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Thursday, April 25, 2013

St. Mark the Evangelist

Grace Episcopal Church
Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Grace Notes
25 April 2013

Today is the feast of St. Mark the Evangelist.  Mark was the son of a woman who owned a house in Jerusalem, perhaps the same house where Jesus ate the Last Supper with His disciples.  He may have been the young man who fled naked when the soldiers came to the garden to seize Jesus (Mark 14.52), and Paul refers to him as Barnabas’ cousin (Col. 4.10).  Mark is thought to have written his gospel on the basis of Peter’s recollections, and Peter refers to Mark as his “son” (1 Pet. 5.13).  Mark is thought to have been the first bishop of Alexandria.  His relics are claimed by Venice.
Mark is identified as accompanying Paul and Barnabas on their first mission journey, but as leaving the journey in its mid-point.  This led to a split between Paul and Barnabas about whether to include Mark in their second missionary journey (Acts 15.36-41), with Paul taking a strong stand that Mark was not up to the task.  But what happened?  First we note that Mark was active in mission with  Barnabas in Cyprus (Acts 15.39) and that Paul added Silas to his missionary journey (Acts 15.40), and so that , overall, mission advanced.  But, more importantly, the fact that Peter became Mark’s mentor is an example of the perfect symmetry of God’s mercy and call.  For, who better to work with Mark?  One can imagine the chief of the apostles as an older man sitting with his younger secretary and saying something like, “You worry that you failed, and weren’t up to the job?  Look at me.  I denied our Lord three times in one night, right after telling Him to His face that I would even die with Him.”
God shows us how He will use us, even when we have failed.  Mark went on to lead the Christians in the largest Greek-speaking city in the world, Alexandria, because God equipped him for this leadership role.  He equipped Mark through the ministry of Peter.  God sends His Spirit to us directly, but also through the ministry of those who surround us.  We can learn from our own mistakes, certainly, but also from those of others in the Body.  May we each always have the humility, when we have failed, to share with others how our failure may lead them into further service of our Lord.

Grace Abounds:  Please thank John Davis for fixing the garbage disposer in the kitchen.  Please thank Nicci Beeck, Cory Bouck, and Pat Ford Smith for their help in preparing the children for Communion, and in instructing them during the celebration of Holy Eucharist this past Sunday.

Congratulations are due to Cory Bouck for the publication of his book, The Lens of Leadership: Being the Leader Others Want to Follow (Aviva Publishing: New York).  A copy may be found in the parish library.  We are blessed to have gifted and dedicated parishioners like Cory.

Adult Christian Education:  During Eastertide we will keep adult education simple.  This will involve a Bible study session at 9 a.m. on Sundays, in which we will examine in detail the lessons used in worship on that day.  Bible Study will not meet on Thursdays until Ascension Day.  On 12 May we will commence a four week course on the First Letter of Peter.

Nashotah House Graduation will take place on Thursday, 16 May.  Graduates include our seminarian, Charleston Wilson.  A van will leave Grace at 8 a.m., with expected return about 4 p.m.  If you want to attend, we need numbers by 26 April, in order both to alert the seminary and to insure travel arrangements.  Contact the parish office.
Charleston Wilson is to be ordained to the diaconate in The Episcopal Diocese of Springfield (Illinois), at Nashotah House on the 14th of May, with Bp. Daniel Martins of Springfield as ordaining bishop.  Check with the parish office about the time of the service and about carpooling possibilities.

Outreach:  We have multiple copies of Archbishop Michael Ramsey’s Introducing the Christian Faith.  This short, very readable book, is something you can give a friend or acquaintance who has questions, and then invite them to worship with us.
Two CD’s exist of anthems and hymns recorded by our fine choir, under the direction of Ben Dobey.  These CD’s are available for sale, but consider just taking some without paying for them.  Why?  The CD’s are intended to be a form of outreach, to facilitate how we can invite people to join us in worship at Grace.  If you have thought about asking someone to visit the parish with you, then go ahead and give them a CD so they can get a little foretaste of worship here.  If you do this, just let the office know, so that we can keep apprised of inventory, but don’t hesitate to use the CD’s whenever you think it might be helpful.  Consider, as well, using parish note cards in outreach and invitation.

