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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Vital Faith, Vital Practices

Grace Episcopal Church
Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Grace Notes
28 April 2016

Within the span of two Sundays we have spent time to focus on who we are, what are our strengths and challenges (last Sunday, with the Commission on Congregational Vitality), and will welcome our bishop for his annual visitation (this coming Sunday).  This combination allows us to focus more intentionally on identity—identity in Christ, identity with each other, identity with the wider Church.
When we are faithful in discerning God’s will, and in offering ourselves to effect His will, He will equip us with every gift and blessing we need.  A good aspect of the CCV methodology is that it allows us to focus on what we have, not on what we don’t have or think we might want.  When we focus on what we have, we can consider better how to build on the foundation we have been given.  And that’s where the coming visit of the bishop is timely, for one of the things we heard in our CCV discussion was that there are members of the parish who are unclear about what the diocese offers to us.
The first thing to point out is that we are the diocese—all parish members, all parishes.  The diocese exists only by reason of and for all of us together.  Take the time to explore the diocesan website:  The website does a good job of setting out what’s happening at a diocesan level (i.e., outside of this parish), what resources are available, who does what, etc.  Links are provided to extensively populated resource databases maintained by The Episcopal Church.  News links and calendars of events are available.  Teaching materials are available.  Resources for vestries and for individuals are available.
As described below, our Adult Education in May will focus on open forum Q & A about the Church and about the faith.  This can include questions that can be directed to the bishop this Sunday, or referred to the diocesan office if we can’t provide answers here in the coming weeks.
One additional thing you will notice on the diocesan website is information about  opportunities to serve.  Just as in this parish we want to make it completely transparent how you can serve when you feel you might be called, or how you can serve in the community through the LoveINC network, you can also explore how you can serve at a diocesan level—as an elected official, on a committee or commission, in diocese-wide youth ministry, etc.
Identity is about who we are, and who we are is determined, in part, by what we do—what we invest time and effort in.  Explore your identity as a Christian, as an Episcopalian, as a member of the diocese and of this parish.  Ask questions and offer ideas.  Happy browsing!

Grace aboundsPlease thank: 
§  Parish cleanup:  Randie Barrows, Rachel Boland, Tom Crouse, Colleen Darling, Julie Davidson, John Davis, Scott Gedemer, Julia Laack, Ty Massey, Susan McIntosh, Pat Sather, Karl Schaffenburg, Mary Snyder, Bryan Stenz, Tom Wright.
§  Commission on Congregational Vitality reception: 
Organization/setup:  Leslie Kohler, Mary Snyder
Food:  Deb Gagin, Leslie Kohler, Traci Revas, Mary Snyder
Cleanup:  Tom Crouse, Julie Davidson, Elaine Dinstuhl, Deb Gagin,                           Bobbie May
Child care:  Grafton Smith, Bryan Stenz
§  Rummage Sale:  Jessica Ambelang and Julie Davidson, with thanksgivings for parish hall setup for the bishop’s visitation to Bill and Bobbie May.

Call for ContributionsIf you have a spiritual reflection to share, or want to point your fellow worshippers toward a resource, submit your contributions to Fr. Karl (by email) by Wednesday in the week of publication.

Music this Week:           The Sixth Sunday of Easter
                                      Rogation Sunday and Bishop’s Visitation

Prelude                         Chorale Preludes on Blessed Jesus, we are here J. S. Bach
Entrance Hymn 405       “All things bright and beautiful”                        Royal Oak
Offertory Hymn 379      “God is Love, let heaven adore him”            Abbot’s Leigh
Communion Motet        God be in my head                                                  Wilby
Comm. Hymn  655          “O Jesus, I have promised”                                  Nyland
Closing Hymn 473         “Lift high the Cross”                                           Crucifer
Postlude                        Trumpet Tune in C                                 David N. Johnson

