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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Holly, jolly "not-yetness"

Grace Episcopal Church
Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Grace Notes
29 November 2012

It’s tempting for some Episcopalians to assume a certain smugness at the beginning of Advent, to expend more energy in pointing out to people that “it’s not Christmas, yet” than to point them toward Christmas.  We may quite properly draw a contrast between songs of a “Holly, jolly Christmas” and the holiness of the incarnation of God, but as we enter Advent this Sunday, let us focus not only on the holiness to which we are called but on the holiness that we are called—that God counts us worthy to do His work.
Every person and every society lives by some conception of what it means to flourish as a human being.  Very often this “meaning” is inchoate.  Flourishing is described in terms of happiness, and happiness in terms of self-actualization, and self-actualization in terms that range from the accumulation of stuff to the accumulation of power.  The question people seek to answer is:  what constitutes a fulfilled life?
Ask yourself this question.  In formulating your answer what you will find is that the difference between faith and its absence relates to our frame-of-reference for a fulfilled life.  Is fulfillment to be realized/measured/experienced in this world only or do we look for fulfillment in a kingdom greater than this world?  Is human flourishing immanent (something that happens only here-and-now) or transcendent (something which extends into a realm beyond the here-and-now)?  The answer to this question is the answer of faith which we reaffirm in Advent:  that we await the coming of our Lord.
Let’s not poke fun (well, maybe not too much!) at those around us who in chasing after a “Holly, jolly ... ‘holiday season’” chase a mirage of happiness in consumption.  Let us, rather, take to them the answer to the question they ask is chasing happiness—the answer of faith, the experience of our Lord.  Now is the time to redouble our efforts to reach out to those who do not know God.  Now is the best opportunity to try to reach those who want something “special” in their lives, and can’t figure out why they can’t buy it.  Now is also the time to remind ourselves that Advent and life are both seasons of “not yetness”.  It is not yet Christimas.  The kingdom of heaven has not yet come.  But we await both, and we look forward to both in Christian hope, for we have the faith in which we know that whatever conception of human flourishing we may imagine, God will exceed our expectations.  Whatever conception of happiness we may seek, the joy which our Lord wills will exceed this.
Our Lord exceeds our expectations.  But one reason for this is that our expectations are too small.  The crowds which surge through malls on Black Friday seek not only bargains but the “latest thing,” ignoring the fact that  (to paraphrase C. S. Lewis) whatever is not eternal is eternally out-of-date.  People of faith live not for a season, or for tomorrow, or for today, but for always, for what is eternal.
Watch.  Wait.  But watch and wait in hope, and let your hope and expectation be contagious.  Let those around you know that what they seek to consume they can only find when they “taste and see that the Lord is good”.

Stewardship:  We can now celebrate 16 new pledges!  However, we have still not heard from a substantial number of parishioners who were not present for Consecration Sunday on 11 November.  Follow-up letters have gone out, but we stlll need to hear from 14 members who pledged in 2012, but who have not indicated their intention for 2013.
Please respond immediately!  Whether you intend to pledge or not, or whether your pledge amount changes, we need to know in order to put a 2013 plan together.

Grace Abounds:  Many people merit thanksgivings for their service this past week:
Coffee hour:  Jessica Ambelang.
Office help:  Pat Ford Smith.
EYC fund-raiser:  Scott Fabiano, Pat Ford Smith, Bobbi Kraft, Kaleigh Kraft, Bryan Stenz.
Holiday Gift Tree:  Please thank Nancy Yurk for organizing the parish response.
Altar Guild:  It has been a  busy time for Altar Guild (and will stay busy for a while!)  Please thank the members, and especially thank Claudia Fischer for her work in coordinating all of the guild’s efforts.
Please take the opportunity to notify the office of any member or friend of the parish to whom we owe thanks, in order that we can publicize this in the weekly newsletter.

Adult Christian Education:  Adult Education meets on Sundays at 9 a.m., in St. Nicholas Hall.  On 2 December we continue our series on Christian ethics, with the focus this week being on bioethical issues and on ethical issues arising in the justice system.  The entire course can be found on the parish website under “Christian Formation: Adult Education”. 

Biblical Literacy:  The Bible Challenge readings will be for week 40.    Bible study for the Sunday lessons meets on Thursdays, following the 9 a.m. Mass.  Bible study will meet this not meet on Thursday, 6 December, due to a conflict with a meeting of diocesan clergy.  Study summaries continue to be posted on the parish website.

