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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Growth in Communication and Shared Ministries

Grace Episcopal Church
Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Grace Notes
31 October 2013

A lot is going on at Grace!  Take a look at the details included below on the formation of focused ministries in small groups.  These activities are evidence of the Holy Spirit moving within the parish.  What we do is important.  How we communicate is, as well.  One of the things that we can take pride in at Grace is a parish website that is second to none.  The look, feel, interface, and content are at a level far beyond what can be found for most church congregations, and we can be grateful to the many ongoing efforts of Jon Whitford and Joanne Otte, assisted by Michele Whitford and Bobbi Kraft.  Our blog (this blog) is also quite good, but can certainly be better.  It can become better as we involve more people making contributions to the content.  (See the call for contributions, below.)
One way in which this blog can be improved is in how it cross-links to other resources.  For example, Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi, the really superior blog of St. George’s Episcopal Church, Ardmore, Pennsylvania ( ) was discovered as a link on Creedal Christian, .  In particular, take a look at the page at St. George’s on which is provided a tutorial for how to pray the Daily Office (Morning Prayer, Noonday, Evening Prayer, Compline): .  One of the things we discovered at our last session of Being the Body was that many people don’t know how to use the prayer book to pray the office.
We will keep looking for and providing useful links.  Please share your own.  As a community of disciples we can grow in faith through how we share knowledge, how we are a Body which learns together.  If you have a contribution to make (of your own thoughts or of a link), send them on.  This means that pieces may be posted that we don’t all agree with, but part of being a living Body is the reality that we will not always agree.  We will seek to avoid debates over issues.  We want to focus on matters of faith—on Christ centeredness—and not on agendas, but as well feel our way forward, please pray about how you can add to mix!

FALL BACK!  Don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour when you go to bed this Saturday!

Grace Abounds:  Please thank Jessica and Tom Ambelang for the wonderful coffee hours this past Sunday, and Jack Britton and Jennifer Pawlus for helping to clean up.  At the Fessler funeral this past Saturday, food was provided by Bernie Markevitch and Mary Snyder, who also cleaned up, assisted by Ed Clabots. 

Call for ContributionsIf you have a spiritual reflection to share, or want to point your fellow worshippers toward a resource, submit your contributions to Fr. Karl (by email) by Wednesday (noon) each week.

Small Group Ministries:  The response to the call to form more focused ministry groups has been very good.  Following a 27 October organizational meeting, the following details have emerged:
1.      Depression support group:  This is a group to offer support for those  who suffer from depression, and for their family members.  The participants will include non-professional local contact/resources for parishioners who might  develop symptoms of depression in the future.  The group will meet on the fourth Sunday after the early service in the rector's office.  Contact people are:  Ed Clabots and Martha Shad.
2.      Caregiver support group:  This group intends to offer emotional and spiritual mutual support for those of us who are responsible for or who  are caregivers for elderly or ill family and friends.   Many members of our parish are caregivers in one way or another.  The first goal is to contact individuals who fit into this category, in order to identify who wants to belong to the group.  At that point the group will be able to determine a meeting time and place.  The leader is Scott Gedemer; please contact him if you are interested.
3.      Study/discussion group:  This group decided to start with a study of Galatians.  They (six people so far) plan to meet after the 10:15 service starting Nov. 17th, hoping to meet every two weeks in the church library.  Contact people are Mary Massey and Fr. John Ambelang.
4.      Order of St. Luke/ healing prayer team:  This group will learn about healing and praying for those needing any kind of healing.  Contacts will be Dcn. Mike Burg, Dcn. Michele Whitford and Jane Hanson.  Tentative meeting place and time will be Tuesdays, 5:30 at Jane Hanson's condo.
5.      Film study:  Jane Hanson has agreed to facilitate a monthly film discussion.  This will be called “Soup and Cinema”.  The first session will be on Wednesday, 13 November, at 6 p.m., St. Nicholas Hall.  The second Wednesday of the month will be the default timing.  The plan is the start at 6, with a light supper of soup, salad, and bread.  As people are seated, the film will begin.  It will be projected on our large screen.  Afterward, Jane will facilitate a discussion.
The first film in the series is the 2005 feature (based on a true story), End of the Spear.  Other films which may be used include Get Low (Robert Duvall), Tender Mercies (Robert Duvall), The Mission (Robert Deniro and Jeremy Irons), Of Gods and Men (Lambert Wilson, in French with subtitles).  Suggestions for future titles will be solicited from participants.
6.      Society of Mary:  The fundamental Mission is to foster devotion to Mary, Mother of God, at Grace Episcopal Church.  The Society will be revived, to qualify as an internationally-recognized named cell.  Focuses will include:  (a) Revitalize attendance at the celebration of the four annual commemorations of Mary on the Church Calendar; (b) Increase attendance support of the Walsingham protoshrine daily prayers, and for the corporate Rosary recited on Mondays at 5:30 p.m.; (c) Improve communication in the broader community of our intended missions.
Normal meeting time will be after the first service on the fourth Sunday of the month in the church library.  However, this coming Sunday, Nov. 3, there will be a special follow-up meeting led by Paul Aparicio at 9:00 in the  library.   Contact person is Mary Kohler.
7.      Social group:  This group will plan activities for the family on an informal basis.  Details are being discussed.  Contact persons are Tom and Tasha Crouse.
8.      ESL teaching group:  This group will help immigrants learn the English language to better their lives and job prospects.  Members will individually decide when and where the teaching can be done.  Contact person is Scott Lubbers.