Parish Notices

§  Bishop Visitation & Confirmation: On Sunday, May 1st, we welcome The Rt. Rev. Matthew A. Gunter and his lovely wife Mrs. Leslie Gunter. The Bishop will preach and celebrate at both 8 and 10:15 services. We will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation with Reception, Renewal of Baptismal Vows and First Communions at the 10:15 am service. Please join us for a gala reception to welcome the Bishop and Mrs. Gunter and honor the Confirmed.
§  The Bishop’s Discretionary Fund: The undesignated offering today goes to the Bishop’s Discretionary Fund which provides for the pastoral emergencies and other unplanned pastoral expenses. Please be generous as you are able.
§  Confirmations, Receptions, Renewal of Baptismal Vows, First Communions: We celebrate with the new Confirmands: Elaine Dinstuhl, Gary Dinstuhl, Ty Massey, and Grafton Smith. We welcome Michelle Abrashinski who is received into this Communion. We honor those who have renewed their Baptismal vows: Leslie Kohler and Jennifer Pawlus. We recognize Julian Worthey, Maxwell Ehler, Miah Ehler and Fynley Bouck who celebrate their first Communions.
§  Adult Education: Following on the pulse-taking exercises undertaken in April (e.g., with the Commission on Congregational Vitality), in May our focus will be on our identity.  This will involve a simple format, an open forum Q & A about the faith, the life of the Church, etc.  Think of these sessions (Sundays at 9 a.m.) as a time to ask any of those questions that have bugged you, like: “Why do we …?”  “What is the origin of …?”  “Do I have to …?”  “What does the Church teach about …?”  “What is a …?”  Think of your questions in advance, but also build questions on what you hear others questioning or wondering about!
§  Deacon School: will take place on Tuesday, May 3rd, 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. and will cover church history.
§  Spring Cheer: is scheduled to meet on Thursday, May 5th at 11:00 AM in the church kitchen.  At that time, we will assemble freshly emerging daffodils (!) and bag cookies, and then make deliveries (there is a signup sheet in the narthex.) We need your helping hands! Can you bake, make a delivery or help arrange?  Please join us for this fulfilling ministry to our shut-ins.  They will appreciate it.  If you have any questions, please call Barb MacEwen at 912-4505. 
§  Ascension Solemn Evensong and Reception: Please join the Tripartite Covenant Parishes in celebrating Ascension Day. Grace Church, will host Solemn Evensong Thursday, May 5th at 7:00pm. Evensong is a beautiful service of sung evening prayer. This will be followed by a reception in St. Nicholas Hall. Please sign up on the sheet in the Narthex to bring cookies or bars.
§  SCIO’s Annual Spring Luncheon Fundraiser:  Held in honor of women on Saturday, May 7, 2016 at Pine Hills Country Club.  Scott Gedemer has kindly donated 6 tickets for anyone who would like to attend.  Primarily attended by mothers and daughters but men are welcome to attend also. Please call the Parish office if you are interested in attending this event.  More details may be found on the notice board in the narthex.
§  Parish Life Survey: During this season of Eastertide your parish has been in celebration and examination of the love that God offers to us all. To further the examination, please take a moment to participate in the Parish Life Survey.  In conjunction with the "What's My Gift?" sessions in Adult Formation each week and the Commission on Congregational Vitality held last Sunday, this survey will continue our efforts to live as members of the Body of Christ. Printed copies of the survey can be found in the Narthex or to complete the survey electronically go to
§  Celebrations Committee: We are looking for a small group of people to form a committee or rotating list of people to take charge of the occasional celebrations such as teas, gala receptions, etc. These events occur approximately once a month.  If you feel called to this ministry, please sign up on the sheet in the Narthex.  Once a list of people has been established, the office will call you to discuss details.
§  Parish Music Survey:  We have concluded our open forums and the Music Committee is working towards forming a proposal of what this ministry is called to be after Dr. Dobey's retirement.  An additional aid in that effort is the following survey:  Please take a few minutes and offer your thoughts so that we as a family can best listen to how our Lord is guiding us.  
§  Something Extra for Grace: Envelopes are available in the pews if you are moved to give an extra gift, beyond your pledge or regular plate donation, toward the life of the church. Gifts are tax deductible if you write your name on the envelope.
·         Choral Evensong and High Tea: Sunday May 15, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. we will have Choral Evensong followed by High Tea in the Parish Hall. Please plan to attend this beautiful service. There is a sign-up sheet to bring a sweet or savory on the Narthex table.
§  Summer Camp: Diocese of Fond du Lac Summer Camp is for kids age 4 through graduating 12th graders. Camp is an opportunity for campers and staff to learn more about God, about community, about themselves and have fun! If you have questions about what camp is like, please call Michele at the office.
§  Scholarships are available.
§  Senior Camp (completed grades 9-12) June 12 (Sun 3pm) – June 18 (Sat 12noon)
§  Middler Camp (completed grades 6-8) June 19 (Sun 3pm) – June 23 (Thu 5pm)
§  Junior Camp (completed grades 2-5) June 19 (Sun 3pm) – June 23 (Thu 5pm)
§  KinderCamp (parent & kids ages 4-7) June 9 (Thu 2pm) – June 11 (Sat 12noon)
§  There are application forms on the Narthex table.
§  Love INC: Cadre Ministries is looking for volunteers who are interested in mentoring. “Ministry is Relationship” will take place on Saturday May 14th 9:00 pm- 1:00 pm at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Sheboygan Falls. For further details, see the notice board in the Narthex or go to
§  Like Grace Church on Facebook
§  Follow Grace Church on Twitter: @GEC_Sheboygan
§  Follow Grace Church on Instagram: @GEC_Sheboygan
§  We Are on Itunes! Check out the new podcast!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Rule of Recognition