EYC Notes:  Grace and Peace! It is nearly Advent, and the Tripartite youth workers are excited to extend an opportunity to all of the youth, families and members of Grace.  December 9th from 3:30-4:45 the youth of the three churches will be singing carols for men and women at the Sheboygan Senior Community, there is also going to be a youth gathering at St. Dominic from 5-7 p.m. that night for all 8-12th graders. Please see the poster in the narthex  for more details. Please note that our parish service ofthe Lessons and Carols service is the same night, and will be taking place at 4 p.m. in the Sanctuary.

Music this week:

Prelude                         Chorale Preludes on Savior of the nations, come                    Max Reger
Entrance Hymn #58      “Lo, he comes with clouds descending”                         St. Thomas
Kyrie  S-91                  Missa de Sancta Maria Magdalena                                        Healey Willan
Offertory Hymn #61     “Sleepers, wake!  A voice astounds us”                                    Wachet auf
Sanctus  S-114                                                                                                            Healey  Willan
Agnus Dei S-158                                                                                                         Healy Willan
Communion Motet        Come, thou Redeemer of the earth                               arr. David Willcocks
Comm. Hymn 615        “Thy kingdom come!” on bended knee                          St. Flavian
Closing Hymn #66        “Come, thou long-expected Jesus”                                            Stuttgart
Postlude                       Chorale Prelude on Sleepers, Wake!                                        J. G. Walther

Parish Notices

§  St Nicholas’ Visitation: St. Nicholas will visit Grace Church on December 2 at the 10:15 service. Please come and receive a treat.

§  Advent Lessons and Carols: Advent Lessons and Carols is a beautifully sung service held December 9th, at 4:00 p.m. The service is followed by a High Tea in St. Nicholas Hall.

§  Salvation Army Gift tags: We have the tree up, and all the name tags on it, for the Salvation Army Family gifts, please take a name or two and follow the instructions on the table next to the tree. If you have any questions please call Nancy Yurk at 453-9948.

§  Christmas Castle Volunteers: Nine people are needed to help with the Christmas Castle December 20th from 11:00am until 1:30pm. The castle is located behind the old Walgreen's at memorial. Mall, close to the good yr. store on the west side of the mall. Please park on the south side of the Building. Please sign up on the sheet in the Narthex. Any questions please contact Nancy Yurk at 453-9948.

§  Children’s Choir: Youth and Children’s choir rehearsals for the Christmas Eve service are at 5:30-6:00pm beginning this Thursday November 29th, downstairs in the choir room. Additional rehearsals will be on December 6th, 13th and 20th these will be just before the Pageant rehearsals.  The choir is open to 2nd graders and up, and will sing for the 4pm service on Christmas Eve.

§  Christmas Pageant Rehearsals: will be on Thursday, November 29th, December 6th, 13th and 20th starting at 6:00p.m. The rehearsals will begin in the church and then go downstairs for costumes. Participation is open to youth of all ages. The Pageant will take place during the 4:00 p.m. Christmas Mass. Please sign up on the sheet in the Narthex. If your child would like to participate but cannot make rehearsals please note that on the sheet or call Annette Fabiano at 451-7098.

§  Messiah Sing-Along: You are invited to sing this great classic along with the Lakeshore Chorale. Sunday, December 2, 2012, 2:00 pm at St. Paul Lutheran Church, 730 County Road PPP, Sheboygan Falls. Music Director/Conductor Paul Thompson  will conduct the audience and Chorale in choruses from Part 1 of Handel’s most popular work. Eminent organist Dr. R. Benjamin Dobey will accompany the afternoon’s sing-along, and soloists from the chorale and community will sing the arias and recitatives. No tickets or reservations needed - come and sing, or join us just to listen to this delightful celebration of the Christmas season! Donations will be accepted. Guests may bring their own music, or reserve a copy ($5.00) by calling the Lakeshore Chorale office: 920-451-1863 or via email:

§  Sunday School Cookie Bake: Sunday, December 16th the Sunday School children will be baking cookies for Meals on Wheels, baking will begin after the 10:15 Mass.  Pizza lunch will be provided.  Please bring family and friends to help, many hands make light work.  Thank you both for your time

§  Christian Ethics: The adult formation class is looking at Christian Ethics. We will first examine what an ethical decision is, where we look for guidance in ethical decision-making, and how ethical decisions relate to salvation. We will then pass on to consider specific ethical issues. Throughout the course we will seek to identify the teachings of the Church as found in Scripture, Reason and Tradition. The course materials are posted on the parish website, under “Christian Formation: Adult”. Adult Education meets on Sundays at 9 a.m., in St. Nicholas Hall.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Worship = Praise = Thanksgiving

Grace Episcopal Church
Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Grace Notes
21 November 2012

Grace Notes is published one day early this week, due to the parish office being closed on 22 November, for Thanksgiving.           