 New Consecration Sunday:  Our stewardship Sunday will be on 10 November, with one service at 10 a.m., followed by a parish luncheon.  Thank you, Kaleigh Kraft, for speaking this past Sunday!  We will have speakers at both services on 27 October and 3 November, to share with us what the Church means to them, and how we can all participate in the gift of being the Body of Christ.
Special stewardship opportunity:  Whichever person has the greatest increase in a 2014 pledge, over their paid 2013 pledge amount (calculated at close of the giving year), or who has the highest new pledge for 2014 (for any person who has not pledged previously), will receive a complimentary stay at a Hyatt-managed timeshare apartment in Key West, Florida (occupancy dates are 2 March to a 9 March check-out.  These dates include Mardi Gras.)  Go To:  You can find all the amenities and room pictures there.
The unit is on the 3rd level, set way back on the property, with a virtual private lani looking straight out on the grounds, pool and ocean.  Cuba 70 miles straight south.  The unit is about a 2 mile walk to the southern most point in the lower 48, on the east and quiet side of the Key, about 1 ½ mile walk to Duval St.  St. Paul's Episcopal Church is on Duval, a great place for Ash Wednesday services.
This timeshare opportunity is the gift of Bill and Debbie Gagin.

Episcopal Youth Community   This past week 50 students went to the Diocesan Fall Lock-In! They talked about Story, that is what makes a good story, and what makes your story a good one. Unfortunately I wasn't able to be there, but we had four of our youth there, and they had a great time. I know because I asked them. Please find one of the youth that went on the lock-in and ask them about it.
This Sunday at St. Thomas, Menasha their youth group is hosting Terminator Night (it's a game), our youth group is planning on carpooling with the St. Peter's, Falls youth group. We will need to be on the road at around 5pm and will return at approximately 9:30pm. More details to come (especially for traveling arrangements).
Happening is coming soon for all 9-12th graders. Register online at Please register soon, so we can make proper preparations for you!
Grace and peace to you,                                                                                                         ―Nick

Happening - November 15-17 - St. Thomas, Menasha - is for all students grades 9-12 -
New Beginnings - December 7-8 - Grace Church, Sheboygan - is for all students grades 6-8 -
Each of these is unique in style, delivery, and experience, and each one is a great way to learn more about God and our faith, as well as connect to the wider community of Christian youth in our diocese; many people have made life-long friends with those around the diocese and have stayed connected through events like these, camp and others.
Please contact me or the office with questions, but remember to sign up!
Grace and peace, Nick

Sung Compline:  This Sunday at 6:30 p.m. we will gather in St. Nicholas Hall for a light supper (pot luck), to be followed at 8 p.m. for Compline, sung in the nave.  The service is offered in a darkened, candlelit church, and is ideal way to introduce friends to a contemplative form of prayer.  Please join us!

Music this week:  All Saints’ Sunday

Prelude                                    Elegy                                                               Elgar
Entrance Hymn 287                “For all the saints”                                          Sine Nomine
Offertory Anthem                   Give us the wings of faith                                Bullock
Communion Motet                  The souls of the righteous                                Thiman
Communion Hymn 620          “Jerusalem, my happy home”                          Land of Rest
Closing Hymn 293                  “I sing a song of the saints of God”               Grand Isle
Postlude                                  Toccata on ‘Christe Redemptor Omnium’      Benoit

Parish Notices

§  New Parish Directory updates: Please find a draft copy of a new parish directory on the table in the Narthex at Grace Church. If you would please look at your entry and make any changes necessary and then initial it so we know it is correct. We are trying to have as many email addresses as possible, it saves postage and much of the communication of the church is done electronically. We never give them out but. Thank you.

§  Grace Kids and Youth: and even teachers or anyone that is so moved should come to church Sunday, November 3rd in a depiction of their favorite saint or biblical character in honor of All Saint's and All Soul's days. Come and join in the Communion of Saints right here at Grace Church.

§  Christmas Shoe Boxes: Please consider bringing toothpaste and individually wrapped toothbrushes, and mild soap bars and wash cloths to church for the Christmas shoe boxes. We will also be looking for these items in the coming weeks:  pencils, colored pencils, erasers and pencil sharpeners, paper to write on. These items must be able to fit into a shoe box. Thank you so much. Pat Ford Smith

§  Operation Christmas Child: Miss Pat's Sunday School class is spearheading the effort to put together shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child, and would like to invite the whole parish to participate by donating small items for the shoe boxes, or if you desire a monetary donation that will be spent to get shoe box gift items. The goal is to have this be a parish outreach lead by the youth and children of the parish. Please participate as you can, including prayers for this to be a successful project. The drop off date is in mid November (before Thanksgiving), and there will be more information in the next couple of weeks.

§  Formation Youth Group: St. Dominic, Holy Name and St. Clement Parishes invite you to their North side Faith Formation Youth Group which will be held on the first and third Fridays of Nov. and Dec. from 6:00-8:00 in the Youth Room on the second floor of the Faith Formation Center (old St. Dominic school building).  Join us for games, faith sharing and snacks. Contact Dianne Marshall at 458-5390 or for more information.