Grace Episcopal Church
Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Grace Notes
21 April 2016

Today is the feast of St. Anselm of Canterbury (d. 1109), who is most famous for his “ontological argument” for the existence of God.  (“Ontology” refers to what is knowable about being and existence.)  Anselm defined God as “that than which nothing greater can be conceived”.  Another way of thinking of how this argument works is to consider what kind of “rule of recognition/decision” applies in your life.  A rule of recognition is what determines how you gauge whether a given decision or action is more or less valid, more or less good.  For example, you could be an avowed atheist (which we’ll not suggest in a parish blog!), in which case your rule of recognition would essentially be one in which the human mind and will are sovereign (at least for you).
What an ontological argument or rule of recognition illustrates is that how we perceive existence and function in life is not something that happens in a vacuum with ourselves as the only thing/person in that vacuum.  We perceive and function is a broader creation, and must decide how to relate to all others (both objects and people) in this creation.  How we decide is determined by what we consider to be the most important.  All too often this can be defined as “me,” and our culture now offers a rule of recognition in which we are encouraged to say that nothing greater can be conceived (for me) than me.  Jesus, however, teaches that we must deny ourselves—I must say that the most important thing/person is not me.
What happens when my rule of recognition is not me but is God’s will?  The first thing that happens is that I need to focus outside of myself.  I need to measure my actions, plans, hopes and dreams against some standard/rule of recognition outside of myself, and when I pay attention I find that this “rule” reveals Himself and His will!  And then what?  I find that in discerning and following God’s will whatever decision I make—so long as it is God’s will—is godly, and I am as wise as Anselm!

Grace aboundsPlease thank: 
§  Sunday coffee hours:  Wayne and Pat Sather, Mary Snyder and Tom Wright, for the Sunday coffee hours.  (Cleanup by Julie Davidson.).
§  Bobbie May and Ben Dobey for garden cleanup.
§  Randie Barrows, Bill and Deb Gagin, and BSA Troop 801 for Spring cleanup at All Saints’, Elkhart Lake.
§  Pat Ford Smith for help in the office.
§  Nick and Zach Whitford for video productions for Grace Abounds and LoveINC.
§  Randie Barrows and Tom Crouse for helping a parishioner move furniture.

Call for ContributionsIf you have a spiritual reflection to share, or want to point your fellow worshippers toward a resource, submit your contributions to Fr. Karl (by email) by Wednesday in the week of publication.

Music this Week: The Fifth Sunday of Easter

Prelude                           Chorale Variations on Lord Jesus Christ, be present now
                                                                                                    Johann Gottfried Walther
Entrance Hymn #404      “We will extol you”                                            Old 124th
Gloria S-278                                                                                             Mathias
Offertory Hymn #477      “All praise to thee, for thou O King divine”        Engelberg
Sanctus S-128                                                                                          Mathias
Communion Hymn #488  “Be thou my vision”                                               Slane
Closing Hymn #657         “Love divine, all loves excelling”                         Hyfrydol
Postlude                         Prelude & Ricercar in F                              Johann Krieger