Society of Mary:  The parish chapter of the Society of Mary has been “regularized” by Fr. Karl being recognized by the society as the priest superior.  The Society is dedicated to devotions to Our Lady, and the fostering of Marian piety.  Every Monday at 5:30 p.m., a corporate rosary is prayed in the chapel Our Lady of Walsingham.  All are welcome and invited to participate.  If you have never prayed the rosary, join us, so that you may learn how this devotion may add to your prayer life.

Episcopal Youth Community: 

Falling Down
Very recently my daughter learned that she can climb the stairs. This has given my wife and I a lot of worry, and probably some heartburn. We don't want her to fall and get hurt, but even in this short time she has already fallen a couple of stairs.
Falling is one of the scariest things we can do, it is in most cases the way we talk about failure. Falling is often negative in connotation, and suggests that something has gone wrong. We are afraid of falling or failing.... well, I know I am.
But my daughter, doesn't seem to have that response. She is so excited to try and try again, and most of the time succeeding. She hasn't had anything drastic enough to scare her (and I hope that we don't for a while), but those responses are learned from our experiences. Expecting failure is not our natural response, so let's get out there and not be afraid to fall.
As we learned from Batman - "Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up again."

Music this week:

Prelude    Chorale Variations on Lord Jesus Christ, be present now   Johann Gottfried Walther
Entrance Hymn #404   “We will extol you”   Old 124th                 
Offertory Hymn  #477  “All praise to thee, for thou O King divine”  Engelberg
Communion Motet    The Call   Ralph Vaughan Williams
Communion Hymn #488   “Be thou my vision”   Slane
Closing Hymn #657  “Love divine, all loves excelling”   Hyfrydol
Postlude   Prelude & Ricercar in F     Johann Krieger

Parish Notices

Spring Cheer: is scheduled to meet on Wednesday, May 1st at 11:00 AM in the church kitchen.  At that time we will assemble freshly emerging daffodils (!) and bag cookies, and then make deliveries (there is a sign up sheet in the narthex.) We need helping hands and money (to buy for packaging supplies.) Can you bake, make a delivery or help arrange?  Please join us for this fulfilling ministry to our shut-ins.  They will appreciate it. If you have questions please call Barb MacEwen at 467-6909. 

Spring Clean-up – May 4th will be our annual spring clean-up.  We will clean from 9 to noon where Mary Snyder will be providing some delicious Cinco de Mayo food.  Please come and join us as the Bishop will be visiting the following day.
Bishop’s Visitation: May 5th we welcome Bishop Jacobus for his last visitation. The Bishop will preach and celebrate at both 8 and 10:15 services. We will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation and First Communions at the 10:15 am service. Please join us for a gala reception to welcome Bishop Jacobus and honor the Confirmed. Please sign up to bring sweets and savories and to clean up.

Ascension Solemn Evensong and Dinner: Please join the Tripartite Covenant Parishes in celebrating Ascension Day. Grace Church, will host Solemn Evensong Thursday, May 9th at 6:00pm. Evensong is a beautiful service of sung evening prayer. This will be followed by dinner in St. Nicholas Hall. Please sign up on the sheet in the Narthex.

Great Marriages of Sheboygan County: invites you to a “Celebration of Marriage” on Saturday, May 4, 2013 at The Bull at Pinehurst Farms, Sheboygan Falls. Social-Cash bar at 5:30 pm, Dinner & Silent Auction at 6 pm and Program and Dance to follow. Dress code is coat & tie. Cost: $60 per person. Please reserve your ticket by April 22, 2013. For more information please call: (920) 783-3660.  Thank you.

SCIO Spring Luncheon & Fundraiser: Sheboygan County Interfaith Organization is once again honoring women at their Spring Luncheon & Fundraiser, Saturday, May 4, 2013 from 11:00am -1:00pm at Pine Hills Country Club, 4914 Superior Ave, Sheboygan. The Spring Luncheon will include Social, Silent Auction, Lunch and Program. The cost is $40 per person or $320 for a table of eight. Please contact SCIO at 457-7272 ext. 14 for reservations.