§  Salvation Army Bell Ringing: Grace Church is signed up to ring bells for the Salvation Army on November 9th in two different locations. At the Piggly Wiggly on the north side from 1:30-7:00pm and at the Pick & Save on the south side from 1:30-7:00pm. Both of the locations are inside. The bells and kettle will be there, & a sign in sheet. Please sign up on the sheet in the Narthex. If you have any questions please call Nancy Yurk at 453-9948.

§  Raking Leaves Fundraiser:  If raking your yard this year seems like too much of a task, then our Boy Scout Troop is here to help. They will be raking leaves on the following dates: November 2nd, 9th, and 16th. If you are interested please contact Paul Aparicio ( A sign-up sheet will be available in the narthex.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

A Messenger

Grace Episcopal Church
Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Grace Notes
24 October 2013

Today is the feast of St. Raphael the Archangel.  Raphael appears in the book Tobit, which is in the Apocrypha in Protestant bibles.  His name means “God has healed,” and he is one of four named archangels.
The word angel means “messenger”.  Angels are created beings, pure spirit lacking bodies.  Thus, they can assume different forms, and we are taught in scripture that we can encounter angels unawares (Heb. 13.2).  The question we have to ask ourselves relates, therefore, to whether or not we are open to receiving a messenger from God?  We may, in fact, encounter an angel, but it is much more likely that God will use a human agent to give us a message.  The question is whether we are listening.  When someone tells us something that we don't want to hear, because it contradicts our own will, are we open to the possibility that it is our will that needs to be examined?
We can only discern God's will in community.  We have to discern His will together.  This means that we have to listen to each other, even when we disagree, and it means that we have to be open to the possibility that what we might not want to hear might be a message from God, given to us by a human messenger.  May our Lord grant us the grace to both listen and speak by His will, that in community we may identify His will and do it!

Grace Abounds:  Please thank Brian Heck and Joyce Wessel for the wonderful coffee hours this past Sunday. 

Call for ContributionsIf you have a spiritual reflection to share, or want to point your fellow worshippers toward a resource, submit your contributions to Fr. Karl (by email) by Wednesday (noon) each week.
Experience of Grace (part of an ongoing series):  Truthfully, I can't remember for how long I have suffered from a most severe case of homesickness.  I am longing for the language, literature, cathedrals, and most of all the music of my homeland.  No wonder, I responded enthusiastically to an invitation to attend one of Dr. Dobey's organ recitals many years ago.
When I entered the nave of Grace Church on the evening of that recital, my heart stood still.  Surrounded by the very stained-glass windows, carved wooden sculptures and furnishings I had known in my youth, I felt transported back into the past.  Dr. Dobey's recital on our magnificent organ just "blew me away", as the kids would say. 
I did not want to leave after the concert.  Lucky for me, there was a reception in the narthex.  So I stayed.  "If only one person would notice me, I'll be back", I thought.  No sooner had I finished my thought, a gentleman struck up a conversation with me.  Since I had never been in an Episcopal Church, I had questions.  Many.  And I got answers.  Not only that:  Minutes later, the gentleman presented with "Amazing Grace".  I will never stop treasuring that book or the giver:  Bernie Markevitch, who is now a most dear friend.  Read the dedication he later wrote for me on the inside cover!  You'll get teary-eyed.  I did.
There's more:  Hungry for a church home, I attended Mass.  Again I played my silly game: "if only one person will say only one word to me, I know that God wants me at Grace...".  Sure enough, after a truly Holy Mass, a gentleman introduced himself and welcomed me.  I found another dear friend:  Crawford Smith.  Now I knew I was really home.  Shortly after Bishop Jacobus received me into our Church, Barb and Bob MacEwen visited us to bring us a loaf of delicious homemade bread to welcome me into the Church Family. 

And that's how it was some ten years ago.  Of course, that's not the end of the story.  Just the beginning.  I'll tell you more some day.  For now, just this:  I am home—finally!  (Juergen Pietzner)  

Small Group Ministries:

This coming Sunday, 27 October, the education hour from 9 to 10 a.m. will be dedicated to the formation of small groups for ministry.  In a session to be led by Ed Clabots, we will gather to consider how we might form small groups for mutual support, for outreach, and for ministry.  The idea is to build on the experience of sharing and caring in small groups which we had this past weekend and during the Faith Alive retreat.  We will explore who may be called to work in specific groups, for example: a mutual support and ministry group for those who suffer from clinical depression, and/or those who live with a depressed person; a group to watch a series such as Call the Midwife (or a series of films) over a light supper with discussion; a mutual support group for caregivers; a men’s fellowship; a bible study or book discussion group.  Other ideas may arise (and we hope that leaders will arise, as well!), and the session will also allow for a brief review of existing parish ministries.  Please plan to attend, and with ideas!

New Consecration Sunday:  Our stewardship Sunday will be on on 10 November, with one service at 10 a.m., followed by a parish luncheon.  Thank you, Kaleigh Kraft, for speaking this past Sunday!  We will have speakers at both services on 27 October and 3 November, to share with us what the Church means to them, and how we can all participate in the gift of being the Body of Christ.
Special stewardship opportunity:  Whichever person has the greatest increase in a 2014 pledge, over their paid 2013 pledge amount (calculated at close of the giving year), or who has the highest new pledge for 2014 (for any person who has not pledged previously), will receive a complimentary stay at a Hyatt-managed timeshare appartment in Key West, Florida (occupancy dates are 2 March to a 9 March check-out.  These dates include Mardi Gras.)  Go To:  You can find all the amenities and room pictures there.
The unit is on the 3rd level, set way back on the property, with a virtual private lani looking straight out on the grounds, pool and ocean.  Cuba 70 miles straight south.  The unit is about a 2 mile walk to the southern most point in the lower 48, on the east and quiet side of the Key, about 1 ½ mile walk to Duval St.  St. Paul's Episcopal Church is on Duval, a great place for Ash Wednesday services.
This timeshare opportunity is the gift of Bill and Debbie Gagin.

