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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Liturgy and Community

Grace Episcopal Church
Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Grace Notes
24 April 2014

Alleluia!  The Lord is risen!  Over the past week we have done a lot of work, the “work of the people” (liturgy).  Our new bishop has offered his own reflections on how liturgy involves children, and these dovetail nicely with what was offered in the Easter sermon on how our five senses point to a greater reality beyond them.
The bishop’s comments are found here: 
The Easter sermon is found here: 
But wait!  There’s more!  Contemporaneous with these offerings is the submission on small groups (below) from Barb Drury-Zimmerman, arising in the context of the Education for Ministry course meetings in the parish.  Notice the equation here?  Liturgy involves the active participation—in the Spirit—of all worshippers, and life in the Spirit involves reaching out to each other.

Small Groups Ministries:  Being part of a small group is being part of the body of Christ.  When we are comfortable with each other we then have the courage to tell each other prophecies or what we see someone else doing or how we understand something.  This deep sharing of our souls can only come about through the love we have for each other.  We feel safe and we can honestly share our successes and failures.   I was able to share my personal growth in praying extemporaneously that afternoon with dear friends whose child has sustained a severe injury.  I not only prayed aloud with them, but could just hug, listen and love them for it was not me that was there, but I represented Jesus and was trying to show His love and hope for them.  I could also share [in EfM] that being able to do it that day was not something that I had always been doing.  There have been many times in my past that I did not listen to God telling me to go, pray, listen or offer hope and love.  I have grown in my ability to be able to do this, because I not only know that God wants me to do it, but I know that my close friends will be there to support me in it, no matter what it looks like.
Jesus had a small group of trusted friends, who He could share his life with, and He didn’t send each disciple out by themselves to minister.   The strength we get from each other is crucial to our growth in our Christian walk.  God did not call solitary Christians, but called each one of us to be part of families, small intimate groups and faith communities.  We grow as we become an active part and not just an occasional  “pew sitter”.  Relationships are never easy, take consistent time, but they are worth all the effort we put into them.  They sustain us, love us and help show us the way that God wants us to go.  What is holding you back from being part of a small group?  Need help in finding one?  I am sure that there are many people in church leadership that can help you.  I pray that you take this first step, which is forged with courage, but always know that God is leading the way & holding your hand.  With God being there, we need to trust Him and not rely on ourselves.  May this Easter season find you taking that first step.                                                                                                     ―Barb Drury-Zimmerman

Grace Abounds:  Please thank:
§  The Altar Guild.
§  Acolytes:  In addition to acolyte master Scot Fabiano, our acolyte crew put in yeoman duty throughout multiple services.  Please thank:  Austin Barrows, Beth, Emily and Rachel Boland, Ben, Dee and Tasha Crouse, Kaleigh Kraft, and Dustin Yang.
§  Ben Dobey and the choir!
§  The deacons, for all of their extra ministries (including Dcn. Mike’s pyromania!)
§  The decorating crew:  The splendid flower arrangements and decorating were effected by Barb Drury-Zimmerman, Bobbi and Kaleigh Kraft, Bernie Markevitch, Mary Snyder, and Bryan Stenz.
§  The Easter luncheon was set up by Jessica Ambelang, Barb MacEwen and Bernie Markevitch, with clean-up managed by Paul Aparicio, and Bill and Deb Gagin.
§  Wine for the Easter luncheon was donated by Terry and Mary Kohler.

Call for ContributionsIf you have a spiritual reflection to share, or want to point your fellow worshippers toward a resource, submit your contributions to Fr. Karl (by email) by Wednesday in the week of publication.

Music this week:  

Prelude                                    Prelude on ‘Haec dies’                                   Vintner
Entrance Hymn 193                “That Easter day with joy was bright”
Mass setting                           Communion Service                                        Mathias
Offertory Hymn 206               “O sons and daughters, let us sing”
Communion Motet                  This joyful Eastertide                                       Wood
Communion Hymn 209          “We walk by faith, and not by sight”
Closing Hymn 189                  “He is risen, He is risen”
Postlude                                  Fugue on ‘O filii et filiae’                                Langlais

Parish Notices

§  Sunday School Bake Sale: Saturday, April 26, from 9:00-2:00, in conjunction with St. Luke Methodist rummage sale, Grace will be selling baked goods with proceeds going to Sunday School’s outreach projects. Baked goods will be accepted by anyone who would like to bake: pies, breads, muffins, cookies or anything you would like to donate. Baked goods can be dropped off at the church anytime before Friday at noon.