CHANGE IN SERVICE OF WORSHIP TIMES:  In order to allow for greater participation in worship of those whose work hours conflict with the existing worship schedule, effective immediately the worship schedule in the parish is changed as follows (changes in Italics):

Sunday                 No changes
Monday                MP      8:45 a.m.         Mass   12:10 p.m.       EP/Rosary      5:30 p.m.
Tuesday                MP      8:45 a.m.         Mass   6:00 p.m.         EP                   5:30 p.m.
Wednesday          MP      8:45 a.m.         Mass   6:00 p.m.         EP                   5:30 p.m.
Thursday             MP      8:45 a.m.         Mass   9:00 a.m.         EP                   5:30 p.m.
Friday                   MP      7:00 a.m.         Mass   7:15 a.m.         EP                   5:30 p.m.
Saturday              MP      8:45 a.m.         Mass   9:00 a.m.

Office hours will be maintained as they are currently, but appointments will be restricted to 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Happy Thanksgiving!  In enjoying this holiday, let us never forget that all that we have to be thankful for is a blessing of God.  Let us recognize God to be the Father of all mercies, knowing that we are unworthy, and yet offering humble thanks for the abundance of God’s goodness and loving‑kindness to us and to all whom He has made.  Let us offer thanks and blessing for our creation, preservation, and all the blessings of this life; but above all for God’s immeasurable love in the redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ; for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory.  Let us pray that God may give us such an awareness of His mercies, that our hearts may be truly thankful, and that we may show forth our praise for Him, not only with our lips, but in our lives, by giving up ourselves to God’s service; to seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves; walking before God in holiness and righteousness all our days; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be honor and glory throughout all ages.  Amen.
Most of you recognize the body of the preceding paragraph to be a close paraphrase of the General Thanksgiving used at Morning Prayer and at Evening Prayer, with a phrase interpolated from our Baptismal Covenant.  This interpolation recognizes that in living into our Christian identity we must incarnate a basic reality:  Worship = Praise = Thanksgiving.  In coming before God to worship Him our first response is to praise Him, and in praising God we offer praise not only for His glory and love, not only for His truth, but in thanskgiving for the supreme gift that God gives us, of life, of salvation, and of blessing.  When we understand this reality and conform our own identities to this reality, then we live into a new creation, a new creation of immeasurable, inestimable love.
Take time this Thanksgiving to call to mind the reverse of the equation given above.  (The equation is “balanced”.)  In giving thanks, offer praise and give worship, for all blessings are of God.  And in doing this, bear in mind as well that this coming Sunday is the last in the Church year, the Feast of Christ the King, in which we celebrate the universal kingship of Jesus Christ.  Let us gather in thanksgiving for this perfect rule.

Stewardship:  Last week we celebrated the fact that we have received 14 new pledges for 2013.  However, we have still not heard from a substantial number of parishioners who were not present for Consecration Sunday on 11 November.  Follow-up letters have gone out, but we stlll need to hear from 20 members who pledged in 2012, but who have not indicated their intention for 2013.
Please respond immediately!  Whether you intend to pledge or not, or whether your pledge amount changes, we need to know in order to put a 2013 plan together.

Tripartite Thanksgiving Service: We will celebrate and give thanks with our Tripartite Covenant Parishes tonight (Wednesday, 21 November) at 7:00 p.m. This year’s celebration will be at St. Peter Lutheran Church, 2104 Geele Ave., Sheboygan.  Please plan to attend.  It is important that we have the best possible representation from the parish, for at this service we will renew the covenant entered into between our congregations.

Grace Abounds:  Many people merit thanksgivings for their service this past week:
Coffee hour:  Bill and Debbie Gagin, John and Jennifer Keller.
Office help:  Jane Hanson, Paul Aparicio, Pat Ford Smith.
Parish maintenance:  Ed Clabots.
Please take the opportunity to notify the office of any member or friend of the parish to whom we owe thanks, in order that we can publicize this in the weekly newsletter.