Episcopal Youth CommunityFall Lock In / Happening / New Beginnings

In the next month or so there are three youth events that I highly encourage all youth to participate in. Registration is done through the diocesan website.You can find all of the information about the events including what to/not to bring through the links below. Please remember that there are scholarships available; a financial need is not a reason to miss out.
Fall Lock In - October 25-27 - St. Anne's, De Pere - is for all students grades 6-12 -
Happening - November 15-17 - St. Thomas, Menasha - is for all students grades 9-12 -
New Beginnings - December 7-8 - Grace Church, Sheboygan - is for all students grades 6-8 -
Each of these is unique in style, delivery, and experience, and each one is a great way to learn more about God and our faith, as well as connect to the wider community of Christian youth in our diocese; many people have made life-long friends with those around the diocese and have stayed connected through events like these, camp and others.
Please contact me or the office with questions, but remember to sign up!
Grace and peace, Nick

Music this week

Prelude                        Andante espressivo (from Sonata for Organ)            E. Elgar
Entrance Hymn 665    “All my hope on God is founded”                             Michael
Offertory Hymn 517   “How lovely is thy dwelling place”                            Brother James’ Air
Communion Motet      Lord, forever at thy side                                              O. Gibbons
Comm. Hymn 313      “Let thy blood in mercy poured”                                Jesu, meine
Closing Hymn 561      “Stand up, stand up for Jesus”                                   Morning Light
Postlude                      Toccata in A Major                                                     F. Kuhnau  

Parish Notices

New Parish Directory updates: Please find a draft copy of a new parish directory on the table in the Narthex at Grace Church. If you would please look at your entry and make any changes necessary and then initial it so we know it is correct. We are trying to have as many email addresses as possible, it saves postage and much of the communication of the church is done electronically. We never give them out but. Thank you.

Small Group Meeting: All parishioners are invited to attend a small group organizational meeting on Sunday, October 27, at 9:00am in St. Nicholas Hall. The meeting will be used to discuss and organize small gatherings. These small gatherings could be study, discussion or support groups. They are separate from the 2nd Sunday of the month small groups that are currently meeting. After the Faith Alive weekend, parishioners expressed interest in the following topics:
1) Depression support group
2) Caregiver support group - particularly caregivers for elderly parents or spouses
3) Study/discussion group - Bible study group or a book club
4) "Order of St. Luke"/healing prayer group
5) "Call the Midwife" BBC series discussion group
Please join us to help in establishing and organizing one or more of the above groups you might be interested in joining. People interested in establishing a group will be defining the group, when and where the group will meet, and what resources the group might need.
Joining one of these small groups will give you the opportunity to support, share and better get to know your fellow parishioners. Join us on the October 27. If you are unable to make the meeting on the 27th, please look for the small group sign up sheet in the entryway of church to let us know of your interest in particular group. (Or contact information will be published once the groups are organized.)

Grace Kids and Youth: and even teachers or anyone that is so moved should come to church Sunday, November 3rd in a depiction of their favorite saint or biblical character in honor of All Saint's and All Soul's days. Come and join in the Communion of Saints right here at Grace Church.

Simple Potluck Supper and Compline: Sunday, November 3rd we will have our first Sunday of the month Simple Potluck Supper at 6:30pm. Come and enjoy the fellowship then stay for Compline at 8:00pm. The Schola Cantorum will be singing Compline which is the night time prayers said or sung just before retiring. It is a wonderful and peaceful way to end the day.

Christmas Shoe Boxes: Please consider bringing toothpaste and individually wrapped toothbrushes, and mild soap bars and wash cloths to church for the Christmas shoe boxes. We will also be looking for these items in the coming weeks:  pencils, colored pencils, erasers and pencil sharpeners, paper to write on. These items must be able to fit into a shoe box. Thank you so much. Pat Ford Smith

Operation Christmas Child: Miss Pat's Sunday School class is spearheading the effort to put together shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child, and would like to invite the whole parish to participate by donating small items for the shoe boxes, or if you desire a monetary donation that will be spent to get shoe box gift items. The goal is to have this be a parish outreach lead by the youth and children of the parish. Please participate as you can, including prayers for this to be a successful project. The drop off date is in mid November (before Thanksgiving), and there will be more information in the next couple of weeks.

Formation Youth Group: St. Dominic, Holy Name and St. Clement Parishes invite you to their North side Faith Formation Youth Group which will be held on the first and third Fridays of Nov. and Dec. from 6:00-8:00 in the Youth Room on the second floor of the Faith Formation Center (old St. Dominic school building).  Join us for games, faith sharing and snacks. Contact Dianne Marshall at 458-5390 or for more information.

Salvation Army Bell Ringing: Grace Church is signed up to ring bells for the Salvation Army on November 9th in two different locations. At the Piggly Wiggly on the north side from 1:30-7:00pm and at the Pick & Save on the south side from 1:30-7:00pm. Both of the locations are inside. The bells and kettle will be there, & a sign in sheet. Please sign up on the sheet in the Narthex. If you have any questions please call Nancy Yurk at 453-9948.