§  Christian Formation Schedule for May: 4 May Rector’s forum:  An open forum for questions about the Church, the parish, the faith.
    • 11 May: Care and Share:  Small group ministries formation and sharing
    • 18 May: Biblical Reflections:  Meditations/reflections will be offered on the Sunday lessons for all Sundays in May, as prepared by Mary Massey, Jane Hanson, Mary Snyder and Connie Schneider, for use in small group discussions. The meeting will be facilitated by Dcn. Michele Whitford.
    • 25 May: Small groups: Such as Care Givers, Galatians and other existing ministries.

§  All About Camp: A special event will be held Sunday, May 4 from 2-5 p.m. at All Saints Episcopal Church in Appleton. It is for youth who have been to camp, those who have never been to camp but want to learn more about it, for parents with questions about camp, and anyone else who wants to find out what Summer Camp is all about. Many of the 2014 counselors will be there. There will be food, games, arts & crafts. For questions, contact Canon Tony Walter at or at 920-284-7967.

§  Stay Connected! There are many ways to stay connected and find all the latest announcements. Grace Church can be found by “liking” us on Facebook. You can also sign up for the Grace Notes blog at on the right hand side there is a place to sign up and receive the blog by email. You can find the Grace Church website at At the end of each bulletin there is QR code that you can scan with your smart phone and it will take you directly to the website. If you have an email address you can receive the Angelus electronically and save the church some printing and postage costs as well as receive any gentle reminders that may pop up between Angelus publications. If you have questions about any of these things please call the office.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Grace Abounds

Grace Episcopal Church
Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Grace Notes
17 April 2014

“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another" (Jn. 13.35).  The Latin for commandment is mandatum, from which we derive Maundy Thursday—that we receive Jesus’ new commandment.  And how is it that Jesus loves us, and that we are to love one another?  It is in the giving of self.  At the same meal with His disciples at which our Lord gives this commandment He institutes the Holy Eucharist, the supreme self-offering made by God Himself.  It is in self-offering that we are to love one another, and it is in this that we make an offering of ourselves to God.  Regard, therefore, the length of the list found just below this paragraph.  Look upon the extent of offering made by members of this parish just within the last week.  To God be the glory! that so many in this Body live into the new commandment the giving of which we remember this day.

Grace Abounds:  Please thank:
§  The Altar Guild members, for all their extra work in preparing the church for the multiple services of Holy Week.  Special thanks to Bev Evans for polishing altar vessels, and to Bobbi and Kaleigh Kraft for statue and image shrouding.
§  Deacon Michele Whitford, for all of her extra work in preparing the service bulletins for Holy Week (while coördinating the consecration of our new bishop!)
§  Pat Ford Smith and Jane Hanson for manning the parish office.
§  Ben Dobey and the choir, for their extra work in preparing the music for Holy Week.
§  Leslie Kohler for the Friday night simple supper following Stations of the Cross, plus John Ambelang and Bill and Deb Gagin for clean-up.
§  Bill Gagin and Deacon Michele Whitford for offering the Friday Stations of the Cross meditations.
§  Bob and Anne Hanlon, and Terry and Mary Kohler, for the Sunday coffee hours.
§  Bev Evans, Jeremy Williams, and Nancy Yurk for serving at the Emmaus Meal at The Salvation Army.
§  Paul Apparicio, Bill and Deb Gagin, and BSA Troop 801 for Spring clean-up and groundskeeping at All Saints’ Chapel.
§  Randy Barrow, Tom and Tasha Crouse, Mary Snyder, Brian Stenz, Nick Whitford and Tom Wright for painting the undercroft hallways.
§  Mary Snyder for coördinating parish publicity for Holy Week.
§  All those who worked on the Spring clean-up at the parish:  John Ambelang, Randy and Austin Barrow, Nicci Beeck, Jack Britton, Tom, Tasha and Ben Crouse, John Davis, Ben Dobey, Bob and Anne Hanlon, Jane Hanson, Bob and Barb MacEwen, Elizabeth Schaffenburg, Mary Snyder, and Danie Wilson.  Special thanks to Barb MacEwen for preparing lunch.
§  "A shout-out and thanks to two people involved in this weekend's church cleaning. Brian Stenz: Stayed at the church until midnight on Friday prepping for painting the downstairs hallway, making it possible to paint said hallway in one day on Saturday. Second shout-out to Barb MacEwen who prepared a delicious meal for the clean-up volunteers, using only stuff from the church freezer. The meal was fantastic! You people are very smart and we're lucky to have you. It was fun working with everybody who showed up." (M. Snyder)
§  Doubtless there are others.  Please alert the office to those whom we may miss.