SCIO Silent Auction: Jessica Ambelang and Pat Ford Smith have volunteered to provide a Fourth of July themed basket to be added to the silent auction at the Spring Luncheon & Fundraiser. If anyone has Fourth of July type items to be added to the basket for Grace Church Please contact Jessica at 452-5667.

Nashotah House Graduation will take place on Thursday, 16 May.  Graduates include our seminarian, Charleston Wilson.  A van will leave Grace at 8 a.m., with expected return about 4 p.m.  If you want to attend, we need numbers by 26 April, in order both to alert the seminary and to insure travel arrangements.  Contact the parish office.

Charleston Wilson is to be ordained to the diaconate: in The Episcopal Diocese of Springfield (Illinois), at Nashotah House on the 14th of May, with Bp. Daniel Martins of Springfield as ordaining bishop.  Check with the parish office about the time of the service and about carpooling possibilities.

Society of Mary:  The parish chapter of the Society of Mary has been “regularized” by Fr. Karl being recognized by the society as the priest superior.  The Society is dedicated to devotions to Our Lady, and the fostering of Marian piety.  Every Monday at 5:30 p.m., a corporate rosary is prayed in the chapel Our Lady of Walsingham.  All are welcome and invited to participate.  If you have never prayed the rosary, join us, so that you may learn how this devotion may add to your prayer life.

Bishop Search: For all information concerning the search for the eighth Bishop of Fond du Lac please go to

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Sobering Statistics

Grace Episcopal Church
Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Grace Notes
18 April 2013

In recent statistics published by The Barna Group, fifty-seven per cent  of all American adults are self-identified as never having read the Bible—and that means any part of the Bible, let alone the entire book!  What’s interesting (and distressing) is to compare this measure with the percentages of adults who self-identify as atheists or agnostics, or who state they have never prayed, or who believe the Bible is “inaccurate” or that “Jesus committed sins”.  If they have never read the Bible, how would they know?
There are different ways to read, interpret, understand, and preach what is revealed in the Bible, and some of them are not at all healthy, but if I say that something or someone doesn't exist, and refuse to engage the data, can I claim to be anything more than self-referential? 
The Barna study can be found here: .  Data are presented about the degree to which Americans in various age groups can be classified as “post Christian,” and the numbers are scary.  In the aggregate, 46% of all American adults would now qualify as “post Christian” (which in many cases is a reversion to paganism).  Before we who do seek to follow Jesus cast any stones at unbelief, let’s focus on the numbers in the Barna study not as measures of what is wrong in our society but as reflecting what is wrong in the Church.  If close to half of the nation have in some sense opted out of faith, are we doing what we are called to do?  Are we being who we are called to be?  If a business lost a huge percentage of its customers, wouldn't there be consequences for its management and workers?
Space here does not permit an extended discussion about the ways in which the Church is failing in mission, but whatever specifics can be agreed upon it is pretty obvious that when the Church is faithful she will fulfill the mission to which God calls her.  So, when we see the decline in faith in America, let’s focus on who we are called to be as the Church; on how we are called to follow our Lord; on how we are called to proclaim the Good News of salvation to a world in which many people do not believe they need a Savior.  Let’s focus on who God calls us to be first.  It is only when we are faithful that we can then focus on those who are not, and reach out to them in the ways God calls us to.

Grace Abounds:  Please thank Barb MacEwen and Nicci Beeck for cleaning and organizing the kitchen.  We have a lot of different users of the kitchen (and, recently, clean-up has been in need of improvement), and it’s a big job to get things organized.  A kitchen operations manual is being developed.
Please thank Terry and Mary Kohler for the donation of a new induction heating pot for the kitchen.  This will allow soups and similar offerings to be heated without the need to use the stove.