Raking Leaves Fundraiser:  If raking your yard this year seems like too much of a task, then our Boy Scout Troop is here to help. They will be raking leaves on the following dates: November 2nd, 9th, and 16th. If you are interested please contact Paul Aparicio ( A sign-up sheet will be available in the narthex.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Of Episcopacy and Unity

Grace Episcopal Church
Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Grace Notes
17 October 2013

“The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church.”  This famous observation of the 2nd century Christian apologist, Tertullian, may be rememberd this day, for this is the feast of St. Ignatius of Antioch (died 107).  Tertullian was arrested and condemned under the persecution of the emperor Trajan.  While being transported to Rome for death in the arena, he both met with and wrote to numerous Christianc congregations in Asia Minor, and his letters are considered to be of an authority close to that of Scritpure.  But, we remember him today not because of any focus on martyrdom, but because of his early role in emphasizing the role of the clergy—specifically the bishop—in the unity of the Christians.
In the vows made by a bishop at his or her consecration, one vow is made that is additional to that made by a priest.  The bishop vows to “guard the ... unity ... of the Church”.  The bishop is to serve as a focus for how the diocese lives out its vocation as one Body joined to the greater whole which is the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.  For example, as members of a broader church which is part of the world-wide Anglican Communion (The Episcopal Church is one of 38 provinces in the Anglican Communion) our union is mediated by and through our bishop, not by “the national church”.  At a local level, our union is mediated by and through the bishop, as the one in whom all the congregations and peoples of this diocese are to come together.  In God’s plan, the place of the bishop is very important, and so it is very important for all of us to pray continually throughout the coming election process, that our Lord may identify to us the person whom He calls to lead this diocese.  Keep praying, and may God be praised that He will bring to us that person whom He will anoint as Eighth Bishop of the Diocse of Fond du Lac!

Grace Abounds:  Please thank Bobbi and Kaleigh Kraft for the wonderful coffee hours hits past Sunday.
Walsingham:  The entire festival was a HUGE success!  This result can be attributed to our Lord’s blessing, but also to the hard work and dedication of many:
Altar Guild:  Bev Evans, Claudia Fischer, Bobbi & Kaleigh Kraft, Mary Snyder
Meals:  Ellen Apparicio, Barb MacEwen, Bernie Markevitch
Wine at the luncheon:  Mary and Terry Kohler
Meals clean-up:  Ellen Apparicio, Ed Clabots, Mary Clabots, Barb MacEwen
Music:  Ben Dobey and the choir
Acolytes and procession team:  Beth, Emily & Rachel Boland; Ben, Dee, Tasha & Tom Crouse; Annette & Scott Fabiano, Kaleigh Kraft
Service programs and “management”:  Mike Burg and Michele Whitford
Welcome and merchandise ministry:  Pat Ford Smith
Greeters:  Ed Clabots, John Keller, Mary Kohler, Steve Larson, Jon Whitford
Ministry to the Nashotah House Choir:  Elizabeth and Karl Schaffenburg
Seminarian housing:  Mary Snyder and Tom Wright
Parish clean-up:  Bill May

Call for ContributionsIf you have a spiritual reflection to share, or want to point your fellow worshippers toward a resource, submit your contributions to Fr. Karl (by email) by Wednesday (noon) each week.

We realized very quickly after the “Faith Alive” Weekend  that the Spirit is at work among us here at Grace.  You may not have realized that it is also hard at work in the minds of our Sunday School children!  I have the joy of teaching the 2nd-5th graders and I’d like to share how the Spirit is at work in my classroom of “Grace kids”.  Let me tell you, they are doing a lot of thinking about God…
―On a stained glass window search to find the Episcopal Shield, we passed the Confessional room.  “What do you do in there?  How do you do it?  Why do you do it?  Can we learn how to do it?” 
[A plan for Father Karl to teach them this during Lent is in on the agenda.]
―On a window search for Michael the Archangel defeating Satan,  we passed through the Walsingham Chapel.   “Can we light a candle and pray?” (YES, of course!)  “How does a rosary work?  When do we say it?  Why do we say it?    Can we learn how to say it?” 
[A plan for this with Mrs. Pat and anyone else interested in on our minds.]
―A lesson about Jacob’s Dream and the ladder up to Heaven, with angels ascending/descending led to, “Aren’t there levels of angels?  How many levels?  What do they do?  Do they have names?  What kind is my Guardian angel? How many angels are there?”
[Father Karl came into our classrooms this past Sunday, and taught us all about the 7 levels of angels and their roles and then took both Mrs. Pat’s class and mine up to  Church to search for angels in the stained glass.  The questions/conversations had that morning were amazing and THANK YOU Father Karl for coming in to share your angel wisdom!]
I have no doubt that the Spirit will keep working and their questions will keep coming.  If you would be so kind, please pray that the minds and hearts of our “Grace kids” will always remain so open to what God’s Word.
―Nicci Beeck

Faith Alive Following Up on the Weekend
 Our first follow-up meeting was “Talk & Share,” held during the Education Hour on Sunday, 13 October.  This format will continue between services the second week of the month, running between 9:10ish & 10:00 am.  (In November the meeting will be on the first Sunday, the 3rd, to avolid a conflict with our stewardship luncheon on the 10th.)  It consists of a process much like the FA weekend; counting off & going off in small groups to discuss several open-ended questions that would encourage people to share on a Spiritual Level.  The same expectations are in effect:  begin with introductions; there should be no attempts to 'fix'; listening with non-judgmental attitudes; permission given not to share; maintaining confidentiality, & possible closing prayer(s) of some nature.  It’s a new beginning, open to anyone.  There are facilitators & a few questions to guide the small group discussions.
 The Second meeting will be held the last weekend of October the 27th, at the same time between the services, but will be of a different nature.  At the follow-up meeting concluding the weekend there were a number of very focused suggestions for small groups aloud & in the evaluations: among them were book studies, mutual support groups, service (outreach) groups, entertainment (social groups) as well as others.  This meeting will help facilitate the establishing of these groups & be a one-time event. People interested in these groups would get a chance to meet & plan how to proceed with organizing themselves.