Adult Christian Education:  Adult Education meets on Sundays at 9 a.m., in St. Nicholas Hall.  On 25 November we continue our nine part series on Christian ethics, with the focus this week being on bioethical issues and the human person.  The entire course can be found on the parish website under “Christian Formation: Adult Education”. 

Biblical Literacy:  The Bible Challenge readings will be for week 39.    Bible study for the Sunday lessons meets on Thursdays, following the 9 a.m. Mass.  Bible study will not  meet this Thursday, due to a conflict with the Thanksgiving holiday.
The number of people following The Bible Challenge on-line is gratifying, and weekly summaries will continue to be posted.  However, attendance at the Tuesday evening sessions has been problematical.  Therefore, Tuesday evening pot-luck and discussion sessions are cancelled.
EYC Notes: 

Music this week:

Thanksgiving Day Music (Mass with Hymns at 9 a.m.)

Prelude                        Partita on ‘Now thank we all our God’                      Jan Koetsier
Opening Hymn 290    “Come, ye thankful people, come”                             St. George’s
Offertory Hymn 416   “For the beauty of the earth”                                      Lucerna Laudoniae
Closing Hymn 719      “America the beautiful”                                              America
Postlude                      Now thank we all our God                                          Bach

Sunday, Nov. 25th

Prelude                        Benedictus                                                                   Rowley
Entrance Hymn 544    “Jesus shall reign where’er the sun”                            Duke Street
Offertory Hymn 483   “The head that once was crowned with thorns”         St. Magnus
Communion Motet      King of glory, King of peace                                       Walker
Comm. Hymn 383      “Fairest Lord Jesus”                                                    St. Elizabeth
Closing Hymn 494      “Crown him with many crowns”                                Diademata
Postlude                      Allegro from Symphony in D                                      Boyce

Parish Notices

§  Christmas Parade: The Sunday School Children will once again be selling snacks during the Christmas Parade today, Sunday, November 25th from 4:30-5:30pm. The proceeds of the sale will go to outreach. Come and watch the parade as it travels past Grace Church on 7th Street and enjoy some warm snacks. All children are encouraged to come and help with the sale.

§  St Nicholas’ Visitation: St. Nicholas will visit Grace Church on December 2 at the 10:15 service. Please come and receive a treat.

§  Children’s Choir: Youth and Children’s choir rehearsals for the Christmas Eve service are at 5:30-6:00pm beginning this Thursday November 29th, downstairs in the choir room. Additional rehearsals will be on December 6th, 13th and 20th these will be just before the Pageant rehearsals.  The choir is open to 2nd graders and up, and will sing for the 4pm service on Christmas Eve.

§  Christmas Pageant Rehearsals: will be on Thursday, November 29th, December 6th, 13th and 20th starting at 6:00p.m. The rehearsals will begin in the church and then go downstairs for costumes. Participation is open to youth of all ages. The Pageant will take place during the 4:00 p.m. Christmas Mass. Please sign up on the sheet in the Narthex. If your child would like to participate but cannot make rehearsals please note that on the sheet or call Annette Fabiano at 451-7098.

§  Salvation Army Gift tags: We have the tree up, and all the name tags on it, for the Salvation Army Family gifts, please take a name or two and follow the instructions on the table next to the tree. If you have any questions please call Nancy Yurk at 453-9948.

§  Messiah Sing-Along: You are invited to sing this great classic along with the Lakeshore Chorale. Sunday, December 2, 2012, 2:00 pm at St. Paul Lutheran Church, 730 County Road PPP, Sheboygan Falls. Music Director/Conductor Paul Thompson  will conduct the audience and Chorale in choruses from Part 1 of Handel’s most popular work. Eminent organist Dr. R. Benjamin Dobey will accompany the afternoon’s sing-along, and soloists from the chorale and community will sing the arias and recitatives. No tickets or reservations needed - come and sing, or join us just to listen to this delightful celebration of the Christmas season! Donations will be accepted. Guests may bring their own music, or reserve a copy ($5.00) by calling the Lakeshore Chorale office: 920-451-1863 or via email:

§  Advent Lessons and Carols: Advent Lessons and Carols is a beautifully sung service held December 9th, at 4:00 p.m. The service is followed by a High Tea in St. Nicholas Hall.