Adult Christian Education:  During Eastertide we will keep adult education simple.  This will involve a Bible study session at 9 a.m. on Sundays, in which we will examine in detail the lessons used in worship on that day.  Bible Study will not meet on Thursdays until Ascension Day.
Nashotah House Graduation will take place on Thursday, 16 May.  Graduates include our seminarian, Charleston Wilson.  A van will leave Grace at 8 a.m., with expected return about 4 p.m.  If you want to attend, we need numbers by 26 April, in order both to alert the seminary and to insure travel arrangements.  Contact the parish office.
Charleston Wilson is to be ordained to the diaconate in The Episcopal Diocese of Springfield (Illinois), at Nashotah House on the 14th of May, with Bp. Daniel Martins of Springfield as ordaining bishop.  Check with the parish office about the time of the service and about carpooling possibilities.

Musical Outreach:  Two CD’s exist of anthems and hymns recorded by our fine choir, under the direction of Ben Dobey.  These CD’s are available for sale, but consider just taking some without paying for them.  Why?  The CD’s are intended to be a form of outreach, to facilitate how we can invite people to join us in worship at Grace.  If you have thought about asking someone to visit the parish with you, then go ahead and give them a CD so they can get a little foretaste of worship here.  If you do this, just let the office know, so that we can keep apprised of inventory, but don’t hesitate to use the CD’s whenever you think it might be helpful.  Consider, as well, using parish note cards in outreach and invitation.

Episcopal Youth Community:  Recently, my family has been celebrating several milestones. My wife and I turn 30 this April, and we just celebrated our 6th anniversary, for which we had one party and reveled in the love of our friends and family.  And, this May we will be celebrating our daughter’s first birthday!  We are blessed to have someone to teach us humility, and patience, and love.
This time of year we are also preparing to celebrate other milestones.  As we near the end of the school year, we take note of the things we have accomplished throughout the year.  We have graduations to celebrate, we have middle schoolers becoming high schoolers, and so on and so forth.
We also have people who have been preparing for their Confirmation, and others for their First Communion. These are the kinds of things I feel that we in the Church, as the Body of Christ, need to be prepared to celebrate, and to do it with gusto! These people have taken the time, to learn, understand, and decide that they will take a step, or even a leap, of faith into bigger promises, and a wider, deeper understanding of who God is, and who they are.  This is important, these are Hallelujah moments, these are milestones marking the path of our lives.
Music this week:

Prelude                                    Prelude on St. Columba                                  Vintner
Entrance Hymn 205                “Good Christians all, rejoice and sing”           Gelobt sei Gott
Offertory Hymn 645               “The King of love my shepherd is”                St. Columba
Communion Motet                  Brother James’s Air                                        arr. Jacob
Communion Hymn 312          “Strengthen for service, Lord”                       Malabar
Closing Hymn 194                  “Jesus lives!  Thy terrors now”                       St. Albinus
Postlude                                  Festal Flourish                                                Jacob

Parish Notices

Public Lecture: The Rev. Dr. James Trainor, physicist, Episcopal priest, and author, will be speaking on the subject of his book, Grasp: Making Sense of Science & Spirituality; at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Sheboygan Falls on Saturday April 20, 6:00pm. This will be a public lecture with opportunities to ask questions.The lecture is open to the public free of charge. Dr. Trainor worked as an experimental physicist (PhD. D., University of California) and served at some of the world's leading research organizations for over 25 years before answering the call to ordained ministry. After serving congregations in New Mexico, Texas, and Wisconsin, Dr. Trainor continues to explore the intersection of modern physics with the claims of an ancient Judeo-Christian faith, bringing together the thoughts of great scientific and religious thinkers with the real-life stories of people who have grasped for the truth. Please join us for this exciting event. Dr. Trainor will also preach at St. Peter’s worship services at 8:00am & 10:00am on Sunday April 21. For more on Dr. Jim Trainor, please visit his website at:

Life Line Screening: Grace Church is sponsoring Life Line Screening Wednesday, April 24th from 8:30-5:30. This is a community event offering the “Helping Hands” program which can save your life and the lives of your loved ones through simple, painless, preventive health screenings. Special $10 discount for our members and their families PLUS a matching $10 donation to Grace Church for everyone who preregisters. There are registration forms in this bulletin or on the Narthex table or in the church office. You may sign up by calling 1-800-324-9458. They will ask for source code HSC5603.