Music this week

Prelude                                    Meditation on ‘Christe sanctorum’                 Vintner
Entrance Hymn 1                    “Father, we praise thee”                                  Christe sanctorum      
Psalm 121                                Anglican chant                                                Davies
Offertory Hymn 632               “O Christ, the Word incarnate”                      Munich
Communion Motet                  Jesus, my Lord, my God, my all                      Barnby
Communion Hymn 345          “Savior, again to thy dear Name we raise”     Ellers
Closing Hymn 535                  “Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim” Paderborn
Postlude                                  Prelude & Fugue in G                                     Fischer

Parish Notices
·         Office Closed: The office will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday, October 22-23.  The clergy have been busy every weekend with Faith Alive, Being the Body, Walsingham Pilgrimage and Diocesan Convention and are in need of rest and relaxation. There will be no services on those days. We will transfer the Feast of St. James of Jerusalem to Thursday, October 24th at 9:00am. In case of a pastoral emergency please do not hesitate to call Fr. Karl at the number in the directory.

·         New Parish Directory updates: Please find a draft copy of a new parish directory on the table in the Narthex at Grace Church. If you would please look at your entry and make any changes necessary and then initial it so we know it is correct. We are trying to have as many email addresses as possible, it saves postage and much of the communication of the church is done electronically. We never give them out but. Thank you.

·         Small Group Meeting: All parishioners are invited to attend a small group organizational meeting on Sunday, October 27, at 9:00am in St. Nicholas Hall. The meeting will be used to discuss and organize small gatherings. These small gatherings could be study, discussion or support groups. They are separate from the 2nd Sunday of the month small groups that are currently meeting. After the Faith Alive weekend, parishioners expressed interest in the following topics:
1) Depression support group
2) Caregiver support group - particularly caregivers for elderly parents or spouses
3) Study/discussion group - Bible study group or a book club
4) "Order of St. Luke"/healing prayer group
5) "Call the Midwife" BBC series discussion group
Please join us to help in establishing and organizing one or more of the above groups you might be interested in joining. People interested in establishing a group will be defining the group, when and where the group will meet, and what resources the group might need.
Joining one of these small groups will give you the opportunity to support, share and better get to know your fellow parishioners. Join us on the October 27. If you are unable to make the meeting on the 27th, please look for the small group sign up sheet in the entryway of church to let us know of your interest in particular group. (Or contact information will be published once the groups are organized.)

·         Operation Christmas Child: Miss Pat's Sunday School class is spearheading the effort to put together shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child, and would like to invite the whole parish to participate by donating small items for the shoe boxes, or if you desire a monetary donation that will be spent to get shoe box gift items. The goal is to have this be a parish outreach lead by the youth and children of the parish. Please participate as you can, including prayers for this to be a successful project. The drop off date is in mid November (before Thanksgiving), and there will be more information in the next couple of weeks.

·         Organ Recital: FR. THOMAS LIJEWSKI will give an organ recital at St. Peter Claver in honor of the parish's 125th anniversary celebration, which is this year.
Sunday, October 20th at 3:00 pm. The concert is free and open to the public.

·         Formation Youth Group: St. Dominic, Holy Name and St. Clement Parishes invite you to their North side Faith Formation Youth Group which will be held on the first and third Fridays of Nov. and Dec. from 6:00-8:00 in the Youth Room on the second floor of the Faith Formation Center (old St. Dominic school building).  Join us for games, faith sharing and snacks.  You are also invited to join us at a corn maze on Oct. 19th from 4:00-6:00.  Contact Dianne Marshall at 458-5390 or for more information.

·         Ryan Delaney’s Ordination to the Diaconate: Our former Seminarian Ryan Delaney will be ordained to the Transitional Diaconate Friday, October 25, 2013 at 6:00pm. at Nashotah House. If you would like to attend please call the office to arrange to carpool.

·         Salvation Army Bell Ringing: Grace Church is signed up to ring bells for the Salvation Army on November 9th in two different locations. At the Piggly Wiggly on the north side from 1:30-7:00pm and at the Pick & Save on the south side from 1:30-7:00pm. Both of the locations are inside. The bells and kettle will be there, & a sign in sheet. Please sign up on the sheet in the Narthex. If you have any questions please call Nancy Yurk at 453-9948.

·         Raking Leaves Fundraiser:  If raking your yard this year seems like too much of a task, then our Boy Scout Troop is here to help. They will be raking leaves on the following dates: November 2nd, 9th, and 16th. If you are interested please contact Paul Aparicio ( A sign-up sheet will be available in the narthex.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Hail Mary!

