companions of the apostle Paul.  The letters written by Paul to these key players in the early days of the Christian movement are “pastoral letters,” i.e., written to specific people or churches to address particular issues.  The letters Paul wrote to these believers include solemn commissions to service and to life in the Church.  The letters have a lot to say about what leadership is to be in the Church.
But what about Timothy and Titus as individuals?  Timothy is referred to in several different ways in Paul’s letters to churches.  He is described as “our brother,” “fellow worker,” and “beloved and faithful child in the Lord”.  Paul probably also includes Timothy within the appellation “apostles of Christ” (with Paul and Silas)(1 Thess. 2.6).  Titus is described as a fellow worker and trusted emissary.  All of this makes Timothy and Titus sound very special, and there is no doubt that they were dedicated followers of Jesus Christ.  In remembering them (or any saint), therefore, can we just consider them as shining examples, or can we relate their examples more specifically to our own lives as followers of Jesus Christ?
They key word we can focus on is “follower”.  All of us are called by Jesus Christ, and He promises us that He will not only show us the way, but that He is the way.  He has promised, as well, to send the Holy Spirit as the One who will lead us into all truth.  Note the commonalities in those words:  follow, way, lead.  Just like Timothy and Titus we don’t have to figure out who God is calling us to be and what He is calling us to do.  He will show us.  Our pathway in life is not about navigation, but about remaining focused on the guidance we are given; guidance which is accompanied by blessing and comfort.  It is when we follow where God leads that we may be described in the words Paul used to describe Timothy and Titus.  God will provide us all the direction and all of the spiritual gifts necessary to accomplish any task He calls us to.

Grace aboundsPlease thank: 
§  Elizabeth Schaffenburg and Julie Davidson for the Sunday coffee hours.

Call for ContributionsIf you have a spiritual reflection to share, or want to point your fellow worshipers toward a resource, submit your contributions to Fr. Karl (by email) by Wednesday in the week of publication.

Don’t forget “Something Extra for Grace”:  Supplemental giving envelopes can be found in pews.  If you want to give something extra, please use an envelope to ensure that you are credited.

Music this Week:          The Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany
                                      Organist:  Ben Dobey

Prelude                          Chorale Prelude on Let us ever walk with Jesus
                                                                                                              Paul Manz
Entrance Hymn 477      “All praise to thee, for thou, O King divine”        Engelberg
Offertory Hymn 593      “Lord, make us servants of your peace”             
                                                                                                  Dickinson College
Communion Hymn 655 “O Jesus, I have promised”                                   Nyland
Closing Hymn 657         “Love divine, all loves excelling”                          Hyfrydol
Postlude                        Trumpet Tune in F                                 David N. Johnson

Parish Notices

§  The Annual Meeting: On Sunday, January 29, 2017, we will have one Mass at 9:00 a.m. followed by the Annual Meeting at 10:15 a.m. in St. Nicholas Hall. During the meeting we plan to offer continental breakfast. The agenda of the meeting will include committee reports, new Vestry elections, 2016 financial review and 2017 budget, review Vestry actions, and an overall review of the 2017 calendar. Please make every effort to attend and participate.      
§  Bible Challenge: Videos for all 52 weeks of the year are now available on Grace Abounds. If you take this challenge, you will find that in one year you will read all of the Bible! This will require less than an hour of your time, six days a week. A schedule of readings is provided on the parish website, along with weekly study summaries and a weekly video summary of the readings. If you need a good study bible for the challenge, contact the parish office. When we immerse ourselves in Scripture, the mantle of the Lord does fall upon us. We are equipped to discern God’s will and to lead others to know and love and serve the Lord.
§  Flower Schedule for 2017: Giving the gift of flowers is a wonderful way to remember a loved one or to offer thanksgiving for your blessings. If you wish to sign up for a specific Sunday, the Flower Schedule is available on the table in the narthex. More than one person can sign up for each Sunday.
§  Coffee Hour Schedule: There is a new sign-up sheet for hosting coffee hour in 2017. If you would like to host, please sign up for either 8:00 a.m. or 10:15 a.m. If you have any questions, please see Mary Massey. Thank you so much.
§  Like Grace Church on Facebook
§  Follow Grace Church on Twitter: @GEC_Sheboygan
§  Follow Grace Church on Instagram: @GEC_Sheboygan
§  We Are on Itunes! Check out the new podcast!!!

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