Bishop’s Visitation: May 5th we welcome Bishop Jacobus for his last visitation. The Bishop will preach and celebrate at both 8 and 10:15 services. We will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation and First Communions at the 10:15 am service. Please join us for a gala reception to welcome Bishop Jacobus and honor the Confirmed. Please sign up to bring sweets and savories and to clean up.

Ascension Solemn Evensong and Dinner: Please join the Tripartite Covenant Parishes in celebrating Ascension Day. Grace Church, will host Solemn Evensong Thursday, May 9th at 6:00pm. Evensong is a beautiful service of sung evening prayer. This will be followed by dinner in St. Nicholas Hall. Please sign up on the sheet in the Narthex.

Great Marriages of Sheboygan County invites you to a “Celebration of Marriage” on Saturday, May 4, 2013 at The Bull at Pinehurst Farms, Sheboygan Falls. Social-Cash bar at 5:30 pm, Dinner & Silent Auction at 6 pm and Program and Dance to follow. Dress code is coat & tie. Cost: $60 per person. Please reserve your ticket by April 22, 2013. For more information please call: (920) 783-3660.  Thank you.

SCIO Spring Luncheon & Fundraiser: Sheboygan County Interfaith Organization is once again honoring women at their Spring Luncheon & Fundraiser, Saturday, May 4, 2013 from 11:00am -1:00pm at Pine Hills Country Club, 4914 Superior Ave, Sheboygan. The Spring Luncheon will include Social, Silent Auction, Lunch and Program. The cost is $40 per person or $320 for a table of eight. Please contact SCIO at 457-7272 ext. 14 for reservations.

SCIO Silent Auction: Jessica Ambelang and Pat Ford Smith have volunteered to provide a Fourth of July themed basket to be added to the silent auction at the Spring Luncheon & Fundraiser. If anyone has Fourth of July type items to be added to the basket for Grace Church Please contact Jessica at 452-5667.
Come in the Sweet By & Bye! Grace Sunday School’s Plant & Bake Sale will be Saturday April 27th from 9:00am -3:00pm. The Proceeds go to the Sunday School’s mission projects which include Heifer Project, Food for the Poor and Hannah Project in Rwanda. Please drop off bakery donations Friday, April 26th in the Church office or Saturday in the Narthex. Please label donations with any special ingredients such as gluten free, egg free, contains nuts, etc. Suggested donations are pies, cookies, tarts, specialty breads, muffins, decorated cupcakes. House plants are also welcome to be added to the sale, please be sure they are disease free. This sale is in conjunction with St. Luke Methodist rummage sale, you are encouraged to donate items for sale there as well.

Bishop Search: For all information concerning the search for the eighth Bishop of Fond du Lac please go to

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Continuing Communication

Grace Episcopal Church
Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Grace Notes
11 April 2013

It’s time to share a few “pats on the back”.  Last week we noted how many people made the entire experience of Holy Week and Easter so successful and holy.  This week we have received external feedback on success.  On Tuesday a conference for parish administrators was held in Plymouth, with the focus being on the use of web-based communications and social media.  The consultant (a retired Presbyterian minister) presented a detailed analysis of all of the parish websites in the diocese, and of all of the ways congregations are using web-based communications.  His objective view was that if you didn’t know anything about The Episcopal Church, and based your reaction on what you encountered on the web, in this diocese you would think that we are focused on, and proud of, our history, our architecture, our liturgy, and that most church buildings have red doors.
But guess what?  When the consultant then turned to “how it can be done” the example he used was the website and other communications of Grace.  That’s right, our website and blog and Facebook page are being held up as a good way to do it—how to communicate with people who don’t know about the Church and the faith, to let them know who we are, what we believe in, how they are welcome.
This doesn’t just happen.  The website has been designed and is maintained by Jon Whitford, assisted by Joann Otte.  Content comes from a lot of sources.  It includes photographs and links supplied by parishioners, sermons and educational materials from Fr. Schaffenburg, calendar updates maintained by Dcn. Michele Whitford and Bobbi Kraft, EYC updates from Nick Whitford.  The parish blog, Grace Notes, includes weekly contributions, as well, from Nick and from Ben Dobey.  A lot of people are busy, and put real thought into how we share the Good News.  And, all of this is in addition to our print outlets of the monthly newsletter and the weekly worship bulletins.
Here’s how you can help.  First, let us know about changes needed in the website or other media.  Second, if you use social media (e.g., Facebook) then link your page to the parish pages.  List “likes” that allow your net work to explore what we are saying, who we are.  Use the electronic media as a way to invite people to visit and worship with us.  And, thank those who are keeping the communications flow going. 