Grace Episcopal Church
Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Grace Notes
10 October 2013

The parish just received a statue of the blessed Virgin Mary.  The statue (of Mary crowned as queen of heaven) has been placed in the columbarium.  Formerly, this statue was at the bishop’s residence, but it is diocesan and not personal property, and at Bp. Jacobus’ suggestion the diocesan trustees have agreed that she will remain on permanent loan to Grace.  This legacy of Bp. Jacobus will serve to remind us of his own devotion.  How fitting that this development has come about during the week of our annual pilgrimage festival honoring Our Lady of Walsingham.
Marian devotion is extremely important to some believers.  For many Christians, however, devotion to Our Lady is peripheral to their faith.  This may be because of unfamiliarity, but there is also an undercurrent of mistrust over how Marian devotion relates to faith in God.  It’s useful, then, to take a closer look at the Ave Maria—the Hail Mary—prayer used in the rosary and the Angelus prayers.  A closer look reveals that Marian devotion is just a part of the practice of the faith which is truly universal.
The first line, “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee” is right out of Luke, spoken by the angel Gabriel (Lk. 1.28).  We’ll hear this line in the gospel lesson at Christmas.  The second line, “blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb,” is also from Luke (1.42), spoken by Elizabeth.  “Holy Mary, Mother of God” labels Mary the Theotokos, the title given her at the Council of Ephesus in 431, with Ephesus being one of the first four ecumenical councils, recognized universally as authoritative by all branches of Anglicanism.
What about “Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death”?  This concluding line of the prayer recognizes the communion of saints, as set forth both in the prayer book Catechism (BCP 862), in the Prayers of the People at Holy Eucharist, and in the canon of the Eucharist itself.
Whether or not you practice Marian devotion daily, or it is something peripheral to your practice of the faith, join us this Friday and Saturday for our annual pilgrimage festival, to offer praise and worship to our Lord, together with the prayers of Mary.  In gathering, please remember, as well, that if you or anyone you know is challenged by the cost of the Saturday luncheon, that you should feel free to attend as a guest.  [If you plan on coming as a guest, alert the parish office, because we need a headcount!]

Grace Abounds:  Please thank Steve and Claudia Fischer and Ed and Mary Clabots for the wonderful coffee hours this past Sunday.  Please thank Ellen Aparicio and Elizabeth Schaffenburg for cleaning up after the Compline meal.

Call for Contributions:  Brian Heck’s reflection on the Faith Alive weekend (below) highlights that this is a parish blog.  If you have a spiritual reflection to share, or want to point your fellow worshippers toward a resource, submit your contributions to Fr. Karl (by email) by Wednesday (noon) each week..

Faith Alive reflection:    My intentions to take part in the Faith Alive Weekend at Grace Church actually didn’t occur until a week before the event took place.  A letter to consider being part of the weekend seemed to arrive in my mailbox just at the right time.  There was just something about this whole event that seemed very intriguing.
     The task of clearing my plans for that weekend were immediately enacted upon and much to my amazement seemed to be well received by those affected by it.  Participation in all aspects of the Faith Alive Weekend were encouraging to the spiritual aspects of my life but done is such a graceful way.  From the large gatherings in the parish hall and the small group discussions it seemed like a Grace Church Family Reunion that should have occurred years ago. 
     The weekend offered a vast amount of environments in a short amount of time to find the opportunity to identify where each individual stands in their faith.  All activities respected an individual’s privacy yet addressed the need to share with others personal needs and issues.  Basically, we all have our own personal ideas about the best way to allow our Beloved Lord to work in our lives but the Faith Alive Weekend renewed the importance of remembering that gathering together as a family only enhances that opportunity.  Hopefully the opportunities abounding as a result of the weekend will
encourage others to take part in future activities.
“FAITH ALIVE”:  What a blessing it is to know other individuals are praying for you as we all come together as a Christian Family and be forever thankful!
Respectfully and spiritually submitted,
―Brian S. Heck
Following Up on the Weekend  (Correction:  The October edition of The Angelus is incomplete in its listing of the Follow-up Committee.  Nancy Yurk is also a member of the committee.)

 Two different meetings have been scheduled.  The First called, “Talk & Share,” will be held monthly in the Education Hour between services the second week of the month (in October, it’d be the 13th) running between 9:10ish & 10:00 am.  It will consist of a process much like the FA weekend; counting off & going off in small groups to discuss several open-ended questions that would encourage people to share on a Spiritual Level.  The same expectations will be in effect:  begin with introductions; there should be no attempts to 'fix'; listening with non-judgmental attitudes; permission given not to share; maintaining confidentiality, & possible closing prayer(s) of some nature.  It’s a new beginning, open to anyone.  There will be facilitators & a few questions to guide the small group discussions.
 The Second meeting will be held the last weekend of October the 27th, at the same time between the services, but will be of a different nature.  At the follow-up meeting concluding the weekend there were a number of very focused suggestions for small groups aloud & in the evaluations: among them were book studies, mutual support groups, service (outreach) groups, entertainment (social groups) as well as others.  This meeting will help facilitate the establishing of these groups & be a one-time event. People interested in these groups would get a chance to meet & plan how to proceed with organizing themselves.