Parish Notices

§  Sunday, May 24, 2016:  There will be one Mass only at 9:00 a.m. 
§  Our Diocese’s Commission on Congregational Vitality (CCV): Following Sunday’s mass there will be a meeting with the CCV from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (refreshments will be provided). Our Vestry leadership is asking you to make every effort to participate in this conversation.
§  Parish Life Survey: During this season of Eastertide your parish has been in celebration and examination of the love that God offers to us all. To further the examination, please take a moment to participate in the Parish Life Survey.  In conjunction with the "What's My Gift?" sessions in Adult Formation each week and the Commission on Congregational Vitality event today, this survey will continue our efforts to live as members of the Body of Christ. Printed copies of the survey can be found in the Narthex or to complete the survey electronically go to
§  First Communion Instruction: Pat Ford Smith will be providing Communion Lessons during the month of April in preparation for the Bishop's visit on Sunday May 1st, 2016.  If you or your child are interested, please contact the office to sign up. Classes will take place in Ms. Nikki’s classroom (located in the basement) each Thursday in April, 5-6:00 p.m.  Should you have any questions, please call Pat Ford Smith at 920-918-1492.
§  Bishop’s Visitation: May 1st we welcome Bishop Matthew Gunter for his annual visitation. The Bishop will preach and celebrate at both 8 and 10:15 services. We will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation and First Communions at the 10:15 am service. Please join us for a gala reception to welcome Bishop Gunter and honor those Received and Confirmed. Please sign up to bring sweets and savories and to clean up. – We are still in need of someone to organize this event.
§  Celebrations Committee: We are looking for a small group of people to form a committee or rotating list of people to take charge of the occasional celebrations such as teas, gala receptions, etc. These events occur approximately once a month.  If you feel called to this ministry, please sign up on the sheet in the Narthex.  Once a list of people has been established, the office will call you to discuss details.
§  Parish Music Survey:  We have concluded our open forums and the Music Committee is working towards forming a proposal of what this ministry is called to be after Dr. Dobey's retirement.  An additional aid in that effort is the following survey:  Please take a few minutes and offer your thoughts so that we as a family can best listen to how our Lord is guiding us.  
§  Something Extra for Grace: Envelopes are available in the pews if you are moved to give an extra gift, beyond your pledge or regular plate donation, toward the life of the church. Gifts are tax deductible if you write your name on the envelope.
§  Bake Sale/Plant Sale/Rummage Sale: Friday, April 29th from 12:00-3:00pm and Saturday, April 30th, from 9:00-2:00, in conjunction with St. Luke Methodist rummage sale, Grace will be selling baked goods with proceeds going to Sunday School’s outreach projects. Baked goods will be accepted from anyone who would like to bake: pies, breads, muffins, bars, puppy chow, cookies or anything you would like to donate (cupcakes do not sell well). Baked goods can be dropped off at the church any time before Friday at noon. We will be once again selling plants from our cutting garden. Proceeds go to maintain the garden. Grace will also have a small rummage sale. Please bring your pre-priced items to the northeast room in the basement (under the office). The proceeds will go to Grace Church fund raising. Unsold items will be taken to the Salvation Army.  If you have any questions, please call Jessica Ambelang on 920-918-5667 or leave a message on 920-452-5667.
§  Spring Cheer: is scheduled to meet on Thursday, May 5th at 11:00 AM in the church kitchen.  At that time, we will assemble freshly emerging daffodils (!) and bag cookies, and then make deliveries (there is a signup sheet in the narthex.) We need your helping hands! Can you bake, make a delivery or help arrange?  Please join us for this fulfilling ministry to our shut-ins.  They will appreciate it.  If you have any questions, please call Barb MacEwen at 912-4505. 
§  Summer Camp: Diocese of Fond du Lac Summer Camp is for kids age 4 through graduating 12th graders. Camp is an opportunity for campers and staff to learn more about God, about community, about themselves and have fun! If you have questions about what camp is like, please call Michele at the office.
Scholarships are available.
§  Senior Camp (completed grades 9-12) June 12 (Sun 3pm) – June 18 (Sat 12noon)
§  Middler Camp (completed grades 6-8) June 19 (Sun 3pm) – June 23 (Thu 5pm)
§  Junior Camp (completed grades 2-5) June 19 (Sun 3pm) – June 23 (Thu 5pm)
§  KinderCamp (parent & kids ages 4-7) June 9 (Thu 2pm) – June 11 (Sat 12noon)
§  There are application forms on the Narthex table.
§  Love INC: Cadre Ministries is looking for volunteers who are interested in mentoring. “Ministry is Relationship” will take place on Saturday May 14th 9:00 pm- 1:00 pm at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Sheboygan Falls. For further details, see the notice board in the Narthex or go to
§  Like Grace Church on Facebook
§  Follow Grace Church on Twitter: @GEC_Sheboygan
§  Follow Grace Church on Instagram: @GEC_Sheboygan
§  We Are on Itunes! Check out the new podcast!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Grace at its Best