The Great Triduum:  Holy Week is a time to pay attention.  The great cycle of services from Maundy Thursday to Easter is certainly dramatic, and this drama is explored in the article found here:

Bring your cell phone!  Believe it or not, we want you to use your cell phone in church (set on silent!)  Bring your cell phone, and at a service like Maundy Thursday, the Great Vigil of Easter, or on Easter morning (not on Good Friday) take out your cell phone and (discretely) take a photograph of some aspect to of the service that particularly catches your attention.  Then, if you use social media like Facebook, post the photo on your page, with a link to the Facebook page and website of the parish.  Let’s see how much we can broadcast to those with whom we are connected how we connect with God, that we can lay more of a base to invite them to connect with God with us.  Be discrete.  Don’t post a picture of someone without their permission.

Call for ContributionsIf you have a spiritual reflection to share, or want to point your fellow worshippers toward a resource, submit your contributions to Fr. Karl (by email) by Wednesday in the week of publication.

Music this week:  

Maundy Thursday

Prelude                        Meditation on ‘Ubi caritas’                                         Visser
                                    Prelude on ‘Adoro devote’                                          Willan
Opening Hymn           “Zion, praise thy Savior, singing”       (Lauda Sion)
Gloria in excelsis         Gregorian Mass X                                             adapt. Wildman
At the Foot Washing: Ubi caritas                                                                  Durufle
                                    God is love, and where true love is                             Proulx
Offertory Hymn 315   “Thou, who at thy first Eucharist didst pray”
Communion Motet      Ave verum                                                                   Plainsong
Comm. Hymn 204      “Humbly I adore thee”
Procession to the Altar of Repose: Hymn 329 “Now, my tongue the mystery telling”

Good Friday

Sung Passion Gospel                                                                                       Plainsong
Veneration of the Cross                      Adoramus te, Christe                          Mozart
                                                            Behold the Lamb of God                     Willan
                                                            Cross of Jesus                                     Stainer
                                                            God so loved the world                       Stainer
Easter Vigil

Gloria                          Communion Service                                                    Mathias
Offertory                     Christus vincit (Christ has conquered)                        Noyon
Communion Motet      Most glorious Lord of Life                                           Harris
Comm. Hymn 305      “Come, risen Lord”
Closing Hymn 208      “The strife is o’er”
Postlude                      Grand Triumphal Chorus                                           Guilmant

Easter Day

Prelude                        Organ Concerto in F, op. 4 no. 5                                Handel
Entrance Hymn 207    “Jesus Christ is risen today”
Mass Setting               Missa in C (‘Organ Solo Mass’)                                 Mozart
Offertory Anthem       Regina Coeli                                                               Mozart
Communion Motet      Jesus, Sun of Life                                                         Handel
Comm. Hymn 174      “At the Lamb’s high feast we sing”
Closing Hymn 210      “The day of resurrection”
Postlude                      Toccata from Symphonie V                                         Widor

Parish Notices

Holy Week Schedule

Monday                       11:00am          Chrism Mass, The Cathedral, Fond du Lac
Monday                       5:30pm            Mass
Tuesday                       5:30pm            Mass
Wednesday                 5:30pm            Mass
Maundy Thursday       6:00pm            Solemn Mass with Foot Washing      
Prayer Vigil                 7:00pm Thursday – 12:00pm Friday
Good Friday               1:00pm            Service
Holy Saturday             9:00am                        Service
Easter Vigil Saturday  7:00pm            Solemn Mass
Easter  Sunday            8:00am            Mass
Easter  Sunday            10:15am          Solemn Mass

§  Please join us: for coffee and refreshments, in St. Nicholas Hall, immediately following the mass. You are encouraged to take the Mass Booklet home with you, and please continue to pray for the sick. Please silence your cell phone.

§  Easter Flowers and Music: It is not too late to donate for Easter Flowers and Music. We enjoy the Beauty of Holiness in both the flowers that adorn the church and the special music which includes brass at the Easter Vigil and strings at the Solemn Mass on Easter morning. Please be generous at you are able. Please call the office or fill out a pink slip to indication your wish for memorials and/or thanksgivings. The deadline is Monday, April 14th at noon.

§  Sacrament of Reconciliation: Lent is a time of self-examination preparing for the death and resurrection of our Lord. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be offered by appointment. Please contact Fr. Schaffenburg to set up an appointment to make your confession.