Adult Christian Education:  During Eastertide we will keep adult education simple.  This will involve a Bible study session at 9 a.m. on Sundays, in which we will examine in detail the lessons used in worship on that day.  Bible Study will not meet on Thursdays until Ascension Day.

Musical Outreach:  Two CD’s exist of anthems and hymns recorded by our fine choir, under the direction of Ben Dobey.  These CD’s are available for sale, but consider just taking some without paying for them.  Why?  The CD’s are intended to be a form of outreach, to facilitate how we can invite people to join us in worship at Grace.  If you have thought about asking someone to visit the parish with you, then go ahead and give them a CD so they can get a little foretaste of worship here.  If you do this, just let the office know, so that we can keep apprised of inventory, but don’t hesitate to use the CD’s whenever you think it might be helpful.  Consider, as well, using parish note cards in outreach and invitation.

Episcopal Youth Community

Being the Body:  Our discipleship program shifts into its second trimester on Saturday, 13 April (9 a.m. to 1 p.m.)  The program examines discipleship in terms of Knowing—Being—Doing.  In the first trimester we looked at how we know who God is, and what His will is for us.  In this second phase we will examine how we are formed as disciples, and we will begin with an intensive examination of sacramental identity, of how we identify ourselves as members of Christ in the Holy Eucharist.  The 13 April program will feature an instructed eucharist which will occupy the entire morning, to involve dramatic action as well as instruction.

Music this week:

Prelude                        Chorale on Haec Dies                                                            Widor
Entrance Hymn 199    “Come, ye faithful, raise the strain”                           St. Kevin
Offertory Hymn 305   “Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our guest”          Rosedale
Communion Motet      Most glorious Lord of life                                            Harris

Most glorious Lord of life, that on this day
                        Didst make Thy triumph over death and sin,
                        And having harrowed hell, didst bring away
                        Captivity thence captive, us to win.
                        This joyous day, dear Lord, with joy begin,
                        And grant that we for whom Thou diddest die,
                        Being with Thy dear blood clean washed from sin,
                        May live for ever in felicity:
                        And that thy love we weighing worthily,
                        May likewise love Thee for the same again;
                        And for Thy sake, that all like dear didst buy,
                        With love may one another entertain.
                        So let us love, dear Love, like as we ought;
                        Love is the lesson which the Lord us taught.
                                                            ―Edmund Spenser (ca.1522–1599)

Comm. Hymn 343      “Shepherd of souls, refresh and bless”                       St. Agnes
Closing Hymn 208      “The strife is o’er”                                                       Victory
Postlude                      Trumpet Tune & Ayre                                                 Telemann

Parish Notices

Life Line Screening: Grace Church is sponsoring Life Line Screening Wednesday, April 24th from 8:30-5:30. This is a community event offering the “Helping Hands” program which can save your life and the lives of your loved ones through simple, painless, preventive health screenings. Special $10 discount for our members and their families PLUS a matching $10 donation to Grace Church for everyone who preregisters. There are registration forms in this bulletin or on the Narthex table or in the church office. You may sign up by calling 1-800-324-9458. They will ask for source code HSC5603.