§  Sunday School Cookie Bake: Sunday, December 16th the Sunday School children will be baking cookies for Meals on Wheels, baking will begin after the 10:15 Mass.  Pizza lunch will be provided.  Please bring family and friends to help, many hands make light work.  Thank you both for your time

§  Christian Ethics: The adult formation class is looking at Christian Ethics. We will first examine what an ethical decision is, where we look for guidance in ethical decision-making, and how ethical decisions relate to salvation. We will then pass on to consider specific ethical issues. Throughout the course we will seek to identify the teachings of the Church as found in Scripture, Reason and Tradition. The course materials are posted on the parish website, under “Christian Formation: Adult”. Adult Education meets on Sundays at 9 a.m., in St. Nicholas Hall.

§  Hosting the Seminarian and His Family: Please consider hosting our seminarian Ryan Delaney and his family for a Saturday evening meal or Sunday Brunch. Ryan and his lovely wife Melanie and children Brenna and Bremen will be staying most Saturday evenings in preparation for services on Sunday morning. This will give the parish an opportunity to get to know them and for the Delaney’s to get to know the parish. Please find a sign-up sheet on the table in the Narthex for dinner Saturday evening and brunch Sunday after the service.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Reporting for Duty

Grace Episcopal Church
Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Grace Notes
14 November 2012

Grace Notes is published one day early this week, due to the parish office being closed on 15 November, for a meeting of diocesan Executive Council.      

CHANGE IN SERVICE OF WORSHIP TIMES:  In order to allow for greater participation in worship of those whose work hours conflict with the existing worship schedule, effective immediately the worship schedule in the parish is changed as follows (changes in Italics):

Sunday                  No changes
Monday                MP      8:45 a.m.          Mass   12:10 p.m.        EP/Rosary      5:30 p.m.
Tuesday                MP      8:45 a.m.          Mass   6:00 p.m.         EP                   5:30 p.m.
Wednesday           MP      8:45 a.m.          Mass   6:00 p.m.         EP                   5:30 p.m.
Thursday              MP      8:45 a.m.          Mass   9:00 a.m.          EP                   5:30 p.m.
Friday                   MP      7:00 a.m.         Mass   7:15 a.m.         EP                   5:30 p.m.
Saturday               MP      8:45 a.m.          Mass   9:00 a.m.

Office hours will be maintained as they are currently, but appointments will be restricted to 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

This past Sunday we celebrated how we are called together into one Body in Christ, and how we are blessed in our life together.  One aspect of this life and blessing involves giving, and it is good to report on the spiritual growth represented in how this parish contributes to God’s work.  The final numbers for 2013 giving will not be available for a couple of weeks, but based on what is known now we can celebrate the following:
  • Overall giving from parishioners who had a 2012 pledge has increased materially.
  • Not less than 14 new pledges have been received!  That’s a 17% increase in pledging units.
  • The best projection for 2013 is for a parish operating budget which balances, maintaining existing ministries.
Let’s look at that last observation, of a balanced budget.  The best projection at present is that giving will increase despite the loss of $31,000 in pledges due to deaths.  This means that we will have made up a deficit situation (2012 = $46,000) and put the parish back on a sound financial footing.
The point in stewardship is not to balance a budget, any budget.  It is to participate in the work that God has given us to do, and to participate in the blessing which God gives us when we do His work.  In this respect, it is illustrative that the body of a church building is referred to as the nave, from the Latin word for a ship.  (Most church buildings look, from the inside, a little like a ship turned upside down.)  A ship is going somewhere.  We journey together.  On a ship a person can be a member of crew or a passenger.  Crew members determine where the ship goes and how it is run.  Passengers are along for the ride.  What we have seen in the progress made in giving in this parish is that more people “aboard” have “reported for duty”.  You have heard the summons of the Holy Spirit and responded.  Thanks be to God! (and welcome aboard).

Grace Abounds:  Many people merit thanksgivings for their service this past week:

The New Consecration Sunday Team:  The team which came together to realize our stewardship program this year included Steve Larson, Tom Wright, Ed & Mary Clabots, Joanne Otte, Nicci Beeck, Barbara Knauf, Susan McIntosh, and Stuart Schmidt.  Please thank, as well, Dcn. Michele Whitford and Sutton Cecil for extensive support to the program.
The Celebration Luncheon Team:  Please thank Bernie Markevitch for organizing the meal on this past Sunday.  He was assisted in preparation by Nicci Beeck, Julie Davidson and Rex Perry, and clean-up was effected by Nicci and Julie, assisted by Pat Ford Smith and Elizabeth Schaffenburg.
Office help:  Sutton Cecil, Pat Ford Smith, Martha Shad, Paul Aparicio.
Seminarian family hosts:  John and Jennifer Keller.
All Hallows’ Eve Party:  This notice was not included in last week’s Grace Notes due to the editor dropping the ball!  Please thank all those who organized and conducted the Sunday School party for All Hallows’ Eve, including:  Jessica Ambelang, Nicci Beeck, Annette, Isabella and Scott Fabiano, and Pat Ford Smith.