§  Maundy Thursday Foot Washing: Everyone will have the opportunity to have their feet washed and to wash someone else’s feet following the example of Jesus washing his disciple’s feet. Please wear socks and shoes that are easily removed.

§  Vigil before the Altar of Repose: Please sign up to watch and pray for an hour at the Altar of Repose beginning immediately following the Maundy Thursday Mass April 17th and concluding Friday, April 18th  as the Good Friday Liturgy begins. There is a sign-up sheet on the table in the Narthex, more than one person can sign up for any given hour.

§  Good Friday Offering: Every year since 1922 the church has taken a collection for the Church in the Middle East during Holy Week. This year our loose plate offering on Maundy Thursday will go to support the church efforts in Jerusalem and throughout the Middle East. Please be generous as you are able.

§  Easter Vigil Dinner: The first Mass of the Resurrection is on Saturday, April 19, at 7:00 p.m. The Easter celebration then continues at Trattoria Stefano, 522 South 8th Street, at 9:30 p.m. The actual cost of the meal is a gift to the parish, so you not only get a delicious meal but you help the coffers of the church by purchasing a ticket for the dinner. Tickets can be bought in the parish office or in the narthex after mass for $50 a person. Everyone is invited, but seats are limited. There are scholarships for anyone wishing to attend but are unable to donate. The deadline is Monday April 14th.

§  Easter Gala Reception: We will continue our Easter celebration with a Gala Reception after the 10:15 a.m. Mass on Sunday, April 20. Please sign up to bring sweets or savories and to help clean up afterwards. There is a sign-up sheet on the table in the Narthex.

§  Abuse Prevention Training: In the coming months, there will be opportunities to work with our youth as well as those from around the area and Diocese.  Among these opportunities will be our parish hosting the Diocesan Middle School kids for New Beginnings. The Diocesan office provides Abuse Prevention Training for all adults to help us better identify situations that could be troublesome.  A flyer with details of who should take courses and hot to enroll can be found here. If you are interested or have questions, please talk to Fr. Karl, Dcn. Michele, or any member of the Vestry.

§  Stay Connected! There are many ways to stay connected and find all the latest announcements. Grace Church can be found by “liking” us on Facebook. You can also sign up for the Grace Notes blog at on the right hand side there is a place to sign up and receive the blog by email. You can find the Grace Church website at At the end of each bulletin there is QR code that you can scan with your smart phone and it will take you directly to the website. If you have an email address you can receive the Angelus electronically and save the church some printing and postage costs as well as receive any gentle reminders that may pop up between Angelus publications. If you have questions about any of these things please call the office.

§  Bishop Consecration Volunteer Opportunities: Voices in all ranges are requested to sing with the choir. Music will be available in advance and there will be a rehearsal from 8:30-10:00am on Saturday morning. Please bring along a choir robe if you have one. There are many other volunteer opportunities on Friday and Saturday including greeters, collecting vessels arriving from congregations, helping with refreshments on Friday and the reception on Saturday, being a gofer or being an usher. Please go to Click the purple volunteer button to see times and descriptions. Or ask Michele about the many ways you can be included in this historic event.

§  Sunday School Bake Sale: Friday, April 25th from 12:00-3:00pm and Saturday, April 26, from 9:00-2:00, in conjunction with St. Luke Methodist rummage sale, Grace will be selling baked goods with proceeds going to Sunday School’s outreach projects. Baked goods will be accepted by anyone who would like to bake: pies, breads, muffins, cookies or anything you would like to donate. Baked goods can be dropped off at the church anytime before Friday at noon. If you have anything you would like to donate to the St. Luke’s rummage sale you can drop it off at St. Luke’s now until April 22nd.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Great Expectations

Grace Episcopal Church
Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Grace Notes
10 April 2014

On Palm Sunday we will enter the church nave singing “All glory, laud, and honor to thee, Redeemer, King!” (Hymn  154)  We will sing that our praises are to echo the praises of the angels, and in the canon of the Eucharist we will do that.  If our hearts are focused on praise and worship, if our hearts are open to receive our Lord and to allow Him to rule, then our words are genuine.  But, if we’re just going through the motions, and our hearts do not burn within with the fire of the Spirit, then we won’t recognize who God is because He won’t meet our expectations.  That’s what happened in the people who cried “Crucify him!”  They were ready to celebrate the arrival of someone whom they thought would kick the Romans out, but when it became clear that the house He was going to clean was not the house of Jerusalem but the house of their own hearts, then it was all too easy to first say “Wait a minute!” and then to join in with those who wanted to get rid of this trouble-maker.
We have to be open to Jesus, rather than focus on what we want and how He might accomplish this for us.  Our song giving glory to Jesus must be from the heart.  This will only happen when we open our hearts to receive God, and when expectations are defined by Jesus’ own words to the Father, “… thy will be done …” (Mtt. 26.42)  We de not gather to welcome God into our lives because of all the great things He has done, is doing, and will do for us.  We gather because we are grateful, and are to offer thanksgiving and praise for the fact that God loves us so much that He has given His only Son for us (John 3.16).  Our expectations have been exceeded, that while we were yet sinners God gave His Son to die for us (Rom. 5.16), and when we realize this and live it, then we will give all glory, laud, and honor to our Redeemer, King, not in singing only, but every day of our lives in who we are.