Tripartite Ascension Solemn Evensong and Dinner: Please join the Tripartite Covenant Parishes in celebrating Ascension Day. Grace Church, will host Solemn Evensong Thursday, May 9th at 6:00pm. Evensong is a beautiful service of sung evening prayer. This will be followed by dinner in St. Nicholas Hall. Please sign up on the sheet in the Narthex.

SCIO Spring Luncheon & Fundraiser: Sheboygan County Interfaith Organization is once again honoring women at their Spring Luncheon & Fundraiser, Saturday, May 4, 2013 from 11:00am -1:00pm at Pine Hills Country Club, 4914 Superior Ave, Sheboygan. The Spring Luncheon will include Social, Silent Auction, Lunch and Program. The cost is $40 per person or $320 for a table of eight. Please contact SCIO at 457-7272 ext. 14 for reservations.

SCIO Silent Auction: Each member church is asked to provide a themed basket to be added to the silent auction at the Spring Luncheon & Fundraiser. If anyone is interested in putting together a basket for Grace Church there is additional information and basket ideas on the bulletin board in the narthex or please contact the office.

Bishop Search: For all information concerning the search for the eighth Bishop of Fond du Lac please go to

Thursday, April 4, 2013

A Great Big "Thank You!"

Grace Episcopal Church
Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Grace Notes
4 April 2013

A regular feature of this weekly newsletter is found under the heading “Grace Abounds,” and relates to all those to whom we can offer thanks for service in the parish.  This week the entire newsletter is dedicated to recognizing that well over one third of the entire average attendance of the parish was involved in the preparation for and celebration of the many liturgies of Holy Week.  Offerings included:

Acolytes:  Beth Boland, Emily Boland, Bremen Delaney, Brenna Delaney, Annette Fabiano, Isabella Fabiano, Scott Fabiano, Bob Imig, Kaleigh Kraft, Nina Prange, Stuart Schmidt, Bob Wood, Doris Yang.
Altar Guild:  Bev Evans, Claudia & Steve Fischer, Bob Hanlon, Anne Hanlon, Bobbi Kraft, Katie Maki, Barb MacEwen.
Choir & Music:  Jessica Ambelang, Jack Britton, Ben Dobey, Hans Graf, Jerry Hansen, Caleb Klinzing, Nancy Imig, Delpha McAloon, Bernie Markevitch, Jasmine Palmer, Sandie Palmer, Sebastian Palmer, Jennifer Pawlus, Bill Roenitz, Paula Roenitz, Elizabeth Schaffenburg, Mary Snyder, Joyce Wessel, Jack Westfall, Dallas Wright.
Clergy:  John Ambelang, Mike Burg, Karl Schaffenburg, Michele Whitford, assisted by Ryan Delaney (seminarian).
Decorating:  Nicci Beeck, Annette Fabiano, Isabella Fabiano, Bernie Markevitch.
Food set-up and clean-up:  Jessica Ambelang, Nicci Beeck, Julie Davidson, Ann Hanlon, Bob Hanlon, Mary Kohler, Terry Kohler, Barb MacEwen, Bob MacEwen, Bernie Markevitch, Martha Shad.
Lectors:  Jessica Ambelang, Scott Bailey, Cory Bouck, Ryan Delaney, Pat Ford Smith, Bobbi Kraft, Bob MacEwen, Bernie Markevitch, Bob Wood.
Nursery:  Sarah Bondy, Bryan Stenz, Jennifer Whitford, Nick Whitford.
Ushers:  Ed Clabots, John Davis, Bev Evans, Steve Fischer, Claudia Fischer, Steve Gallimore, Wayne Sather, Jill Stagner, Jon Whitford,
Window cleaning and preparation:  Ed Clabots, Mary Clabots.

The danger in making any list of people to thank is that someone will be left off, inadvertently.  If you are aware of anyone who has helped, who is not named above, please alert the parish office!

Adult Christian Education:  During Eastertide we will keep adult education simple.  This will involve a Bible study session at 9 a.m. on Sundays, in which we will examine in detail the lsesson used in worship on that day.  Bible Study will not meet on Thursdays until Ascension Day.