Grace Episcopal Church

Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Grace Notes

14 April 2016

A regular feature of this blog involves thanking those in the parish who have served in ministry.  This week the list is extensive, and we a “promoting” these thanksgivings to be the focus.

On 9 April we were blessed to host a concert of the Choir of the Royal Holloway, the collegiate choir of The University of London, under the direction of Rupert Gough.  This choir certainly proved itself to be world class, singing at a level one would find in more famous ensembles like the choir of King’s College, Cambridge or Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford.  The two hour concert was presented flawlessly, and included religious and secular music that ranged from Jacobean England to the present day.

This concert didn’t just happen.  It involved the following:

§  Identifying the opportunity, and arranging for the concert, as well as preparing lunch for the choir (26 voices)—Ben Dobey.

§  Meals and reception set-up—Bobbie May, Kevan & Traci Revis.

§  Meal preparation (dinner)—Barb MacEwen and Bernie Markevitch.

§  Meal cleanup—Michelle Abrashinsky, Julie Davidson, John Davis, Elizabeth Schaffenburg, Pat Ford Smith.

§  Breakfast preparation—Mary Snyder.

§  Transportation—The Grace Walsingham Foundation (van) John Davis, Bill Gagin, Steve Gallimore (drivers), an anonymous donor (bus hire).

§  Housing—Ben Dobey, Bill & Deb Gagin, Tony Fessler, Jane Hanson, Terry & Mary Kohler, Karl & Elizabeth Schaffenburg, Mary Snyder and Tom Wright, Jon and Michele Whitford.

§  Ushering—Bev Evans and Nancy Yurk.

§  Laundering of table cloths—Bobbie May, Pat Ford Smith.

Thank you also to all who sent in the wonderful  baked goods for the reception!

As stated, the concert didn’t just happen, but what it did highlight is a ministry focus that is a particular gift of this parish.  Feedback was received from parish members to the effect that last Saturday “represented Grace at its best”.  And what might this “best” be?  This best involves how we are called and equipped to participate in how God reveals Himself in the beauty of holiness (Ps. 36.9).  In all that we do, may this remain a focus, and may God continue to lead and equip us!

Grace abounds:  Please thank:  See above! (re. concert), and:

§  Sunday coffee hours:  Bob & Anne Hanlon, Polly Beebe & Mary Ann Neuses.

§  Deacon School luncheon—Andrea & Paul Aparicio.

§  Parish library reorganization—Bobbie May.

Call for Contributions:  If you have a spiritual reflection to share, or want to point your fellow worshippers toward a resource, submit your contributions to Fr. Karl (by email) by Wednesday in the week of publication.

Music this Week: The Fourth Sunday of Easter

Prelude                           Prelude on St. Columba                                         Vintner

Entrance Hymn 205         “Good Christians all, rejoice and sing”       Gelobt sei Gott

Offertory Hymn 645        “The King of love my shepherd is”                 St. Columba

Communion Motet           Brother James’s Air                                          arr. Jacob

Communion Hymn 312    “Strengthen for service, Lord”                              Malabar

Closing Hymn 194           “Jesus lives!  Thy terrors now”                         St. Albinus

Postlude                          Festal Flourish                                                       Jacob

Parish Notices

§  Adult Formation: On Sunday, April 17th we will continue with our discussion ‘What’s My Gift?’  This will include small group discussion and getting to know each other’s gifts, specific knowledge and skills.

§  Our Diocese’s Commission on Congregational Vitality (CCV): On Sunday, April 24th, there will be ONE Mass only at 9:00 a.m. followed by a meeting with the CCV from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (refreshments will be provided). Our Vestry leadership is asking you to make an effort to participate in this conversation. Please see the insert of this Mass Booklet for more information.