Grace Abounds:  Please thank:
§  Nick Whitford and the youth group for the Friday night lenten meditations.
§  The Boland family for the Friday night lenten supper.
§  Jeremy and Emily Williams, and the Yang family for the Sunday coffee hours.
§  Nicci Beeck and Bernie Markevitch for the Sunday tea reception.

Call for ContributionsIf you have a spiritual reflection to share, or want to point your fellow worshipers toward a resource, submit your contributions to Fr. Karl (by email) by Wednesday in the week of publication.

Music this week:  

Blessing of the Palms             Hosanna in the highest                                    Dobey
Processional Hymns:   154      “All glory, laud and honor”                            Valet will
                                    156       “Ride on! Ride on in majesty”                       Winchester New
Psalm 22:1-11 (responsorial)                                                                           Dobey
Tract: Ps. 22:26-30                                                                                          Plainsong
Offertory Hymn 162               “The royal banners forward go”                     Vexilla Regis
Communion Motet                  Daughters of Zion                                           Mendelssohn
Communion Hymn 168          “O sacred head, sore wounded”                     Passion Chorale
Postlude                                              Chorale Prelude on ‘O sacred head, now wounded’     

Parish Notices

Holy Week Schedule

Monday                       11:00am          Chrism Mass, The Cathedral, Fond du Lac
Monday                       5:30pm            Mass
Tuesday                       5:30pm            Mass
Wednesday                 5:30pm            Mass
Maundy Thursday       6:00pm            Solemn Mass with Foot Washing      
Prayer Vigil                 7:00pm Thursday – 12:00pm Friday
Good Friday               1:00pm            Service
Holy Saturday             9:00am            Service
Easter Vigil Saturday  7:00pm            Solemn Mass
Easter  Sunday            8:00am            Mass
Easter  Sunday            10:15am          Solemn Mass

§  Stations of the Cross, Simple Suppers and Teaching:  This is the last Friday in Lent that we will meet at 5:30 p.m. for Stations of the Cross, followed by a simple supper and Christian program. The program will consist of facilitated discussion which will focus on particular stations of the cross in the context of our own spiritual
§  lives. Such a testimony will be followed by facilitated small group discussions. Please sign up to attend on the sheets in the Narthex so enough food will be prepared. Thank you.

§  Spring Clean-up!  We will gather for Spring clean-up on Saturday, 12 April.  This will allow us to get the parish in top shape before the start of Holy Week.  Please sign up to work on the indoor crew, which will focus on cleaning and painting, or the outdoor crew, which will focus on garden and grounds clean-up.  In the event of bad weather, the outdoor clean-up will be rescheduled, but the indoor crew will meet.  The day will begin at 8:30 a.m., to be concluded by 12:30 p.m.  Morning snacks will be provided.  If you can’t help with clean-up, sign up to provide help with the lunch that will conclude the effort!  Contact the office to sign up.

§  Easter Flowers and Music: It is not too late to donate for Easter Flowers and Music. We enjoy the Beauty of Holiness in both the flowers that adorn the church and the special music which includes brass at the Easter Vigil and strings at the Solemn Mass on Easter morning. Please be generous at you are able. Please call the office or fill out a pink slip to indication your wish for memorials and/or thanksgivings. The deadline is Monday, April 14th at noon.

§  Sacrament of Reconciliation: Lent is a time of self-examination preparing for the death and resurrection of our Lord. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be offered by appointment. Please contact Fr. Schaffenburg to set up an appointment to make your confession.

§  Maundy Thursday Foot Washing: Everyone will have the opportunity to have their feet washed and to wash someone else’s feet following the example of Jesus washing his disciple’s feet. Please wear socks and shoes that are easily removed.