Episcopal Youth Community:  When people sometimes ask, where are the youth in the parish, they need to look up to the altar.  Take a look at the thanksgiving lists, above.  Of the acolytes listed, nine are young people (including seven in the EYC age range).  This means that in an age and culture in which the accepted wisdom is that it is difficult to engage young people in liturgical worship, that our young people engaged in service throughout a schedule that included three “extra” services” during the past week, all outside of “normal” worship hours, and all lasting longer than a typical Sunday service.  The accepted wisdom is not very wise!     [Fr. Karl]
Just before Easter I came across this article, and I immediately wanted to share it. I hope you find something in it that speaks to your heart.

Being the Body:  Our discipleship program shifts into its second trimester on Saturday, 13 April (9 a.m. to 1 p.m.)  The program examines discipleship in terms of Knowing—Being—Doing.  In the first trimester we looked at how we know who God is, and what His will is for us.  In this second phase we will examine how we are formed as disciples, and we will begin with an intensive examination of sacramental identity—of how we identify ourselves as members of Christ in the Holy Eucharist.  The 13 April program will feature an instructed eucharist which will occupy the entire morning, to involve dramatic action as well as instruction.

Music this week:

Music for the Second Sunday of Easter

Prelude                        Fantasy in G Major                                                     Bach
Entrance Hymn 193    “That Easter day with joy was bright”                       Puer Nobis
Mass setting – S278 & S 128                                                                          Mathias
Offertory Hymn 206   “O sons and daughters, let us sing”                            O filii et filiae
Communion Motet      This joyful Eastertide                                       Dutch melody, harm. Wood
Comm. Hymn 209      “We walk by faith, and not by sight”                         St. Botolph
Closing Hymn 180      “He is risen, He is risen”                                             Unser Herrscher
Postlude                      Fugue on ‘O filii et filiae’                                            Langlais

The Annunciation (transferred)
Monday, April 8th, at 6 p.m.

Prelude                        Two Antiphons for the Magnificat                               Dupré
Opening Hymn 268    “Ye who claim the faith of Jesus”                              Julion             
Offertory Hymn 265   “The angel Gabriel from heaven came”                      Gabriel’s Message
Closing Hymn 438      “Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord”            Woodlands
Postlude                      Fugue on the Magnificat                                             Bach

Parish Notices

Potluck Dinner and Compline: Bring a dish to pass and join us this evening Sunday, April 7th at 6:30 p.m., for a potluck dinner and fellowship. At 8:00 p.m. the Schola Cantorum will sing Compline, a beautiful restful service full of candles and music.

Annunciation Solemn Mass: Please join us Monday, April 8th at 6:00 p.m. for the Feast of the Annunciation. We will celebrate the Angel Gabriel’s visit to Mary and her Yes to God’s request that she bear the Son of God.

Adult Christian Education: During Eastertide we will take a break from formal study, and focus more on discussion. On Sunday mornings at 9, join us for coffee and a group discussion of the scriptural lessons for that Sunday. We will use the Bible study format (posted on the parish website during the prior week) which outlines the discussion points for each lesson. Come prepared to share in fellowship. Bring your questions. You can read the lessons in advance by following the Bible Study links on the parish website, which will give you the study outlines and a link to the full text of the lessons.

SCIO Spring Luncheon & Fundraiser: Sheboygan County Interfaith Organization is once again honoring women at their Spring Luncheon & Fundraiser, Saturday, May 4, 2013 from 11:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. at Pine Hills Country Club, 4914 Superior Ave, Sheboygan. The Spring Luncheon will include Social, Silent Auction, Lunch and Program. The cost is $40 per person or $320 for a table of eight. Please contact SCIO at 457-7272 ext. 14 for reservations.

SCIO Silent Auction: Each member church is asked to provide a themed basket to be added to the silent auction at the Spring Luncheon & Fundraiser. If anyone is interested in putting together a basket for Grace Church there is additional information and basket ideas on the bulletin board in the narthex or please contact the office.

Bishop Search: For all information concerning the search for the eighth Bishop of Fond du Lac please go to