Please take the opportunity to notify the office of any member or friend of the parish to whom we owe thanks, in order that we can publicize this in the weekly newsletter.

Tripartite Thanksgiving Service: We will celebrate and give thanks with our Tripartite Covenant Parishes November 21, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. This year’s celebration will be at St. Peter Lutheran Church, 2104 Geele Ave., Sheboygan.  Please plan to attend.  It is important that we have the best possible representation from the parish, for at this service we will renew the covenant entered into between our congregations.

Adult Christian Education:  Adult Education meets on Sundays at 9 a.m., in St. Nicholas Hall.  On 4 November we continue our nine part series on Christian ethics.  The entire course can be found on the parish website under “Christian Formation: Adult Education”. 

Biblical Literacy:  The Bible Challenge readings will be for week 38.    Bible study for the Sunday lessons meets on Thursdays, following the 9 a.m. Mass.  Bible study will not  meet this Thursday, due to a conflict with the Thanksgiving holiday.
The number of people following The Bible Challenge on-line is gratifying, and weekly summaries will continue to be posted.  However, attendance at the Tuesday evening sessions has been problematical.  Therefore, Tuesday evening pot-luck and discussion sessions are cancelled.
EYC Notes:  I met with the youth leaders from Saint Dominic Roman Catholic and Saint Peter's Lutheran. We are planning to do some things together as a combined youth group. We have something planned for December and something planned for January, and we look forward to the future. There will be more information coming up, so stay tuned.  –Nick Whitford

Music this week:

Prelude             Alla Sarabanda                                                           R. Vaughan Williams
Entrance Hymn 598      “Lord Christ, when first thou cam’st to earth”    Mit Freuden zart
Offertory Hymn 665     “All my hope on God is founded”                                  Michael
Communion Motet        God be in my head                                                      J. Rutter
Comm. Hymn 615        “Thy kingdom come”                                                    St. Flavian
Closing Hymn 594        “God of grace and God of glory”                                  Cwm Rhondda
Postlude                       Fantasia in C                                                              W. Byrd          

Parish Notices

§  Children’s Choir: Youth and Children’s choir rehearsals for the Christmas Eve service are at 5:30-6:00 p.m. beginning this Thursday November 29th, downstairs in the choir room. Additional practices will be on December 6th, 13th and 20th these will be just before the Pageant rehearsals.  The choir is open to 2nd graders and up, and will sing for the 4pm service on Christmas Eve.

§  Christmas Pageant Rehearsals: will be on Thursday, November 29th, December 6th, 13th and 20th starting at 6:00 p.m. The rehearsals will begin in the church and then go downstairs for costumes. Participation is open to youth of all ages. The Pageant will take place during the 4:00 p.m. Christmas Mass. Please sign up on the sheet in the Narthex. If your child would like to participate but cannot make rehearsals please note that on the sheet or call Annette Fabiano at 451-7098.

§  Salvation Army Gift tags: We have the tree up, and all the name tags on it, for the Salvation Army Family gifts, please take a name or two and follow the instructions on the table next to the tree. If you have any questions please call Nancy Yurk at 453-9948.

§  Christmas Parade: The Sunday School Children will once again be selling snacks during the Christmas Parade Sunday November 25th from 3:30-5:30pm. The proceeds of the sale will go to outreach. Come and watch the parade as it travels past Grace Church on 7th Street and enjoy some warm snacks. All children are encouraged to come and help with the sale.

§  Advent Lessons and Carols: Advent Lessons and Carols is a beautifully sung service held December 9th, at 4:00 p.m. The service is followed by a High Tea in St. Nicholas Hall.