§  Vigil before the Altar of Repose: Please sign up to watch and pray for an hour at the Altar of Repose beginning immediately following the Maundy Thursday Mass April 17th and concluding Friday, April 18th  as the Good Friday Liturgy begins. There is a sign-up sheet on the table in the Narthex, more than one person can sign up for any given hour.

§  Good Friday Offering: Every year since 1922 the church has taken a collection for the Church in the Middle East during Holy Week. This year our loose plate offering on Maundy Thursday will go to support the church efforts in Jerusalem and throughout the Middle East. Please be generous as you are able.

§  Easter Vigil Dinner: The first Mass of the Resurrection is on Saturday, April 19, at 7:00 p.m. The Easter celebration then continues at Trattoria Stefano, 522 South 8th Street, at 9:30 p.m. The actual cost of the meal is a gift to the parish, so you not only get a delicious meal but you help the coffers of the church by purchasing a ticket for the dinner. Tickets can be bought in the parish office or in the narthex after mass for $50 a person. Everyone is invited, but seats are limited. There are scholarships for anyone wishing to attend but are unable to donate. The deadline is Monday April 14th.

§  Easter Gala Reception: We will continue our Easter celebration with a Gala Reception after the 10:15 a.m. Mass on Sunday, April 20. Please sign up to bring sweets or savories and to help clean up afterwards. There is a sign-up sheet on the table in the Narthex.

§  Abuse Prevention Training: In the coming months, there will be opportunities to work with our youth as well as those from around the area and Diocese.  Among these opportunities will be our parish hosting the Diocesan Middle School kids for New Beginnings. The Diocesan office provides Abuse Prevention Training for all adults to help us better identify situations that could be troublesome.  A flyer with details of who should take courses and hot to enroll can be found here. If you are interested or have questions, please talk to Fr. Karl, Dcn. Michele, or any member of the Vestry.

§  Stay Connected! There are many ways to stay connected and find all the latest announcements. Grace Church can be found by “liking” us on Facebook. You can also sign up for the Grace Notes blog at on the right hand side there is a place to sign up and receive the blog by email. You can find the Grace Church website at At the end of each bulletin there is QR code that you can scan with your smart phone and it will take you directly to the website. If you have an email address you can receive the Angelus electronically and save the church some printing and postage costs as well as receive any gentle reminders that may pop up between Angelus publications. If you have questions about any of these things please call the office.

§  Bishop Consecration Volunteer Opportunities: Voices in all ranges are requested to sing with the choir. Music will be available in advance and there will be a rehearsal from 8:30-10:00am on Saturday morning. Please bring along a choir robe if you have one. There are many other volunteer opportunities on Friday and Saturday including greeters, collecting vessels arriving from congregations, helping with refreshments on Friday and the reception on Saturday, being a gofer or being an usher. Please go to

Click the purple volunteer button to see times and descriptions. Or ask Michele about the many ways you can be included in this historic event.

§  Sunday School Bake Sale: Friday, April 25th from 12:00-3:00pm and Saturday, April 26, from 9:00-2:00, in conjunction with St. Luke Methodist rummage sale, Grace will be selling baked goods with proceeds going to Sunday School’s outreach projects. Baked goods will be accepted by anyone who would like to bake: pies, breads, muffins, cookies or anything you would like to donate. Baked goods can be dropped off at the church anytime before Friday at noon. If you have anything you would like to donate to the St. Luke’s rummage sale you can drop it off at St. Luke’s now until April 22nd.

You are invited to attend the
Chrism Mass
With Renewal of Ordination Vows
11:00am, April 14, 2014
being the Monday of Holy Week

Cathedral Church of St. Paul the Apostle, Fond du Lac
Followed by a simple lunch in the Cathedral’s Trakel Hall

The Chrism Mass gathers the faithful of the diocese at their mother church with their shepherd to prepare for celebrations of Christ’s Resurrection in all our congregations. It is one of the most solemn liturgies of the Church. Chrism is a Greek word meaning “an anointing”.
In the early church bishops baptized catechumens at the Easter Vigil with blessed oils. Over time this blessing moved to Holy Thursday so oils could be transported to congregations for use by clergy at the local level. Recently this blessing has moved to Tuesday in Holy Week so more people could attend the liturgy.
A Bishop will continue this tradition of the church and bless the oil of catechumens (for adult catechumens preparing for baptism), oil of the sick (for anointing) and chrism (for baptism, confirmation, ordination of clergy, and consecration of altars) at the Chrism Mass. The oils are prepared with olive oil, balsam and other ingredients.
The Chrism Mass also highlights ordained ministry. A bishop’s apostolic ministry is extended symbolically by the chrism priests and deacons use in baptism and other rites. Clergy also may take fermentum (consecrated Eucharistic bread from the Mass) as a sign of the communion between the bishop and congregations of the diocese.
We hope you can attend this liturgy with special intention to support the ministry of our priests and deacons. During the service all clergy renew their commitment to ordained ministry, receiving the prayers and support of the laity. A diocesan clergy photo is taken immediately following the Mass.