§  Office Hours: On Tuesday, April 19th Deacon Michele Whitford and Ellen Aparicio will be attending the Annual Diocesan Church Secretaries Meeting in Oshkosh. Pat Ford Smith has kindly volunteered to cover the office during their absence.

§  Parish Life Survey: During this season of Eastertide your parish has been in celebration and examination of the love that God offers to us all. To further the examination, please take a moment to participate in the Parish Life Survey.  In conjunction with the "What's My Gift?" sessions in Adult Formation each week and the Commission on Congregational Vitality event on April 24th, this survey will continue our efforts to live as members of the Body of Christ. Printed copies of the survey can be found in the Narthex or to complete the survey electronically go to

§  First Communion Instruction: Pat Ford Smith will be providing Communion Lessons during the month of April in preparation for the Bishop's visit on Sunday May 1st, 2016.  If you or your child are interested, please contact the office to sign up. Classes will take place in Ms. Nikki’s classroom (located in the basement) each Thursday in April, 5-6:00 p.m.  Should you have any questions, please call Pat Ford Smith at 920-918-1492.

§  Parish Clean-Up Day!!!! Saturday, April 23rd, has been set for clean-up of the Grace Church buildings and grounds. We will begin at 8:30am and work until noon. Please put this date on your calendar, many hands will make light work.

§  Bishop’s Visitation: May 1st we welcome Bishop Matthew Gunter for his annual visitation. The Bishop will preach and celebrate at both 8 and 10:15 services. We will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation and First Communions at the 10:15 am service. Please join us for a gala reception to welcome Bishop Gunter and honor those Received and Confirmed. Please sign up to bring sweets and savories and to clean up. – We are still in need of someone to organize this event.

§  Celebrations Committee: We are looking for a small group of people to form a committee or rotating list of people to take charge of the occasional celebrations such as teas, gala receptions, etc. These events occur approximately once a month.  If you feel called to this ministry, please sign up on the sheet in the Narthex.  Once a list of people has been established, the office will call you to discuss details.

§  Something Extra for Grace: Envelopes are available in the pews if you are moved to give an extra gift, beyond your pledge or regular plate donation, toward the life of the church. Gifts are tax deductible if you write your name on the envelope.

§  Bake Sale/Plant Sale/Rummage Sale: Friday, April 29th from 12:00-3:00pm and Saturday, April 30th, from 9:00-2:00, in conjunction with St. Luke Methodist rummage sale, Grace will be selling baked goods with proceeds going to Sunday School’s outreach projects. Baked goods will be accepted from anyone who would like to bake: pies, breads, muffins, bars, puppy chow, cookies or anything you would like to donate (cupcakes do not sell well). Baked goods can be dropped off at the church any time before Friday at noon. We will be once again selling plants from our cutting garden. Proceeds go to maintain the garden. Grace will also have a small rummage sale. Please bring your pre-priced items to the northeast room in the basement (under the office). The proceeds will go to Grace Church fund raising. Unsold items will be taken to the Salvation Army.  If you have any questions, please call Jessica Ambelang on 920-918-5667 or leave a message on 920-452-5667.

§  Summer Camp: Diocese of Fond du Lac Summer Camp is for kids age 4 through graduating 12th graders. Camp is an opportunity for campers and staff to learn more about God, about community, about themselves and have fun! If you have questions about what camp is like, please call Michele at the office.

§  Scholarships are available.

§  Senior Camp (completed grades 9-12) June 12 (Sun 3pm) – June 18 (Sat 12noon)

§   Middler Camp (completed grades 6-8) June 19 (Sun 3pm) – June 23 (Thu 5pm)

§  Junior Camp (completed grades 2-5) June 19 (Sun 3pm) – June 23 (Thu 5pm)

§  KinderCamp (parent & kids ages 4-7) June 9 (Thu 2pm) – June 11 (Sat 12noon)

§  There are application forms on the Narthex table.

§  Love INC: Cadre Ministries is looking for volunteers who are interested in mentoring. “Ministry is Relationship” will take place on Saturday May 14th 9:00 pm- 1:00 pm at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Sheboygan Falls. For further details, see the notice board in the Narthex or go to

§  Like Grace Church on Facebook

§  Follow Grace Church on Twitter: @GEC_Sheboygan

§  Follow Grace Church on Instagram: @GEC_Sheboygan

§  We Are on Itunes! Check out the new podcast!!!