Episcopal Youth Community:  Coming up this month we have the Fall Lock in Oct 25-27 at St Annes in DePere. All 6-12th graders are invited and encouraged to attend. If you or your child has never been to a diocesan youth event this is an excellent opportunity to have for a first time. There is more information at this website: including what to bring what not to bring, and online registration. the cost is $45 before Oct 21 and $60 afterwards. Cost should never be a reason to not attend a diocesan or parish event, please see Nick, Fr. Karl, or Deacon Michele if you have any needs, or with to contribute financially to scholarships for events such as this.
In Film School, we will be starting a new film. For two weeks we will be watching and discussing The Emperor's New Groove. The themes we will look at in this G rated Disney animated feature are: Getting along, friendship, selfishness, selflessness, and family at the least.
Miss Pat's class is spearheading the effort to put together shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child, and would like to invite the whole parish to participate by donating small items for the shoe boxes, or if you desire a monetary donation that will be spent to get shoe box gifts. The goal is to have this be a parish outreach lead by the youth and children of the parish. Please participate as you can, including prayers. The drop off date is mid November (before Thanksgiving), and there will be more information in the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned.
―Grace and peace, Nick
Music this week

Evensong Friday, Oct. 11th  at 6 p.m. with choral scholars from Nashotah House
Joseph Kucharski, conductor

Prelude                         Psalm-Prelude (Ps. 34, v. 6)                                       Howells
Psalm 45                                                                                                          Anglican chant:
Canticles:                      Nashotah Service (plainsong with fauxbourdons)           Kucharski
Anthem                        Hail! Blessed Virgin Mary                                           Italian carol, harm.
Postlude                       Fugue on the Magnificat                                           Bach

Pontifical Mass with Procession, Oct. 12th at 10:30 a.m.

Prelude             The Gaudete Brass Quintet
Processional                 The Pilgrim’s Hymn
Mass setting                 Deutsche Messe                                                           Schubert
Offertory Hymn            “Hail, holy Queen, enthroned above”
Communion Motet        Mary the Dawn                                                          Dobey
Comm. Hymn               “Sing of Mary, pure and lowly”
Closing Hymn   “           “Ye who claim the faith of Jesus”
Postlude                       Grand Triumphal Chorus                                           Guilmant

Sprinkling, Intercessions, Musical Offering & Benediction at 2 p.m.

Prelude             Three Church Sonatas                                                  Mozart
Opening Hymn “Hail Mary, ever blessed”
During the Sprinkling     Air from the Orchestral Suite in D                                 Bach
Musical Offering           Salve Regina                                                               Scarlatti
                                    (with Barbara Hollinshead, mezzo-soprano, and string quartet)
Hymn                           “Sing we of the Blessed Mother”
Benediction                  O Salutaris                                                                  Gounod
                                    Tantum ergo                                                               Dobey
Closing Hymn               “Alleluia, sing to Jesus”
Postlude                       Sortie on Adoremus in aeternum                                Gigout

Sunday, Oct. 13th Solemn Mass at 10:15 a.m.

Prelude             Two Ave Maria settings                                               Bruckner & Potiron
Opening Hymn 390      “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty”
Offertory Hymn 493     “O, for a thousand tongues to sing”
Communion Motet        Tantum ergo                                                               Dobey
Communion Hymn        “O Saving Victim” (Hymn 209, t.2, 1940 Hymnal)
Closing Hymn 438        “Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord”
Postlude                       Toccata in D                                                                 Krieger

Parish Notices

§  New Parish Directory updates: Please find a draft copy of a new parish directory on the table in the Narthex at Grace Church. If you would please look at your entry and make any changes necessary and then initial it so we know it is correct. We are trying to have as many email addresses as possible, it saves postage and much of the communication of the church is done electronically. We never give them out but. Thank you.

§  Operation Christmas Child: Miss Pat's Sunday School class is spearheading the effort to put together shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child, and would like to invite the whole parish to participate by donating small items for the shoe boxes, or if you desire a monetary donation that will be spent to get shoe box gift items. The goal is to have this be a parish outreach lead by the youth and children of the parish. Please participate as you can, including prayers for this to be a successful project. The drop off date is in mid November (before Thanksgiving), and there will be more information in the next couple of weeks

§  Game Night at Grace: Game Nights are times when people of all ages can come together to play different games that are enjoyed by everyone. There will be board games, card games, and almost any type of game that you’d want to play. Invite your parents or your friends or anyone who you’d want to come. Game Night is open to all: young and old, singles, couples or families. The next Game night will be Sat, Oct 19th 6:30-9:00 PM. Feel free to bring snacks and drinks. We hope to see you there!

§  Autumn Aire: A concert given by Lakeshore Choral & Youth Chorale Saturday, October 19, 2013 at 7:30pm at Trinity Lutheran Church, 824 Wisconsin Avenue, Sheboygan. Together they present a concert filled with the freshness and diversity of a crisp autumn evening. The concert includes Mozart's "Regina Coeli," two great American Spirituals, poetry of Ogden Nash set to music by contemporary composer Eric Whitacre (including an ode to a Wisconsin favorite - the cow!), the poignant "Famine Song" by Vida, along with several other pieces which illuminate themes of the human experience. Join us for the first concert of our 31st season! $15.00 adults; $8.00 students OR included in Season Ticket

§  Raking Leaves Fundraiser:  If raking your yard this year seems like too much of a task, then our Boy Scout Troop is here to help. They will be raking leaves on the following dates: November 2nd, 9th, and 16th. If you are interested please contact Paul Aparicio ( A sign-up sheet will be available in the narthex.

§  Bishop Search: For all information concerning the search for the eighth Bishop of Fond du Lac please go to