The Cathedral Church of St. Paul the Apostle is located at
51 West Division Street near downtown Fond du Lac.
For directions, visit or call (920) 921-3363.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Mission and Seeking

Grace Episcopal Church
Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Grace Notes
3 April 2014

Yesterday was the feast of James Lloyd Breck (d. 1876), “The Apostle of the Wilderness” in The Episcopal Church.  A Philadelphia native who became a missionary following his exposure to the pastoral devotion, liturgical concern, and sacramental emphasis of William Augustus Muhlenberg (d. 1877, feast 8 April), Breck (together with three classmates from The General Theological Seminary) was the founder of Nashotah House.
It was through the missionary efforts centered on Nashotah House that our parish was founded, and it is therefore appropriate that in remembering Breck we consider how his witness challenges us.  In the brief biography of Breck found in Lesser Feasts and Fasts, the missionary outreach from Nashotah House is described as involving “... probably for the first time since the Revolution, Episcopal missionaries [as] the first to reach the settlers.” 
What would we write about Episcopal missionaries, missionaries from Grace Episcopal Church, now?  What mission work are we engaged in?  The are parish members who are good about inviting friends and acquaintances to come and worship with us.  We do engage in outreach in service ministries, and when people come to us for help they are always invited to worship.  But these invitations are to have people join us here, in our own parish.  What are we doing to go to them?  How are we reaching out, beyond the service ministries we engage in?  Are we spearding the message of the kingdom?
Mission is about more than invitation.  It involves seeking people.  The missionaries from Nashotah House who gave birth to Grace Episcopal Church did not come to Sheboygan to invite people to worship with them at Nashotah House.  They came to bring the Gospel here.  How are we to take the Gospel to those who do not know Christ, both in Sheboygan and elsewhere?
The Vestry have been challenged to think and pray about what mission outreach we are called to as a parish.  All of us may think and pray about this.  It can involve local initiatives.  It can involve an annual mission trip to another area.  It can involve multiple small initiatives or a big, challenging one.  Ask God what He is calling us to do in spreading the saving message of His Kingdom.

Grace Abounds:  Please thank:
§  Mary Snyder for the Friday night Lenten supper.
§  Dannie Wilson, and Zach and Dee Whitford for the Sunday coffee hours.
§  John Davis and Pat Ford Smith for leading the Friday meditations at our Lenten supper.

Call for ContributionsIf you have a spiritual reflection to share, or want to point your fellow worshippers toward a resource, submit your contributions to Fr. Karl (by email) by Wednesday in the week of publication.

What about Noah (the film)?  YOu may have heard the debate over how faithful to the Bible the film is.  The debate misses the point.  The source material is not biblical.  This review makes it clear that the film is not really based on the Bible at all, but in Gnostic:

Music this week:  

Prelude            Psalm Prelude (Psalm 130, v. 1)                                             Herbert Howells
                        Out of the deep have I called unto thee, O Lord.
Introit              Judica me Deus                                                                      Plainsong
                        Antiphon:  Give sentence with me, O God, and defend the cause of my soul
                        against the ungodly people: deliver me from the deceitful and wicked man; for
 thou, O Lord, art my God, and my strong salvation.
                        Psalm:   O send out thy light and thy truth, that they may lead me: and bring me
                        unto thy holy  hill, and to thy dwelling.
                        Antiphon:  Give sentence with me, O God…
Tract:               Psalm 129 (choir)
Offertory Hymn 665
All my hope on God is founded                                               Michael
Comm. Motet  Jesu, the very thought of thee                                                 Thomas Este

                        Jesu, the very thought of thee
with sweetness fills the breast;
                        But sweeter far thy face to see,
And in thy presence rest.
No voice can sing, no heart can frame
Nor can the memory find,
A sweeter sound than Jesus’ Name,
The Saviour of mankind.
Jesu, our only hope be thou,
As thou our prize wilt be;
In thee be all our glory now,
And for eternity.
                                    ...Latin, 12th and 15th centuries, trans. Edward Caswall (1814-1878)           
Communion Hymn 508
Breathe on me, breath of God                                                 Nova vita
Closing Hymn 457
Thou art the Way                                                                     St. James
Postlude          Prelude on the Old 136th Psalm Tune                                     Charles Wood