§  Sunday School Cookie Bake: Sunday, December 16th the Sunday School children will be baking cookies for Meals on Wheels, baking will begin after the 10:15 Mass.  Pizza lunch will be provided.  Please bring family and friends to help, many hands make light work.  Thank you both for your time

§  Christian Ethics: The adult formation class is looking at Christian Ethics. We will first examine what an ethical decision is, where we look for guidance in ethical decision-making, and how ethical decisions relate to salvation. We will then pass on to consider specific ethical issues. Throughout the course we will seek to identify the teachings of the Church as found in Scripture, Reason and Tradition. The course materials are posted on the parish website, under “Christian Formation: Adult”. Adult Education meets on Sundays at 9 a.m., in St. Nicholas Hall.

§  Hosting the Seminarian and His Family: Please consider hosting our seminarian Ryan Delaney and his family for a Saturday evening meal or Sunday Brunch. Ryan and his lovely wife Melanie and children Brenna and Bremen will be staying most Saturday evenings in preparation for services on Sunday morning. This will give the parish an opportunity to get to know them and for the Delaney’s to get to know the parish. Please find a sign-up sheet on the table in the Narthex for dinner Saturday evening and brunch Sunday after the service.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Unity and Identity

Grace Episcopal Church
Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Grace Notes
7 November 2012

Grace Notes is published one day early this week, due to the parish office being closed on 8 November, for a meeting of diocesan clergy.                                                                          

By the time you read this, the election results should be known.  In a time when there are many divisions within this country and state, it is well that we reflect on how the Church can model unity.  We first need to recognize that the Church has done a poor job in modeling unity.  We confess one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church, but the reality is that sad divisions remain, and the world all too often sees the Church as “an institution which ‘circles the wagons’ and then shoots into the middle”!
When we allow disagreements to divide us in the Church we are being worldly.  So, let’s look at the types of things which are argued over.  It is useful to recall three “D’s”:  Dogma, Doctrine, and Discipline.  Dogma is fundamental; it is bed rock.  One cannot argue over dogma without defining himself/herself to be heterodox (i.e., separating oneself from the faith).  Examples of dogma include the confession that “Jesus is Lord,” and anything in the Creed.  One cannot, for example, deny the resurrection of Jesus and claim to confess the faith.
Doctrine relates to how we understand the “economy of salvation,” how God’s will is effected in the life of creation.  An example of doctrine would be the Atonement, the truth the Jesus’ sacrifice atoned for our sins.  But the doctrine of atonement can be argued over, in terms of how Jesus’ sacrifice “takes away the sin of the world”.  Does His sacrifice substitute for the penalty which we owe?  Does His sacrifice apply to the sins of all, or only to those who confess His Name and follow Him in faith?  Arguments over issues like these are real, and holding different positions does not necessaroly define one to be in any way lapsed from the faith.
Discipline relates to how we do things.  Can priests be married?  Are the faithful to be communicated with both the Body and Blood at every Mass?  Arguments over discipline abound.  The most important thing to note, here, however, is that most of what is argued over in the Church—most of what divides Christians from each other—are matters of discipline, which can change, and not matters of dogma or discipline.  Where The Episcopal Church has set an unfortunate example relates to how arguments over dogma have been tolerated.
At the most fundamental level the unity of the Church is a mystical reality to be experienced as and in identity.  When we each identify ourselves as in relationship with Jesus as Lord and Savior; when we do this together—as “two or three gathered” in His Name (Mtt. 18.20)—it is then that we experience who we really are as children of God, who we really are as members of one Body in Christ.  It is then that when we disagree we can still see each other as members of one Body, each to each as parts of each other.  Let us always live into this reality, and model this unity to the world around us, a world divided not only by opinions and political and economic philosophies and agendas, but by sin.

Consecration Sunday:  Consecration Sunday is this week!  We will gather following our one service of worship that day.  (Worship will be at 10:15 a.m.)  Our gathering is a time of celebration, at which we can thank God and each other for the blessings we enjoy, including the blessing of giving.  This is a catered luncheon (not pot luck), because it is a time of special celebration, as we come together in the life of the church.  Mark your calendars now, and look for your luncheon reservation cards to be distributed in one week!
Due to deaths and parishioners moving away, we have lost pledges for 2013 which would have totaled $31,879.  In order to stand still (and standing still involves a 2012 deficit), we need to significantly increase how each one of us participates in giving.