Stations of the Cross:  Tomorrow, Friday April 4th, the youth of Grace is hosting the Friday night Stations of the Cross. Our rendition is decidedly outside-the-box. We are using scriptures, prayer, reflection, discussion, and movie clips to bring the stations into a whole new light. The first time I experienced the stations this way, it changed me. I hope you can come and find something new or altering, or to have new life given to the stations you've known for years. I love the Stations of the Cross. I love many of the varieties through which we experience it, but this is unique. I highly encourage you to come.
I should also mention that because of the format of our presentation, we are switching the schedule around. We will meet and have dinner right away at 5:30pm and begin the stations immediately afterward.
Thank you, Nick

Parish Notices

§  Stations of the Cross, Simple Suppers and Teaching:  This Friday Stations of the Cross will be a little bit different. We will begin with dinner at 5:30pm and then we will gather in the church for a youth led Stations of the Cross that will include multi-media program that follows Jesus’ passion. This will include scripture and film clips. Please sign up to attend on the sheet in the Narthex so enough food will be prepared. Thank you.

§  Metropolitan Opera:  The Metropolitan Opera production of Giacomo Puccini’s classic La Boehme will be broadcast live on Saturday, 5 April.  We will gather at 11:45 a.m. at the Marcus Cinema, and enjoy a light meal together afterward.  Talk to Fr. Karl if you are interested and need more detail, or just show up!  La Boehme is one of the most famous and tuneful of all operas, and this new production will feauture the Metropolitan Opera debut of one of today’s most celebrated sopranos, Anita Hartwig.  For a sample from rehearsal  see

§  Violin and Organ Concert: On Sunday, 6 April, at  4:00pm we will enjoy a concert of music for violin and organ, performed by The Gough Duo of the United Kingdom, praised in American Record Guide for “spectacular playing” and “wonderful” music. For details of their repertoire see The concert is free. There will be a Gala reception afterward in St. Nicholas Hall. A free will offering will be gratefully accepted.

§  Spring Clean-up!  We will gather for Spring clean-up on Saturday, 12 April.  This will allow us to get the parish in top shape before the start of Holy Week.  Please sign up to work on the indoor crew, which will focus on cleaning and painting, or the outdoor crew, which will focus on garden and grounds clean-up.  In the event of bad weather, the outdoor clean-up will be rescheduled, but the indoor crew will meet.  The day will begin at 8:30 a.m., to be concluded by 12:30 p.m.  Morning snacks will be provided.  If you can’t help with clean-up, sign up to provide help with the lunch that will conclude the effort!  Contact the office to sign up.

§  Stay Connected! There are many ways to stay connected and find all the latest announcements. Grace Church can be found by “liking” us on Facebook. You can also sign up for the Grace Notes blog at on the right hand side there is a place to sign up and receive the blog by email. You can find the Grace Church website at At the end of each bulletin there is QR code that you can scan with your smart phone and it will take you directly to the website. If you have an email address you can receive the Angelus electronically and save the church some printing and postage costs as well as receive any gentle reminders that may pop up between Angelus publications. If you have questions about any of these things please call the office.

§  Abuse Prevention Training: In the coming months, there will be opportunities to work with our youth as well as those from around the area and Diocese.  Among these opportunities will be our parish hosting the Diocesan Middle School kids for New Beginnings. The Diocesan office provides Abuse Prevention Training for all adults to help us better identify situations that could be troublesome.  A flyer with details of who should take courses and hot to enroll can be found here. If you are interested or have questions, please talk to Fr. Karl, Dcn. Michele, or any member of the Vestry.

§  Bishop Consecration Volunteer Opportunities: Voices in all ranges are requested to sing with the choir. Music will be available in advance and there will be a rehearsal from 8:30-10:00am on Saturday morning. Please bring along a choir robe if you have one. There are many other volunteer opportunities on Friday and Saturday including greeters, collecting vessels arriving from congregations, helping with refreshments on Friday and the reception on Saturday, being a gofer or being an usher. Please go to Click the purple volunteer button to see times and descriptions. Or ask Michele about the many ways you can be included in this historic event.

§  All Saints' Chapel Ownership - Sunday services at All Saints' Chapel will continue to be a shared ministry this year which means volunteers will be needed to have ownership of opening and closing the chapel. A sign-up sheet is located in the Narthex.  If you have questions regarding responsibilities, please ask any member of the Vestry.