Grace Abounds:  Many people merit thanksgivings for their service this past week:

Parish clean-up day:  We accomplished a lot in raking, trimming, and clearing, plus window cleaning.  Helpers included:  John Ambelang, Ed & Mary Clabots, Julie Davidson, John Davis, Ben Dobey, Bill Gagin, Bob and Ann Hanlon, Bobbi and Kaleigh Kraft, Bill and Bobbie May, and Tom Wright.
Office help:  Paul Aparicio, Jane Hanson, and Pat Ford Smith.
Coffee hours:  The Prange Family, The Bouck Family.
Seminarian family hosts:  John and Jennifer Keller.

Please take the opportunity to notify the office of any member or friend of the parish to whom we owe thanks, in order that we can publicize this in the weekly newsletter.

Interested in flowers?  Flowers are used in Grace at both the high altar and in the chapels.  If you are interested in participating in the ministry of arranging flowers for the altars, please see bernie Markevitch, who is willing to train interested persons in flower arranging.  No prior experience or knowledge is necessary, just a call to serve!

Adult Christian Education:  Adult Education meets on Sundays at 9 a.m., in St. Nicholas Hall.  On 4 November we continue our nine part series on Christian ethics.  The entire course can be found on the parish website under “Christian Formation: Adult Education”. 

Biblical Literacy:  The Bible Challenge readings will be for week 37.    Bible study for the Sunday lessons meets on Thursdays, following the 9 a.m. Mass.  Bible study will not  meet this Thursday, due to a conflixt with a meeting of diocesan Executive Council.
The number of people following The Bible Challenge on-line is gratifying, and weekly summaries will continue to be posted.  However, attendance at the Tuesday evening sessions has been problematical.  Therefore, Tuesday evening pot-luck and discussion sessions are cancelled.

Music this week:

Prelude                                    Lento                                                                           Stanford
                                                Prelude on a theme of Orlando Gibbons
Entrance Hymn 375                “Give praise and glory unto God”
Offertory Hymn 388               “O worship the King”
Communion Motet                  Lead us, O Father                                                       Gibbons
Communion Hymn 302          “Father, we thank thee”

No recessional hymn and postlude will be offered this week, due to the plan of the New Consecration Sunday liturgy.

Parish Notices
§  Consecration Sunday: Consecration Sunday is next Sunday! We will gather following our one service of worship that day. (Worship will be at 10:15 a.m.) Our gathering is a time of celebration, at which we can thank God and each other for the blessings we enjoy, including the blessing of giving. This is a catered luncheon (not pot luck), because it is a time of special celebration, as we come together in the life of the church.

§  Michele on Vacation: Michele will be on vacation Tuesday, November 13th –Thursday, November 15th. Office hours will be from 9:00am to Noon on Tuesday and Wednesday, the office will be closed on Thursday as Fr. Karl will be at the Executive Council Meeting in Waupaca.

§  Old-Fashioned Hymn Sing, Dessert Party, & Concert: An old-fashioned hymn-sing (you know you’ve been wanting to sing those favorite old-time hymns we never get to do because Episcopalians have such good taste) will be held on FRIDAY, NOV. 16TH at 6:30pm in St. Nicholas Hall, featuring Aaron Horvat at the mighty Steinway Grand, and Ben Dobey at the fabulous (or appalling, depending on your point of view) Hammond electronic spinet. The purpose is to have some fun and raise money for the Arts in Croatia Ministry for teens in Osijek, led by Aaron and by Winnie Coleman-Horvat. Aaron will play some Bach. It will be worth it just to see if the Hammond explodes, like it kept doing when we did this in 2008. Come, bring a dessert to share if you feel inspired, and enjoy!

§  Christian Ethics: The adult formation class is looking at Christian Ethics. We will first examine what an ethical decision is, where we look for guidance in ethical decision-making, and how ethical decisions relate to salvation. We will then pass on to consider specific ethical issues. Throughout the course we will seek to identify the teachings of the Church as found in Scripture, Reason and Tradition. The course materials are posted on the parish website, under “Christian Formation: Adult”. Adult Education meets on Sundays at 9 a.m., in St. Nicholas Hall.

§  Hosting the Seminarian and His Family: Please consider hosting our seminarian Ryan Delaney and his family for a Saturday evening meal or Sunday Brunch. Ryan and his lovely wife Melanie and children Brenna and Bremen will be staying most Saturday evenings in preparation for services on Sunday morning. This will give the parish an opportunity to get to know them and for the Delaney’s to get to know the parish. Please find a sign-up sheet on the table in the Narthex for dinner Saturday evening and brunch Sunday after the service.